Table/Structure Field list used by SAP ABAP Function Module CACS_CSC_PBO_CACSI1 (PBO von Sicht CACSI1 (Vereinbarungsbündel))
SAP ABAP Function Module CACS_CSC_PBO_CACSI1 (PBO von Sicht CACSI1 (Vereinbarungsbündel)) is using
# Object Type Object Name Object Description Note
1 Table/Structure Field  CACS_BUCAGR - APPL Commission Application (ICM)
2 Table/Structure Field  CACS_BUCAGR - BUCAGR_ID Agreement Number
3 Table/Structure Field  CACS_BUCAGR - CTRTBU_ID Commission Contract Number
4 Table/Structure Field  CACS_BUCAGR - MANDT Client
5 Table/Structure Field  CACS_BUCAGR - STCAGR_ID Standard Agreement Number
6 Table/Structure Field  CACS_STCAGRT - AGR_TYP Agreement Type
7 Table/Structure Field  CACS_STCAGRT - APPL Commission Application (ICM)
8 Table/Structure Field  CACS_STCAGRT - NAME Name of Standard Agreement
9 Table/Structure Field  CACS_STCAGRT - SPRAS Language Key
10 Table/Structure Field  CACS_STCAGRT - STCAGR_ID Standard Agreement Number
11 Table/Structure Field  CACS_S_BDTD - CTRTBU_ID Commission Contract Number
12 Table/Structure Field  CACS_S_BUCAGR_D - NAME Name of Standard Agreement
13 Table/Structure Field  SYST - LANGU ABAP System Field: Language Key of Text Environment
14 Table/Structure Field  SYST - MANDT ABAP System Field: Client ID of Current User