Table/Structure Field list used by SAP ABAP Function Module /BEV2/ED_RESET_MATBELEG (Materialbeleg in MSEG zurücksetzen)
SAP ABAP Function Module /BEV2/ED_RESET_MATBELEG (Materialbeleg in MSEG zurücksetzen) is using
# Object Type Object Name Object Description Note
1 Table/Structure Field  /BEV2/EDMSEG_A - /BEV2/ED_AEDAT Last Changed On
2 Table/Structure Field  /BEV2/EDMSEG_A - /BEV2/ED_AETIM System Time
3 Table/Structure Field  /BEV2/EDMSEG_A - /BEV2/ED_KZ_VER Processing Status of Material Document for Excise Duties
4 Table/Structure Field  /BEV2/EDMSEG_A - /BEV2/ED_USER User name
5 Table/Structure Field  MSEG - /BEV2/ED_AEDAT Last Changed On
6 Table/Structure Field  MSEG - /BEV2/ED_AETIM System Time
7 Table/Structure Field  MSEG - /BEV2/ED_KZ_VER Processing Status of Material Document for Excise Duties
8 Table/Structure Field  MSEG - /BEV2/ED_USER User name
9 Table/Structure Field  MSEG - MBLNR Number of Material Document SOURCE VALUE(I_MBLNR) LIKE MSEG-MBLNR
10 Table/Structure Field  MSEG - MBLNR Number of Material Document
11 Table/Structure Field  MSEG - MJAHR Year of material document
12 Table/Structure Field  MSEG - MJAHR Year of material document SOURCE VALUE(I_MJAHR) LIKE MSEG-MJAHR
13 Table/Structure Field  MSEG - ZEILE Item in material document SOURCE VALUE(I_ZEILE) LIKE MSEG-ZEILE
14 Table/Structure Field  MSEG - ZEILE Item in material document