Class Method list used by SAP ABAP Class CL_UPB_PM_WAS (Planning Folders with WAS)
SAP ABAP Class CL_UPB_PM_WAS (Planning Folders with WAS) is using
# Object Type Object Name Object Description Note
1 Class Method  CL_UPB_PM_APPLC - FREE_INSTANCE Upper Class for Special Attributes of Planning Folders
2 Class Method  CL_UPB_PM_APPLC - EXE_WITH_XL Upper Class for Special Attributes of Planning Folders
3 Class Method  CL_UPB_PM_APPLC - WEB_SESSION_INIT Upper Class for Special Attributes of Planning Folders
4 Class Method  CL_UPB_PM_APPLC - SET_DEFAULT Upper Class for Special Attributes of Planning Folders
5 Class Method  CL_UPB_PM_APPLC - SETTINGS_GET Upper Class for Special Attributes of Planning Folders
6 Class Method  CL_UPB_PM_APPLC - PERS_GET Upper Class for Special Attributes of Planning Folders
7 Class Method  CL_UPB_PM_APPLC - PERS_CHANGE Upper Class for Special Attributes of Planning Folders
8 Class Method  CL_UPB_PM_APPLC - ON_SAVE Upper Class for Special Attributes of Planning Folders
9 Class Method  CL_UPB_PM_APPLC - ON_REFRESH Upper Class for Special Attributes of Planning Folders
10 Class Method  CL_UPB_PM_APPLC - GET_INSTANCE Upper Class for Special Attributes of Planning Folders
11 Class Method  CL_UPB_PM_APPLC - GET_DEFAULT Upper Class for Special Attributes of Planning Folders
12 Class Method  CL_UPB_PM_COMPARE - FREE_ALL Planning Folders, Compare Cells and Layouts
13 Class Method  CL_UPB_PM_POB_WAS - EXECUTE_PAI Planning Folders with WAS, Planning Object
14 Class Method  CL_UPB_PM_POB_WAS - SET_DISPLAYED_ROWS Planning Folders with WAS, Planning Object
15 Class Method  CL_UPB_PM_POB_WAS - SET_DATA Planning Folders with WAS, Planning Object
16 Class Method  CL_UPB_PM_POB_WAS - SET_COMPARE Planning Folders with WAS, Planning Object
17 Class Method  CL_UPB_PM_POB_WAS - RESET_COMPARE Planning Folders with WAS, Planning Object
18 Class Method  CL_UPB_PM_POB_WAS - ON_INIT Planning Folders with WAS, Planning Object
19 Class Method  CL_UPB_PM_POB_WAS - GET_TAB_STYLE Planning Folders with WAS, Planning Object
20 Class Method  CL_UPB_PM_POB_WAS - EXECUTE_PBO Planning Folders with WAS, Planning Object
21 Class Method  CL_UPB_PM_POB_WAS - CONSTRUCTOR Planning Folders with WAS, Planning Object
22 Class Method  CL_UPB_PM_VARIABLE - CONSTRUCTOR Global Selections of a Planning Folder
23 Class Method  CL_UPB_PM_VARIABLE - GET_VARIABLES Global Selections of a Planning Folder
24 Class Method  CL_UPB_PM_VAR_WAS - IS_ACTIVE Generate Planning Folders with WAS, Variables HTML
25 Class Method  CL_UPB_PM_VAR_WAS - SET_VAR Generate Planning Folders with WAS, Variables HTML
26 Class Method  CL_UPB_PM_VAR_WAS - RESTRICTION_NEEDED Generate Planning Folders with WAS, Variables HTML
27 Class Method  CL_UPB_PM_VAR_WAS - ON_INIT Generate Planning Folders with WAS, Variables HTML
28 Class Method  CL_UPB_PM_VAR_WAS - GET_VAR_ROW Generate Planning Folders with WAS, Variables HTML
29 Class Method  CL_UPB_PM_VAR_WAS - CONSTRUCTOR Generate Planning Folders with WAS, Variables HTML
30 Class Method  CL_UPB_PM_VAR_WAS - CHANGE_CHECK Generate Planning Folders with WAS, Variables HTML
31 Class Method  CL_UPB_PM_WAS - PM_START Planning Folders with WAS SOURCE pm_start( i_pm = l_pm
32 Class Method  CL_UPB_PM_WAS - VAR_CHANGE_CHECK Planning Folders with WAS SOURCE IF var_change_check( ) = upbpm_on.
33 Class Method  CL_UPB_PM_WAS - PM_START Planning Folders with WAS SOURCE i_display_only = i_display_only ).
34 Class Method  CL_UPB_PM_WAS - POB_IS_FUNCTION Planning Folders with WAS SOURCE IF pob_is_function( l_pob ) = upbpm_on.
35 Class Method  CL_UPB_PM_WAS - POB_IS_ILO Planning Folders with WAS SOURCE ELSEIF pob_is_ilo( l_pob ) = upbpm_on.
36 Class Method  CL_UPB_PM_WAS - POB_IS_OLO Planning Folders with WAS SOURCE ELSEIF pob_is_olo( l_pob ) = upbpm_on.
37 Class Method  CL_UPB_PM_WAS - RESET_ALL Planning Folders with WAS
38 Class Method  CL_UPB_PM_WAS - RESET_ALL Planning Folders with WAS
39 Class Method  CL_UPB_PM_WAS - SET_ACTIVE_ILO Planning Folders with WAS SOURCE set_active_ilo( l_pob ).
40 Class Method  CL_UPB_PM_WAS - SET_ACTIVE_ILO Planning Folders with WAS SOURCE set_active_ilo( -pob_key ).
41 Class Method  CL_UPB_PM_WAS - SET_ACTIVE_ILO Planning Folders with WAS SOURCE set_active_ilo( ls_design-pob_key ).
42 Class Method  CL_UPB_PM_WAS - SET_ACTIVE_OLO Planning Folders with WAS SOURCE set_active_olo( l_pob ).
43 Class Method  CL_UPB_PM_WAS - SET_ACTIVE_OLO Planning Folders with WAS SOURCE set_active_olo( -pob_key ).
44 Class Method  CL_UPB_PM_WAS - SET_ACTIVE_OLO Planning Folders with WAS SOURCE set_active_olo( ls_design-pob_key ).
45 Class Method  CL_UPB_PM_WAS - SET_COMPARE Planning Folders with WAS
46 Class Method  CL_UPB_PM_WAS - SET_COMPARE Planning Folders with WAS
47 Class Method  CL_UPB_PM_WAS - SET_VAR Planning Folders with WAS SOURCE set_var( ).
48 Class Method  CL_UPB_PM_WAS - STAT_OPEN Planning Folders with WAS
49 Class Method  CL_UPB_PM_WAS - UPDATE_MESSAGE Planning Folders with WAS
50 Class Method  CL_UPB_PM_WAS - UPDATE_MESSAGE Planning Folders with WAS
51 Class Method  CL_UPB_PM_WAS - UPDATE_MESSAGES Planning Folders with WAS
52 Class Method  CL_UPB_PM_WAS - UPDATE_MESSAGES Planning Folders with WAS
53 Class Method  CL_UPB_PM_WAS - UPDATE_MESSAGES Planning Folders with WAS
54 Class Method  CL_UPB_PM_WAS - GET_NEXT_VAR_ROW Planning Folders with WAS
55 Class Method  CL_UPB_PM_WAS - APPLC_SET Planning Folders with WAS
56 Class Method  CL_UPB_PM_WAS - AUTHORITY_CHECK Planning Folders with WAS
57 Class Method  CL_UPB_PM_WAS - CHECK_ONLY_ONE_LO Planning Folders with WAS SOURCE check_only_one_lo( ).
58 Class Method  CL_UPB_PM_WAS - EXECUTE_POB Planning Folders with WAS SOURCE execute_pob( l_pob ).
59 Class Method  CL_UPB_PM_WAS - GET_LO_INSTANCE Planning Folders with WAS SOURCE lr_pob = get_lo_instance( -pob_key ).
60 Class Method  CL_UPB_PM_WAS - GET_LO_INSTANCE Planning Folders with WAS SOURCE lr_pob = get_lo_instance( -pob_key ).
61 Class Method  CL_UPB_PM_WAS - GET_LO_INSTANCE Planning Folders with WAS SOURCE lr_pob = get_lo_instance( -pob_key ).
62 Class Method  CL_UPB_PM_WAS - GET_LO_INSTANCE Planning Folders with WAS SOURCE lr_pob = get_lo_instance( -pob_key ).
63 Class Method  CL_UPB_PM_WAS - GET_LO_INSTANCE Planning Folders with WAS SOURCE lr_pob = get_lo_instance( is_pob-pob_key ).
64 Class Method  CL_UPB_PM_WAS - GET_LO_INSTANCE Planning Folders with WAS SOURCE gr_active_ilo = get_lo_instance( i_pob ).
65 Class Method  CL_UPB_PM_WAS - GET_LO_INSTANCE Planning Folders with WAS SOURCE gr_active_olo = get_lo_instance( i_pob ).
66 Class Method  CL_UPB_PM_WAS - PM_SET Planning Folders with WAS
67 Class Method  CL_UPB_PM_WAS - GET_VALUE Planning Folders with WAS SOURCE g_var_container_state = get_value( c_id_00pm_varstate ).
68 Class Method  CL_UPB_PM_WAS - GET_VALUE Planning Folders with WAS SOURCE if get_value( c_id_00pm_changed ) = c_state_initial.
69 Class Method  CL_UPB_PM_WAS - GET_VALUE Planning Folders with WAS SOURCE l_compare = get_value( c_id_00pm_compare ).
70 Class Method  CL_UPB_PM_WAS - INIT_MESSAGES Planning Folders with WAS SOURCE init_messages( ).
71 Class Method  CL_UPB_PM_WAS - ON_INIT_MESSAGES Planning Folders with WAS SOURCE on_init_messages( ).
72 Class Method  CL_UPB_PM_WAS - ON_INIT_VARIABLES Planning Folders with WAS SOURCE on_init_variables( ).
73 Class Method  CL_UPB_PM_WAS - ON_RESET_UP2DATE Planning Folders with WAS
74 Class Method  CL_UPB_PM_WAS - ON_RESET_UP2DATE Planning Folders with WAS
75 Class Method  CL_UPB_PM_WAS - ON_RESET_UP2DATE Planning Folders with WAS
76 Class Method  CL_UPB_PM_WAS - ON_RESET_UP2DATE Planning Folders with WAS
77 Class Method  CL_UPB_PM_WAS - ON_SAVE Planning Folders with WAS SOURCE on_save( ).