Table/Structure Field list used by SAP ABAP Function Module CBIH_LB22_PHRASES_USED_IN_IHS (EHS: Verwendungsnachweis auf Phrasen)
SAP ABAP Function Module CBIH_LB22_PHRASES_USED_IN_IHS (EHS: Verwendungsnachweis auf Phrasen) is using
# Object Type Object Name Object Description Note
1 Table/Structure Field  BAPISTDTYP - BOOLEAN Truth Value
2 Table/Structure Field  RCGATF4PHR - PHRKEY Phrase Library with Phrase Key
3 Table/Structure Field  RCGPHRKEY - CATPIN Unique phrase library identification
4 Table/Structure Field  RCGPHRKEY - PHRID Phrase
5 Table/Structure Field  RCGUKEY - RECN Sequential Number of Data Record