Class Method list used by SAP ABAP Class TH_ART_CONTRIBUTOR (Test helper for scan result & blackboard contributors)
SAP ABAP Class TH_ART_CONTRIBUTOR (Test helper for scan result & blackboard contributors) is using
# Object Type Object Name Object Description Note
1 Class Method  CE_ART_QFIX - CREATE_PROPOSAL Enumeration for quickfix ids
2 Class Method  CL_ABAP_UNIT_ASSERT - ASSERT_EQUALS ABAP Unit: Assertions (see longtext)
3 Class Method  CL_ABAP_UNIT_ASSERT - FAIL ABAP Unit: Assertions (see longtext)
4 Class Method  CL_ABAP_UNIT_ASSERT - ASSERT_TRUE ABAP Unit: Assertions (see longtext)
5 Class Method  CL_ABAP_UNIT_ASSERT - ASSERT_TRUE ABAP Unit: Assertions (see longtext)
6 Class Method  CL_ABAP_UNIT_ASSERT - ASSERT_FALSE ABAP Unit: Assertions (see longtext)
7 Class Method  CL_ABAP_UNIT_ASSERT - ASSERT_EQUALS ABAP Unit: Assertions (see longtext)
8 Class Method  CL_ABAP_UNIT_ASSERT - ASSERT_EQUALS ABAP Unit: Assertions (see longtext)
9 Class Method  CL_ABAP_UNIT_ASSERT - ASSERT_EQUALS ABAP Unit: Assertions (see longtext)
10 Class Method  CL_ABAP_UNIT_ASSERT - ASSERT_EQUALS ABAP Unit: Assertions (see longtext)
11 Class Method  CL_ABAP_UNIT_ASSERT - ASSERT_EQUALS ABAP Unit: Assertions (see longtext)
12 Class Method  CL_ART_BLACKBOARD - GET_SELECTION_KIND Refactoring blackboard
13 Class Method  CL_ART_BLACKBOARD - SET_SOURCE_OBJECT Refactoring blackboard
14 Class Method  CL_ART_BLACKBOARD - SET_SOURCE_OBJECT Refactoring blackboard
15 Class Method  CL_ART_BLACKBOARD - GET_SELECTION_CONTENT Refactoring blackboard
16 Class Method  CL_ART_BLACKBOARD - GET_PROPOSALS Refactoring blackboard
17 Class Method  CL_ART_BLACKBOARD - GET_PROPOSALS Refactoring blackboard
18 Class Method  CL_ART_BLACKBOARD - GET_PROPOSALS Refactoring blackboard
19 Class Method  CL_ART_BLACKBOARD - GET_IDENTIFIER_NAME Refactoring blackboard
20 Class Method  CL_ART_BLACKBOARD - CREATE Refactoring blackboard
21 Class Method  CL_ART_BLACKBOARD - CREATE Refactoring blackboard
22 Class Method  CL_ART_CONTRIB_SCAN_RESULT - CREATE contributor for source handler and selection position
23 Class Method  CL_ART_CONTRIB_SCAN_RESULT - CREATE contributor for source handler and selection position
24 Class Method  CL_ART_CONTRIB_SELECTION_TYPE - CREATE Contributor for analysis of the cursor selection
25 Class Method  CL_ART_PROPOSAL - SET_USER_CONTENT Proposal
26 Class Method  CL_ART_QUICKFIX_PROVIDER - CREATE quickfix provider for global classes
27 Class Method  CL_ART_QUICKFIX_PROVIDER - CREATE_QUICKFIX quickfix provider for global classes
28 Class Method  CL_ART_SOFTSWITCH - IS_INLINE_DECL_SUPPORTED Feature soft switch used for 7.31 downport
29 Class Method  CL_ART_SOURCE_REPOSITORY - CREATE Source Repository
32 Class Method  CL_ART_SOURCE_REPOSITORY - CREATE Source Repository
34 Class Method  CL_AUNIT_ASSERT - FAIL ABAP Unit: Assertions (see Longtext)
35 Class Method  CL_AUNIT_ASSERT - FAIL ABAP Unit: Assertions (see Longtext)
36 Class Method  CL_AUNIT_ASSERT - FAIL ABAP Unit: Assertions (see Longtext)
37 Class Method  CL_AUNIT_ASSERT - ASSERT_SUBRC ABAP Unit: Assertions (see Longtext)
38 Class Method  CL_AUNIT_ASSERT - ASSERT_NOT_INITIAL ABAP Unit: Assertions (see Longtext)
39 Class Method  CL_AUNIT_ASSERT - ASSERT_EQUALS ABAP Unit: Assertions (see Longtext)
40 Class Method  CL_AUNIT_ASSERT - ASSERT_EQUALS ABAP Unit: Assertions (see Longtext)
41 Class Method  CL_AUNIT_ASSERT - ASSERT_EQUALS ABAP Unit: Assertions (see Longtext)
42 Class Method  CL_AUNIT_ASSERT - ASSERT_EQUALS ABAP Unit: Assertions (see Longtext)
43 Class Method  CL_AUNIT_ASSERT - ABORT ABAP Unit: Assertions (see Longtext)
44 Class Method  CL_OO_CLASSNAME_SERVICE - GET_CLASSPOOL_NAME Service for Include Names in Class Environment
45 Class Method  CL_OO_CLASSNAME_SERVICE - GET_CLSNAME_BY_INCLUDE Service for Include Names in Class Environment
46 Class Method  CL_OO_CLIF_SOURCE - CREATE_INSTANCE Source Code of a Class
47 Class Method  CL_OO_CLIF_SOURCE - GET_SOURCE Source Code of a Class
48 Class Method  CL_OO_FACTORY - CREATE_INSTANCE Factory for class editor
49 Class Method  CL_OO_FACTORY - CREATE_SETTINGS Factory for class editor
51 Class Method  CL_PST_NODE - CLEAR_NODE_BUFFER Element
52 Class Method  CL_PST_SOURCE_POSITION - CREATE Position (include, from, to) in source code
53 Class Method  CL_PST_SOURCE_POSITION - TO_STRING Position (include, from, to) in source code
54 Class Method  CL_PST_SOURCE_POSITION - TO_STRING Position (include, from, to) in source code
55 Class Method  CL_PST_SOURCE_POSITION - CREATE Position (include, from, to) in source code
56 Class Method  CL_PST_SOURCE_POSITION - CREATE_FROM_STRING Position (include, from, to) in source code
57 Class Method  CL_RFAC_SCAN_RESULT_REGISTER - CLEAR_SCAN_RESULT_REGISTER register for scan results of main programs
58 Class Method  CL_WB_OBJECT - CREATE_FROM_TRANSPORT_KEY Repository Object
59 Class Method  IF_ART_BLACKBOARD_CONTRIBUTOR - CONTRIBUTE Agent filling the blackboard
60 Class Method  IF_ART_BLACKBOARD_CONTRIBUTOR - CONTRIBUTE Agent filling the blackboard
61 Class Method  IF_ART_BLACKBOARD_CONTRIBUTOR - IS_APPLICABLE Agent filling the blackboard
62 Class Method  IF_ART_BLACKBOARD_CONTRIBUTOR - IS_APPLICABLE Agent filling the blackboard
63 Class Method  IF_OO_CLIF_SOURCE - GET_SOURCE Class/Interface source representation
64 Class Method  IF_OO_CLIF_SOURCE_FACTORY - CREATE_SETTINGS Factory for class/interface sources
65 Class Method  IF_QFIX_QUICKFIX - APPLY Interface to provide a refactoring quickfix
66 Class Method  IF_QUICKFIX_EVALUATION_RESULT - GET_USER_CONTENT Quickfix evaluation result
67 Class Method  IF_QUICKFIX_RESULT - GET_EDIT_POSITIONS Quickfix result
68 Class Method  IF_QUICKFIX_RESULT - GET_SOURCE_DELTAS Quickfix result
69 Class Method  IF_QUICKFIX_SOURCE_OBJECT - SET_SOURCE_CODE_AS_STRING Quickfix source object
70 Class Method  IF_QUICKFIX_SOURCE_OBJECT - SET_SOURCE_CODE Quickfix source object
71 Class Method  IF_QUICKFIX_SOURCE_OBJECT - GET_WB_OBJECT Quickfix source object
72 Class Method  IF_QUICKFIX_SOURCE_OBJECT - GET_SOURCE_URI Quickfix source object
73 Class Method  IF_QUICKFIX_SOURCE_OBJECT - GET_SOURCE_POSITION Quickfix source object
74 Class Method  IF_QUICKFIX_SOURCE_OBJECT - GET_SOURCE_POSITION Quickfix source object
75 Class Method  IF_QUICKFIX_SOURCE_OBJECT - GET_SOURCE_POSITION Quickfix source object
76 Class Method  IF_QUICKFIX_SOURCE_OBJECT - GET_SOURCE_CODE_AS_STRING Quickfix source object
77 Class Method  IF_QUICKFIX_SOURCE_OBJECT - GET_SOURCE_CODE_AS_STRING Quickfix source object
78 Class Method  IF_QUICKFIX_SOURCE_OBJECT - GET_SOURCE_CODE_AS_STRING Quickfix source object
79 Class Method  IF_QUICKFIX_SOURCE_OBJECT - GET_SOURCE_CODE Quickfix source object
80 Class Method  IF_QUICKFIX_SOURCE_OBJECT - GET_OBJECT_TYPE Quickfix source object
81 Class Method  IF_QUICKFIX_SOURCE_OBJECT - GET_INCLUDE Quickfix source object
82 Class Method  IF_QUICKFIX_SOURCE_OBJECT - GET_SOURCE_POSITION Quickfix source object
83 Class Method  TH_ART_CONTRIBUTOR - REPLACE_LINEBREAKS Test helper for scan result & blackboard contributors
84 Class Method  TH_ART_CONTRIBUTOR - PREP_BLACKBOARD_BY_SOURCE_OBJ Test helper for scan result & blackboard contributors
85 Class Method  TH_ART_CONTRIBUTOR - GET_START_COLUMN Test helper for scan result & blackboard contributors SOURCE i_include = include_to_register ).
86 Class Method  TH_ART_CONTRIBUTOR - GET_START_COLUMN Test helper for scan result & blackboard contributors SOURCE i_start_col = get_start_column( i_code_before )
87 Class Method  TH_ART_CONTRIBUTOR - GET_START_COLUMN Test helper for scan result & blackboard contributors SOURCE i_start_row = i_line_number
88 Class Method  TH_ART_CONTRIBUTOR - GET_START_COLUMN Test helper for scan result & blackboard contributors SOURCE exp_delta-source_position = cl_pst_source_position=>create(
89 Class Method  TH_ART_CONTRIBUTOR - DERIVE_WBOBJTYPE_BY_INCLUDE Test helper for scan result & blackboard contributors SOURCE i_selection = i_selection i_wbobjtype = derive_wbobjtype_by_include( i_include ) ).
90 Class Method  TH_ART_CONTRIBUTOR - DERIVE_WBOBJTYPE_BY_INCLUDE Test helper for scan result & blackboard contributors SOURCE source_object = create_source_object_double( i_include = i_include i_source_code = source_code
91 Class Method  TH_ART_CONTRIBUTOR - CREATE_SOURCE_OBJECT_DOUBLE Test helper for scan result & blackboard contributors
92 Class Method  TH_ART_CONTRIBUTOR - CREATE_SOURCE_OBJECT_DOUBLE Test helper for scan result & blackboard contributors
93 Class Method  TH_ART_CONTRIBUTOR - CREATE_SOURCE_OBJECT_DOUBLE Test helper for scan result & blackboard contributors
94 Class Method  TH_ART_CONTRIBUTOR - CREATE_QUICKFIX Test helper for scan result & blackboard contributors
95 Class Method  TH_ART_CONTRIBUTOR - CREATE_EXPECTED_DELTAS Test helper for scan result & blackboard contributors SOURCE i_line_number = i_line_number ).
96 Class Method  TH_ART_CONTRIBUTOR - CREATE_EXPECTED_DELTAS Test helper for scan result & blackboard contributors SOURCE i_code_before = i_code_before
97 Class Method  TH_ART_CONTRIBUTOR - CREATE_EXPECTED_DELTAS Test helper for scan result & blackboard contributors SOURCE i_code_change = i_code_change
98 Class Method  TH_ART_CONTRIBUTOR - CREATE_EXPECTED_DELTAS Test helper for scan result & blackboard contributors SOURCE create_expected_deltas(
99 Class Method  TH_ART_CONTRIBUTOR - CLEAR_BUILDER_INSTANCES Test helper for scan result & blackboard contributors