Table/Structure Field list used by SAP ABAP Function Module GLOSSARY_TRALA_GET_TEXT (FB zum Holen von zu übersetzenden Glossardefinitionen)
SAP ABAP Function Module GLOSSARY_TRALA_GET_TEXT (FB zum Holen von zu übersetzenden Glossardefinitionen) is using
# Object Type Object Name Object Description Note
1 Table/Structure Field  GLOSSARY1 - FIRST_REL Release of SAP System
2 Table/Structure Field  GLOSSARY1 - GUID Glossare Entry Identification
3 Table/Structure Field  GLOSSARY1 - GUID_GLOS Glossare Entry Identification
4 Table/Structure Field  GLOSSARY1 - INDUSTRY Namespace
5 Table/Structure Field  GLOSSARY1 - LAST_REL Release of SAP System
6 Table/Structure Field  GLOSSARY1 - COUNTRY Country Key
7 Table/Structure Field  GLOSSARY2 - GUID Glossare Entry Identification
8 Table/Structure Field  GLOSSARY2 - TEXTFORMAT Tag column
9 Table/Structure Field  GLOSSARY2 - TEXTLINE SAPscript Text Row for Glossary
10 Table/Structure Field  GLOSSARY3 - CREA_LAN Language Key
11 Table/Structure Field  GLOSSARY3 - DEVCLASS Package
12 Table/Structure Field  GLOSSARY3 - GUID_GLOS Glossare Entry Identification
13 Table/Structure Field  LWRKOBJ - OBJNAME Name
14 Table/Structure Field  LWRKOBJ - SOURCELANG Source language
16 Table/Structure Field  LWRKOBJ - MASTERLANG Original Language in Repository objects
17 Table/Structure Field  LWRKOBJ - DEVCLASS Package
18 Table/Structure Field  STERM_OB_V - CONCEPT CHAR32 data element for SYST
19 Table/Structure Field  STERM_OB_V - COUNTRY KW Attribute: Country in SAPterm
20 Table/Structure Field  STERM_OB_V - FIRST_REL KW Attribute: Release in SAPterm
21 Table/Structure Field  STERM_OB_V - INDUSTRY KW Attribute: Industry in SAPterm
22 Table/Structure Field  STERM_OB_V - LANGU Language Key
23 Table/Structure Field  STERM_OB_V - LAST_REL KW Attribute: Release in SAPterm
24 Table/Structure Field  STERM_OB_V - OBJECT CHAR32 data element for SYST
25 Table/Structure Field  STERM_OB_V - OBJECT_TYP Terminology Entry Category
26 Table/Structure Field  STERM_OB_V - TEXT SAPterm Text Field
27 Table/Structure Field  TLINE - TDFORMAT Tag column
28 Table/Structure Field  TLINE - TDLINE Text Line