Table/Structure Field list used by SAP ABAP Function Module CO_BT_AFVG_UPDATE (AFVG-Satz in Belegtabelle aktualisieren.)
SAP ABAP Function Module CO_BT_AFVG_UPDATE (AFVG-Satz in Belegtabelle aktualisieren.) is using
# Object Type Object Name Object Description Note
1 Table/Structure Field  AFAB - APLZL_NCH Internal counter
2 Table/Structure Field  AFAB - APLZL_VOR Internal counter
3 Table/Structure Field  AFAB - ARBID Object ID
4 Table/Structure Field  AFAB - AUFPL_NCH No. identifying the network to which the successor belongs
5 Table/Structure Field  AFAB - AUFPL_VOR No. identifying the network to which the predecessor belongs
6 Table/Structure Field  AFAB - DAUER Time interval between relationships
7 Table/Structure Field  AFAB - KALID Factory Calendar
8 Table/Structure Field  AFAB - PROVG Key for defining time intervals in a relationship
9 Table/Structure Field  AFAB - PRZNT % used to calc. time interval between predecessor/successor
10 Table/Structure Field  AFAB - WERKS Plant
11 Table/Structure Field  AFAB - ZEINH Unit for the time interval between relationships
12 Table/Structure Field  AFABD - APLZL_NCH Internal counter
13 Table/Structure Field  AFABD - APLZL_VOR Internal counter
14 Table/Structure Field  AFABD - ARBID Object ID
15 Table/Structure Field  AFABD - ARBPL Work center
16 Table/Structure Field  AFABD - AUFPL_NCH No. identifying the network to which the successor belongs
17 Table/Structure Field  AFABD - AUFPL_VOR No. identifying the network to which the predecessor belongs
18 Table/Structure Field  AFABD - DAUER Time interval between relationships
19 Table/Structure Field  AFABD - INDBT Field defined as in SY-TABIX
20 Table/Structure Field  AFABD - KALID Factory Calendar
21 Table/Structure Field  AFABD - PROVG Key for defining time intervals in a relationship
22 Table/Structure Field  AFABD - PRZNT % used to calc. time interval between predecessor/successor
23 Table/Structure Field  AFABD - VORN1 Operation/Activity Number
24 Table/Structure Field  AFABD - VORN2 Operation/Activity Number
25 Table/Structure Field  AFABD - WERKS Plant
26 Table/Structure Field  AFABD - ZEINH Unit for the time interval between relationships
27 Table/Structure Field  AFAB_INC - ARBID Object ID
28 Table/Structure Field  AFAB_INC - DAUER Time interval between relationships
29 Table/Structure Field  AFAB_INC - KALID Factory Calendar
30 Table/Structure Field  AFAB_INC - PROVG Key for defining time intervals in a relationship
31 Table/Structure Field  AFAB_INC - PRZNT % used to calc. time interval between predecessor/successor
32 Table/Structure Field  AFAB_INC - WERKS Plant
33 Table/Structure Field  AFAB_INC - ZEINH Unit for the time interval between relationships
34 Table/Structure Field  AFIHW - IPHAS Maintenance Processing Phase
35 Table/Structure Field  AFVGB - ABLAD Unloading Point
36 Table/Structure Field  AFVGB - AFNAM Name of requisitioner/requester
37 Table/Structure Field  AFVGB - AUFNR_T Order Number
38 Table/Structure Field  AFVGB - BANFN Purchase requisition number
39 Table/Structure Field  AFVGB - BANFN_DEL Purchase requisition number
40 Table/Structure Field  AFVGB - BEDNR Requirement Tracking Number
41 Table/Structure Field  AFVGB - BEDZL Internal counter
42 Table/Structure Field  AFVGB - BNFPO Item number of the purchase requisition in the order
43 Table/Structure Field  AFVGB - BNFPO_DEL Item number of the purchase requisition in the order
44 Table/Structure Field  AFVGB - EBELN Purchasing Document Number
45 Table/Structure Field  AFVGB - EBELP Item Number of Purchasing Document
46 Table/Structure Field  AFVGB - EKGRP Purchasing group for external processing
47 Table/Structure Field  AFVGB - EKORG Purchasing organization
48 Table/Structure Field  AFVGB - INFNR Number of purchasing info record
49 Table/Structure Field  AFVGB - KONNR Number of principal purchase agreement
50 Table/Structure Field  AFVGB - KTPNR Item number of principal purchase agreement
51 Table/Structure Field  AFVGB - LIFNR Account Number of Vendor or Creditor
52 Table/Structure Field  AFVGB - LOEKZ Deletion flag
53 Table/Structure Field  AFVGB - LTXA1 Operation short text
54 Table/Structure Field  AFVGB - MGVRG Operation Quantity
55 Table/Structure Field  AFVGB - NO_DISP Effective for Materials Planning
56 Table/Structure Field  AFVGB - OBJNR Object number
57 Table/Structure Field  AFVGB - PACKNO Package number
58 Table/Structure Field  AFVGB - PEINH Price unit
59 Table/Structure Field  AFVGB - PHFLG Indicator: Phase
60 Table/Structure Field  AFVGB - PREIS Price
61 Table/Structure Field  AFVGB - PROJN Work breakdown structure element (WBS element)
62 Table/Structure Field  AFVGB - SELKZ Selection indicator for costing line items
63 Table/Structure Field  AFVGB - SERVCHG Checkbox
64 Table/Structure Field  AFVGB - SUMNR Node number of the superior operation
65 Table/Structure Field  AFVGB - VBKZ Update indicator
66 Table/Structure Field  AFVGB - VORNR Operation/Activity Number
67 Table/Structure Field  AFVGB - WAERS Currency Key
68 Table/Structure Field  AFVGB - WEMPF Goods recipient
69 Table/Structure Field  AFVGD - APLFL Sequence
70 Table/Structure Field  AFVGD - APLZL General counter for order
71 Table/Structure Field  AFVGD - ARBEH Unit for work
72 Table/Structure Field  AFVGD - ARBID Object ID of the resource
73 Table/Structure Field  AFVGD - ARBPL Work center
74 Table/Structure Field  AFVGD - AUDISP Reservation Relevance/Generation of Purchase Requisition
75 Table/Structure Field  AFVGD - AUFNRD Order Number
76 Table/Structure Field  AFVGD - AUFPL Routing number of operations in the order
77 Table/Structure Field  AFVGD - BANFN Purchase requisition number
78 Table/Structure Field  AFVGD - BANFN_DEL Purchase requisition number
79 Table/Structure Field  AFVGD - BNFPO Item number of the purchase requisition in the order
80 Table/Structure Field  AFVGD - BUKRS Company Code
81 Table/Structure Field  AFVGD - CH_PROC Process that has lead to the change of an object
82 Table/Structure Field  AFVGD - DAUNE Normal duration/unit
83 Table/Structure Field  AFVGD - DAUNO Normal duration of the activity
84 Table/Structure Field  AFVGD - EBELN Purchasing Document Number
85 Table/Structure Field  AFVGD - EBELP Item Number of Purchasing Document
86 Table/Structure Field  AFVGD - FLG_LOE Indicator: Operation is deleted
87 Table/Structure Field  AFVGD - FLG_PURS Indicator: Purchase order exists
88 Table/Structure Field  AFVGD - FPLNR Billing plan number / invoicing plan number
89 Table/Structure Field  AFVGD - FSAVD Earliest scheduled start: Execution (date)
90 Table/Structure Field  AFVGD - FSEDD Earliest scheduled finish: Execution (date)
91 Table/Structure Field  AFVGD - FUNC_AREA AFVGD-FUNC_AREA
92 Table/Structure Field  AFVGD - GSBER Business Area
93 Table/Structure Field  AFVGD - ILART_OP AFVGD-ILART_OP
94 Table/Structure Field  AFVGD - INDBT Field defined as in SY-TABIX
95 Table/Structure Field  AFVGD - INDEXSUMNR Field defined as in SY-TABIX
96 Table/Structure Field  AFVGD - INFNR Number of purchasing info record
97 Table/Structure Field  AFVGD - ISMNW Actual work
98 Table/Structure Field  AFVGD - KALSM Costing Sheet
99 Table/Structure Field  AFVGD - KONNR Number of principal purchase agreement
100 Table/Structure Field  AFVGD - KTPNR Item number of principal purchase agreement
101 Table/Structure Field  AFVGD - KZFIX Indicator: Purchasing info record data are fixed
102 Table/Structure Field  AFVGD - LOSVG Operation quantity in order unit of measure
103 Table/Structure Field  AFVGD - MGVRG Operation Quantity
104 Table/Structure Field  AFVGD - NO_DISP Effective for Materials Planning
105 Table/Structure Field  AFVGD - OBJNR Object number
106 Table/Structure Field  AFVGD - OFMNW Forecasted work (actual + remaining)
107 Table/Structure Field  AFVGD - PEINH Price unit
108 Table/Structure Field  AFVGD - PLIFZ Planned delivery time in days
109 Table/Structure Field  AFVGD - PRCTR Profit Center
110 Table/Structure Field  AFVGD - PREIS Price
111 Table/Structure Field  AFVGD - PRKST Costs in the activity
112 Table/Structure Field  AFVGD - PROJN Work breakdown structure element (WBS element)
113 Table/Structure Field  AFVGD - SCOPE Object Class
114 Table/Structure Field  AFVGD - SSAVD Latest scheduled start: Execution (date)
115 Table/Structure Field  AFVGD - STEUS Control key
116 Table/Structure Field  AFVGD - SUMNR Node number of the superior operation
117 Table/Structure Field  AFVGD - TXJCD Tax Jurisdiction
118 Table/Structure Field  AFVGD - UVORN Suboperation
119 Table/Structure Field  AFVGD - VORNR Operation/Activity Number
120 Table/Structure Field  AFVGD - VSNMR Number or description of a version
121 Table/Structure Field  AFVGD - WAERS Currency Key
122 Table/Structure Field  AFVGD - WERKS Plant
123 Table/Structure Field  AFVGD - ZSCHL Overhead key
124 Table/Structure Field  AFVGI - ABLAD Unloading Point
125 Table/Structure Field  AFVGI - AFNAM Name of requisitioner/requester
126 Table/Structure Field  AFVGI - APLFL Sequence
127 Table/Structure Field  AFVGI - ARBID Object ID of the resource
128 Table/Structure Field  AFVGI - BANFN Purchase requisition number
129 Table/Structure Field  AFVGI - BEDNR Requirement Tracking Number
130 Table/Structure Field  AFVGI - BEDZL Internal counter
131 Table/Structure Field  AFVGI - BNFPO Item number of the purchase requisition in the order
132 Table/Structure Field  AFVGI - BUKRS Company Code
133 Table/Structure Field  AFVGI - CH_PROC Process that has lead to the change of an object
134 Table/Structure Field  AFVGI - EBELN Purchasing Document Number
135 Table/Structure Field  AFVGI - EBELP Item Number of Purchasing Document
136 Table/Structure Field  AFVGI - EKGRP Purchasing group for external processing
137 Table/Structure Field  AFVGI - EKORG Purchasing organization
138 Table/Structure Field  AFVGI - FPLNR Billing plan number / invoicing plan number
139 Table/Structure Field  AFVGI - FUNC_AREA AFVGI-FUNC_AREA
140 Table/Structure Field  AFVGI - GSBER Business Area
141 Table/Structure Field  AFVGI - INFNR Number of purchasing info record
142 Table/Structure Field  AFVGI - KALSM Costing Sheet
143 Table/Structure Field  AFVGI - KZFIX Indicator: Purchasing info record data are fixed
144 Table/Structure Field  AFVGI - LIFNR Account Number of Vendor or Creditor
145 Table/Structure Field  AFVGI - LOEKZ Deletion flag
146 Table/Structure Field  AFVGI - LTXA1 Operation short text
147 Table/Structure Field  AFVGI - NO_DISP Effective for Materials Planning
148 Table/Structure Field  AFVGI - OBJNR Object number
149 Table/Structure Field  AFVGI - PACKNO Package number
150 Table/Structure Field  AFVGI - PEINH Price unit
151 Table/Structure Field  AFVGI - PHFLG Indicator: Phase
152 Table/Structure Field  AFVGI - PRCTR Profit Center
153 Table/Structure Field  AFVGI - PREIS Price
154 Table/Structure Field  AFVGI - PRKST Costs in the activity
155 Table/Structure Field  AFVGI - PROJN Work breakdown structure element (WBS element)
156 Table/Structure Field  AFVGI - SCOPE Object Class
157 Table/Structure Field  AFVGI - SELKZ Selection indicator for costing line items
158 Table/Structure Field  AFVGI - STEUS Control key
159 Table/Structure Field  AFVGI - SUMNR Node number of the superior operation
160 Table/Structure Field  AFVGI - TXJCD Tax Jurisdiction
161 Table/Structure Field  AFVGI - VORNR Operation/Activity Number
162 Table/Structure Field  AFVGI - WAERS Currency Key
163 Table/Structure Field  AFVGI - WEMPF Goods recipient
164 Table/Structure Field  AFVGI - WERKS Plant
165 Table/Structure Field  AFVGI - ZSCHL Overhead key
166 Table/Structure Field  AFVKI - APLZL General counter for order
167 Table/Structure Field  AFVKI - AUFPL Routing number of operations in the order
168 Table/Structure Field  AFVUI - ILART_OP AFVUI-ILART_OP
169 Table/Structure Field  AFVUI_OLC - ILART_OP Maintenance activity type
170 Table/Structure Field  AFVVI - ARBEH Unit for work
171 Table/Structure Field  AFVVI - DAUNE Normal duration/unit
172 Table/Structure Field  AFVVI - DAUNO Normal duration of the activity
173 Table/Structure Field  AFVVI - FSAVD Earliest scheduled start: Execution (date)
174 Table/Structure Field  AFVVI - FSEDD Earliest scheduled finish: Execution (date)
175 Table/Structure Field  AFVVI - ISMNW Actual work
176 Table/Structure Field  AFVVI - MGVRG Operation Quantity
177 Table/Structure Field  AFVVI - OFMNW Forecasted work (actual + remaining)
178 Table/Structure Field  AFVVI - PLIFZ Planned delivery time in days
179 Table/Structure Field  AFVVI - SSAVD Latest scheduled start: Execution (date)
180 Table/Structure Field  CAUFVD - AUFNR Order Number
181 Table/Structure Field  CAUFVD - AUTYP Order category
182 Table/Structure Field  CAUFVD - BEDID ID of the capacity requirements record
183 Table/Structure Field  CAUFVD - FLG_CALC Indicator: Order (network etc.) still to be calculated
184 Table/Structure Field  CAUFVD - FLG_SERV Ind: Services must be updated
185 Table/Structure Field  CAUFVD - IPHAS Maintenance Processing Phase
186 Table/Structure Field  CAUFVD - KLVARP Costing variant for planned costs
187 Table/Structure Field  CAUFVD - NETZKONT Indicator for the account assignment of a network(hdr/act.)
188 Table/Structure Field  CAUFVD - OBJNR Object number
189 Table/Structure Field  CAUFVD - VSNMR Number or description of a version
190 Table/Structure Field  CAUFVTAB - AUFNR Order Number
191 Table/Structure Field  CAUFVTAB - AUTYP Order category
192 Table/Structure Field  CAUFVTAB - BEDID ID of the capacity requirements record
193 Table/Structure Field  CAUFVTAB - KLVARP Costing variant for planned costs
194 Table/Structure Field  CAUFVTAB - NETZKONT Indicator for the account assignment of a network(hdr/act.)
195 Table/Structure Field  CAUFVTAB - OBJNR Object number
196 Table/Structure Field  CKI64A - SELKZ Field for User Selection
197 Table/Structure Field  CNLDST_SHORTTX - AEDAT Date on which object was last changed
198 Table/Structure Field  CNLDST_SHORTTX - AENAM Name of Person Who Changed Object
199 Table/Structure Field  CNLDST_SHORTTX - APPLICATION Application of Language-Dependent Short Texts
200 Table/Structure Field  CNLDST_SHORTTX - LANGUAGE Internal Language Key
201 Table/Structure Field  CNLDST_SHORTTX - OBJECT Indicator for Object Type
202 Table/Structure Field  CNLDST_SHORTTX - OBJNR Object number
203 Table/Structure Field  CNLDST_SHORTTX - SHORTTEXT Language-Dependent Short Text
204 Table/Structure Field  CNLDST_SHORTTX - SHORTTEXTU Short Text in Uppercase Letters
205 Table/Structure Field  CNLDST_TS_SHORTTEXT_BT - AEDAT Date on which object was last changed
206 Table/Structure Field  CNLDST_TS_SHORTTEXT_BT - AENAM Name of Person Who Changed Object
207 Table/Structure Field  CNLDST_TS_SHORTTEXT_BT - APPLICATION Application of Language-Dependent Short Texts
208 Table/Structure Field  CNLDST_TS_SHORTTEXT_BT - LANGUAGE Internal Language Key
209 Table/Structure Field  CNLDST_TS_SHORTTEXT_BT - OBJECT Indicator for Object Type
210 Table/Structure Field  CNLDST_TS_SHORTTEXT_BT - OBJNR Object number
211 Table/Structure Field  CNLDST_TS_SHORTTEXT_BT - SHORTTEXT Language-Dependent Short Text
212 Table/Structure Field  CNLDST_TS_SHORTTEXT_BT - SHORTTEXTU Short Text in Uppercase Letters
213 Table/Structure Field  CNLDST_TS_SHORTTEXT_BT - VBKZ Single-Character Flag
214 Table/Structure Field  COAOBINF - ARBPL Work center
215 Table/Structure Field  COAOBINF - INDBT Field defined as in SY-TABIX
216 Table/Structure Field  COAOBINF - VORN1 Operation/Activity Number
217 Table/Structure Field  COAOBINF - VORN2 Operation/Activity Number
218 Table/Structure Field  COCAUFVINF - FLG_CALC Indicator: Order (network etc.) still to be calculated
219 Table/Structure Field  COCAUFVINF - FLG_SERV Ind: Services must be updated
220 Table/Structure Field  CODOCINF - BANFN_DEL Purchase requisition number
221 Table/Structure Field  CODOCINF - BNFPO_DEL Item number of the purchase requisition in the order
222 Table/Structure Field  CODOCINF - KONNR Number of principal purchase agreement
223 Table/Structure Field  CODOCINF - KTPNR Item number of principal purchase agreement
224 Table/Structure Field  CODOCINF - SERVCHG Checkbox
225 Table/Structure Field  COOPRINF - ARBPL Work center
226 Table/Structure Field  COOPRINF - AUDISP Reservation Relevance/Generation of Purchase Requisition
227 Table/Structure Field  COOPRINF - AUFNRD Order Number
228 Table/Structure Field  COOPRINF - BANFN_DEL Purchase requisition number
229 Table/Structure Field  COOPRINF - FLG_LOE Indicator: Operation is deleted
230 Table/Structure Field  COOPRINF - FLG_PURS Indicator: Purchase order exists
231 Table/Structure Field  COOPRINF - INDBT Field defined as in SY-TABIX
232 Table/Structure Field  COOPRINF - INDEXSUMNR Field defined as in SY-TABIX
233 Table/Structure Field  COOPRINF - KONNR Number of principal purchase agreement
234 Table/Structure Field  COOPRINF - KTPNR Item number of principal purchase agreement
235 Table/Structure Field  COOPRINF - LOSVG Operation quantity in order unit of measure
236 Table/Structure Field  COOPRINF - UVORN Suboperation
237 Table/Structure Field  COUPDINF - AUFNR_T Order Number
238 Table/Structure Field  COUPDINF - VBKZ Update indicator
239 Table/Structure Field  COVERSINF - VSNMR Number or description of a version
240 Table/Structure Field  CRHD - KAPID Capacity ID
241 Table/Structure Field  CRHD - OBJID Object ID of the resource
242 Table/Structure Field  JEST - STAT Object status
243 Table/Structure Field  JSTAT - INACT Indicator: Status Is Inactive
244 Table/Structure Field  JSTAT - STAT Object status
245 Table/Structure Field  KAKO - KALID Factory calendar ID
246 Table/Structure Field  PSPR_GRP_IND_PR - AUFNR Order Number
247 Table/Structure Field  PSPR_GRP_IND_PR - COMPONENT_ID Unique number for a material component in the client
248 Table/Structure Field  PSPR_GRP_IND_PR - UVORN Suboperation
249 Table/Structure Field  PSPR_GRP_IND_PR - VORNR Operation/Activity Number
250 Table/Structure Field  RC27X - FLG_SEL Selection indicator
252 Table/Structure Field  RC27X - FLG_SEL Selection indicator SOURCE VALUE(FLG_NO_DEALLOC) LIKE RC27X-FLG_SEL DEFAULT SPACE
253 Table/Structure Field  RC27X - FLG_SEL Selection indicator SOURCE VALUE(FLG_NO_SCHED) LIKE RC27X-FLG_SEL DEFAULT ' '
254 Table/Structure Field  RC27X - FLG_SEL Selection indicator SOURCE VALUE(FLG_NO_UVO_UPD) LIKE RC27X-FLG_SEL DEFAULT ' '
255 Table/Structure Field  RC27X - FLG_SEL Selection indicator SOURCE VALUE(FLG_SCHED_LIGHT) LIKE RC27X-FLG_SEL DEFAULT ' '
256 Table/Structure Field  RC27X - FLG_SEL Selection indicator SOURCE VALUE(I_PROT_IMP) LIKE RC27X-FLG_SEL OPTIONAL
257 Table/Structure Field  RCLST - OBJECT Data objects of a task list
258 Table/Structure Field  SYST - DATAR ABAP System Field: Highlighted Input in Dynpro Field
259 Table/Structure Field  SYST - DATUM ABAP System Field: Current Date of Application Server
260 Table/Structure Field  SYST - LANGU ABAP System Field: Language Key of Text Environment
261 Table/Structure Field  SYST - TABIX ABAP System Field: Row Index of Internal Tables
262 Table/Structure Field  SYST - UNAME ABAP System Field: Name of Current User
263 Table/Structure Field  T003O_SC - STATUS_CTRL Status Control for PM Orders
264 Table/Structure Field  T430 - KALKZ Cost
265 Table/Structure Field  T430 - KAPA Indicator: Determine capacity requirements
266 Table/Structure Field  T430 - LIEF External processing
267 Table/Structure Field  T430 - LODR Indicator: Print time tickets
268 Table/Structure Field  T430 - RUDR Indicator: Print confirmation for operation
269 Table/Structure Field  T430 - SERVICE Indicator: Service
270 Table/Structure Field  T430 - STEUS Control key
271 Table/Structure Field  T430 - VRGD Indicator: Print
272 Table/Structure Field  TJ01 - VRGNG Business Transaction
273 Table/Structure Field  VSOPRINF - VSNMR Number or description of a version