Table/Structure Field list used by SAP ABAP Function Module COHU_EXBEREIT_ALL_LINES_CHECK (Prüfungen auf allen (auch existierender HUs) Zeilen EXBEREIT)
SAP ABAP Function Module COHU_EXBEREIT_ALL_LINES_CHECK (Prüfungen auf allen (auch existierender HUs) Zeilen EXBEREIT) is using
# Object Type Object Name Object Description Note
1 Table/Structure Field  AUFK - AUFNR Order Number SOURCE VALUE(I_AUFNR) LIKE AUFK-AUFNR
2 Table/Structure Field  AUFK - AUFNR Order Number
3 Table/Structure Field  EXBEREIT - BERTS Staging Status
4 Table/Structure Field  EXBEREIT - CHARG Batch Number
5 Table/Structure Field  EXBEREIT - EXIDV_OB ID of the Handling Unit into Which Goods Are Packed
6 Table/Structure Field  EXBEREIT - MATNR Material Number
7 Table/Structure Field  EXBEREIT - MENGE Quantity
8 Table/Structure Field  EXBEREIT - RSPOS Item Number of Reservation / Dependent Requirements
9 Table/Structure Field  EXBEREIT - VORNR Operation/Activity Number
10 Table/Structure Field  RESB - BDMNG Requirement Quantity
11 Table/Structure Field  RESB - RSPOS Item Number of Reservation / Dependent Requirements
12 Table/Structure Field  RESB - MEINS Base Unit of Measure
13 Table/Structure Field  RESB - MATNR Material Number
14 Table/Structure Field  RESB - ENMNG Quantity withdrawn
15 Table/Structure Field  RESB - CHARG Batch Number
16 Table/Structure Field  VEPO - POSNR Delivery Item
17 Table/Structure Field  VEPO - VELIN Type of Handling-unit Item Content SOURCE VALUE(I_VELIN) LIKE VEPO-VELIN DEFAULT 1
18 Table/Structure Field  VEPO - VELIN Type of Handling-unit Item Content
19 Table/Structure Field  VEPO - VEMNG Base Quantity Packed in the Handling Unit Item