Table/Structure Field list used by SAP ABAP Function Module HRIQ_US_PSUS_PAI_FUND (After input)
SAP ABAP Function Module HRIQ_US_PSUS_PAI_FUND (After input) is using
# Object Type Object Name Object Description Note
1 Table/Structure Field  BOOLE - BOOLE Data element for domain BOOLE: TRUE (='X') and FALSE (=' ')
2 Table/Structure Field  BUS000FLDS - CHAR1 Single-Character Flag
3 Table/Structure Field  BUS000FLDS - XCHNG Indicator: Data has been changed
4 Table/Structure Field  BUS000TBFL - TBFLD Table field (table name-field name)
5 Table/Structure Field  PIQDB_US_BPFUND - MANDT Client
6 Table/Structure Field  PIQDB_US_BPFUND - PARTNER Business Partner Number
7 Table/Structure Field  SYST - INDEX ABAP System Field: Loop Index
8 Table/Structure Field  SYST - STEPL ABAP System Field: Current Step Loop or Table Control Line
9 Table/Structure Field  SYST - TABIX ABAP System Field: Row Index of Internal Tables
10 Table/Structure Field  SYST - TFILL ABAP System Field: Number of Rows in Internal Tables
11 Table/Structure Field  TBZ3W - FLDGR Field Group
12 Table/Structure Field  TBZ4 - FCODE GUI Function Code