Table/Structure Field list used by SAP ABAP Function Module CY_GET_SETPROFILE_TEXT (Reads the description to a set profile from the text table TCY11)
SAP ABAP Function Module CY_GET_SETPROFILE_TEXT (Reads the description to a set profile from the text table TCY11) is using
# Object Type Object Name Object Description Note
1 Table/Structure Field  SYST - LANGU ABAP System Field: Language Key of Text Environment
2 Table/Structure Field  TCY11 - SETPROF_ID ID of a user-spec. profile in the tab. for selectn. profiles
3 Table/Structure Field  TCY11 - SETPROF_ID ID of a user-spec. profile in the tab. for selectn. profiles SOURCE VALUE(SETPROF_ID) LIKE TCY11-SETPROF_ID
4 Table/Structure Field  TCY11 - SETPTXT Description of a selection profile
5 Table/Structure Field  TCY11 - SETPTXT Description of a selection profile SOURCE VALUE(TEXT) LIKE TCY11-SETPTXT
6 Table/Structure Field  TCY11 - SPRAS Language Key