Table/Structure Field list used by SAP ABAP Function Module RA03W_FUELLEN (Berechnen der Felder der Struktur RA03W aus der Struktur ANLC)
SAP ABAP Function Module RA03W_FUELLEN (Berechnen der Felder der Struktur RA03W aus der Struktur ANLC) is using
# Object Type Object Name Object Description Note
1 Table/Structure Field  ANLCV - NAFAP Planned ordinary depreciation for the year
2 Table/Structure Field  ANLCV - KMAFA Cumulative reserves transfer
3 Table/Structure Field  ANLCV - KNAFA Accumulated ordinary depreciation
4 Table/Structure Field  ANLCV - KSAFA Cumulative special depreciation
5 Table/Structure Field  ANLCV - KZINW Cumulative interest
6 Table/Structure Field  ANLCV - MAFAG Acquisition value reducing depreciation posted for the year
7 Table/Structure Field  ANLCV - MAFAL Proportional transfer of reserves for the year
8 Table/Structure Field  ANLCV - MAFAP Planned transfer of reserves for the year
9 Table/Structure Field  ANLCV - MAFAV Proportional cumulative transfer of reserves
10 Table/Structure Field  ANLCV - NAFAG Ordinary depreciation posted in the current year
11 Table/Structure Field  ANLCV - NAFAL Proportional ordinary depreciation for the year
12 Table/Structure Field  ANLCV - AAFAL Proportional unplanned depreciation for the year
13 Table/Structure Field  ANLCV - NAFAV Proportional accumulated ordinary depreciation
14 Table/Structure Field  ANLCV - SAFAG Special depreciation posted in the current fiscal year
15 Table/Structure Field  ANLCV - SAFAL Proportional special depreciation for the year
16 Table/Structure Field  ANLCV - SAFAP Planned special depreciation for the year
17 Table/Structure Field  ANLCV - SAFAV Proportional cumulative special depreciation
18 Table/Structure Field  ANLCV - ZINSP Interest planned for the year
19 Table/Structure Field  ANLCV - ZUSAA Write-up on unplanned depreciation
20 Table/Structure Field  ANLCV - ZUSMA Write-up on transferred reserves
21 Table/Structure Field  ANLCV - ZUSNA Write-up on ordinary depreciation
22 Table/Structure Field  ANLCV - ZUSSA Write-up on special depreciation
23 Table/Structure Field  ANLCV - KAUFW Cumulative revaluation on the replacement value
24 Table/Structure Field  ANLCV - KINVZ Cumulative investment grants
25 Table/Structure Field  ANLCV - AAFAG Unplanned depreciation posted for the year
26 Table/Structure Field  ANLCV - AAFAP Scheduled unplanned depreciation for the year
27 Table/Structure Field  ANLCV - AAFAV Proportional cumulative unplanned depreciation
28 Table/Structure Field  ANLCV - ANSAZ Down payments on asset
29 Table/Structure Field  ANLCV - ANSWL Transactions for the year affecting asset values
30 Table/Structure Field  ANLCV - AUFNG Posted revaluation of accumulated ordinary depreciation
31 Table/Structure Field  ANLCV - AUFNL Proportional revaluation of annual ordinary dep.
32 Table/Structure Field  ANLCV - AUFNP Planned revaluation of accumulated ordinary depreciation
33 Table/Structure Field  ANLCV - AUFNV Proportional cum. revaluation on ordinary depreciation
34 Table/Structure Field  ANLCV - AUFWB Revaluation posted on replacement value
35 Table/Structure Field  ANLCV - AUFWP Planned revaluation on replacement value
36 Table/Structure Field  ANLCV - AUFWL Proportional revaluation for the year on replacement value
37 Table/Structure Field  ANLCV - KAUFN Cumulative revaluation of ordinary depreciation
38 Table/Structure Field  ANLCV - KANZA Cumulative down payments
39 Table/Structure Field  ANLCV - KANSW Cumulative acquisition and production costs
40 Table/Structure Field  ANLCV - KAAFA Cumulative unplanned depreciation
41 Table/Structure Field  ANLCV - INVZV Proportional cumulative investment grants
42 Table/Structure Field  ANLCV - INVZM Investment grant for the year
43 Table/Structure Field  ANLCV - INVZL Proportional investment grant for the year
44 Table/Structure Field  ANLCV - AUFWV Proportional cumulative revaluation on replacement value
45 Table/Structure Field  RA03W - GJA_ANSWL Transactions affecting acquisition value (w/o inv. support)
46 Table/Structure Field  RA03W - GJA_ANSWLR Transactions changing acq. val. (w.o. inv.supp./w. reserves
47 Table/Structure Field  RA03W - GJA_AUFW Cumulative appreciation on replacement value for fiscal year
48 Table/Structure Field  RA03W - GJA_BCHWRT Asset book value at beginning of fiscal year
49 Table/Structure Field  RA03W - GJA_KANSW Asset acquisition value at fiscal year start
50 Table/Structure Field  RA03W - GJA_KANSW0 Cumulative acquisition value
51 Table/Structure Field  RA03W - GJE_AUFW Appreciation on replacement value in current year
52 Table/Structure Field  RA03W - GJE_BCHWRT Asset net book value at end of fiscal year
53 Table/Structure Field  RA03W - GJE_BWGWB Value adjustments on transactions, at FY end
54 Table/Structure Field  RA03W - GJE_INVZ Investment grant at end of the year
55 Table/Structure Field  RA03W - GJE_KANSW Asset acquisition value at end of fiscal year
56 Table/Structure Field  RA03W - GJE_MAFA Transfer of reserves in current year (incl. partial values)
57 Table/Structure Field  RA03W - GJE_ZUSCHR Write-up
58 Table/Structure Field  RA03W - LFD_ANSWL Changes to acquisition value of asset in fiscal year
59 Table/Structure Field  RA03W - LFD_BCHWRT Current Book Value of Asset
60 Table/Structure Field  RA03W - LFD_KANSW Current asset acquisition value
61 Table/Structure Field  RA03W - LFD_MAFA Transfer of reserves in current year
62 Table/Structure Field  RA03W - LFD_RSTWRT Changes to book value of asset in current fiscal year
63 Table/Structure Field  RA03W - NVG_ABSCHR Ordinary depreciation: Past
64 Table/Structure Field  RA03W - RGP_ABSCHR Remaining depreciation planned (without ordinary dep.)
65 Table/Structure Field  RA03W - RVG_ABSCHR Remaining past depreciation (without ordinary depreciation)
66 Table/Structure Field  RA03W - GES_ANSAZ Total down payments at year-end
67 Table/Structure Field  RA03W - ANT_AAFA Proportional unplanned depreciation
68 Table/Structure Field  RA03W - ANT_BCKLG Prop. revaluation of depreciation (backlog)
69 Table/Structure Field  RA03W - ANT_MAFA Proportional depreciation reducing the acquisition value
70 Table/Structure Field  RA03W - ANT_NAFA Proportional ordinary depreciation
71 Table/Structure Field  RA03W - ANT_SAFA Proportional special depreciation
72 Table/Structure Field  RA03W - ANT_WBW Proportional appreciation
73 Table/Structure Field  RA03W - GEB_ABSCHR Depreciation posted (general)
74 Table/Structure Field  RA03W - GEB_AUFWTG Posted planned and manual revaluation of replacement value
75 Table/Structure Field  RA03W - GEP_ABSCHR Total depreciation planned
76 Table/Structure Field  RA03W - GES_AAFAP Total of unplanned depreciation at year-end
77 Table/Structure Field  RA03W - GES_ZUSCHR Write-ups
78 Table/Structure Field  RA03W - GES_ANWSL Total of transact. affecting asset values (w/o inv. support)
79 Table/Structure Field  RA03W - GES_AUFNP Total of revaluated ordinary depreciation at year-end
80 Table/Structure Field  RA03W - GES_AUFWP Total revaluation of replacement value
81 Table/Structure Field  RA03W - GES_BWGWB Value adjustments on transactions at fiscal year end
82 Table/Structure Field  RA03W - GES_INVZ Total investment grants
83 Table/Structure Field  RA03W - GES_MAFA Total transferred reserves (incl. proportional values)
84 Table/Structure Field  RA03W - GES_NAFAP Total ordinary depreciation at year-end
85 Table/Structure Field  RA03W - GES_SAFAP Total special depreciation at year-end
86 Table/Structure Field  RA03W - GES_ZINSP Total interest at year-end