Class Method list used by SAP ABAP Class CL_SWF_BND_OP_XSLT_TRANSFORM (Expression -> Expression Using XSLT Transformation)
SAP ABAP Class CL_SWF_BND_OP_XSLT_TRANSFORM (Expression -> Expression Using XSLT Transformation) is using
# Object Type Object Name Object Description Note
1 Class Method  CL_SWF_BND_OP_XSLT_TRANSFORM - CHECK_ELEMENT_IS_XML Expression -> Expression Using XSLT Transformation
2 Class Method  CL_SWF_BND_OP_XSLT_TRANSFORM - CHECK_ELEMENT_IS_XML Expression -> Expression Using XSLT Transformation
3 Class Method  CL_SWF_BND_OP_XSLT_TRANSFORM - WRAP_XML_DOCUMENT Expression -> Expression Using XSLT Transformation
4 Class Method  CL_SWF_BND_OP_XSLT_TRANSFORM - UNWRAP_XML_DOCUMENT Expression -> Expression Using XSLT Transformation
5 Class Method  CL_SWF_CNT_ELEMENT - IS_LOCKED Abstraction of Container Element
6 Class Method  CL_SWF_CNT_SERVICE - ELEMENT_GET_LINETYPE Container: Instance-Independent Utilities
7 Class Method  CL_SWF_UTL_DEF_SERVICES - CHECK_OBJECT_SUPPORTS_IF Workflow Definition: Service Class F4 Help, Test ...
8 Class Method  CX_SWF_BND_BINDING - CONSTRUCTOR Error in the Binding Package
9 Class Method  CX_SWF_BND_BINDING - CONSTRUCTOR Error in the Binding Package
10 Class Method  CX_SWF_BND_BINDING - CONSTRUCTOR Error in the Binding Package
11 Class Method  CX_SWF_BND_INVALID_OPERAND - CONSTRUCTOR Operand for Binding Is Missing or Is Invalid
12 Class Method  CX_SWF_BND_INVALID_OPERAND - CONSTRUCTOR Operand for Binding Is Missing or Is Invalid
17 Class Method  IF_SWF_BND_OPERATION - GET_PROPERTIES Binding Operation
18 Class Method  IF_SWF_BND_OPERATION - GET_PROPERTIES Binding Operation
19 Class Method  IF_SWF_BND_OPERATION - EXECUTE Binding Operation
20 Class Method  IF_SWF_BND_OPERATION - EXECUTE Binding Operation
21 Class Method  IF_SWF_BND_OPERATION - CHECK Binding Operation
22 Class Method  IF_SWF_BND_OPERATION - CHECK Binding Operation
23 Class Method  IF_SWF_CNT_CONTAINER - IMPORT_FROM_XML Container - Implementation of a 'Collection'
24 Class Method  IF_SWF_CNT_CONTAINER - INITIALIZE Container - Implementation of a 'Collection'
25 Class Method  IF_SWF_CNT_CONTAINER - TO_XML Container - Implementation of a 'Collection'
26 Class Method  IF_SWF_CNT_CONVERSION - IMPORT_FROM_XML Conversion Methods for the Container
27 Class Method  IF_SWF_CNT_CONVERSION - TO_XML Conversion Methods for the Container
28 Class Method  IF_SWF_CNT_ELEMENT - GET_VALUE_REF Abstraction of Container Element
29 Class Method  IF_SWF_CNT_ELEMENT - GET_VALUE Abstraction of Container Element
30 Class Method  IF_SWF_CNT_ELEMENT - GET_VALUE Abstraction of Container Element
31 Class Method  IF_SWF_CNT_ELEMENT - GET_PROPS Abstraction of Container Element
32 Class Method  IF_SWF_CNT_ELEMENT - GET_TYPE Abstraction of Container Element
33 Class Method  IF_SWF_EXP_EXPRESSION - GET_VALUE_REF Abstraction of an Expression
34 Class Method  IF_SWF_EXP_EXPRESSION - SET_VALUE_REF Abstraction of an Expression
35 Class Method  IF_SWF_EXP_EXPRESSION - GET_VALUE_ELEMENT Abstraction of an Expression
36 Class Method  IF_SWF_EXP_EXPRESSION - GET_TARGET_ELEMENT Abstraction of an Expression
37 Class Method  IF_SWF_EXP_EXPRESSION - GET_TARGET_ELEMENT Abstraction of an Expression
38 Class Method  IF_SWF_EXP_EXPRESSION - GET_PROPS Abstraction of an Expression
39 Class Method  IF_SWF_EXP_EXPRESSION - GET_EXPRESSION Abstraction of an Expression
40 Class Method  IF_SWF_EXP_EXPRESSION - GET_EXPRESSION Abstraction of an Expression
41 Class Method  IF_SWF_IFS_BIND_PRESENTATION - GET_NAME Presentation interface with static methods
42 Class Method  IF_SWF_IFS_BIND_PRESENTATION - TO_STRING Presentation interface with static methods
43 Class Method  IF_SWF_IFS_BIND_PRESENTATION - TO_STRING Presentation interface with static methods
44 Class Method  IF_SWF_IFS_BIND_PRESENTATION - TO_HTML Presentation interface with static methods
45 Class Method  IF_SWF_IFS_BIND_PRESENTATION - TO_HTML Presentation interface with static methods
46 Class Method  IF_SWF_IFS_BIND_PRESENTATION - GET_TEXT_KEY Presentation interface with static methods
47 Class Method  IF_SWF_IFS_BIND_PRESENTATION - GET_TEXT_KEY Presentation interface with static methods
48 Class Method  IF_SWF_IFS_BIND_PRESENTATION - GET_SYMBOL Presentation interface with static methods
49 Class Method  IF_SWF_IFS_BIND_PRESENTATION - GET_SYMBOL Presentation interface with static methods
50 Class Method  IF_SWF_IFS_BIND_PRESENTATION - GET_NAME Presentation interface with static methods
51 Class Method  IF_SWF_IFS_BIND_PRESENTATION - GET_ICON Presentation interface with static methods
52 Class Method  IF_SWF_IFS_BIND_PRESENTATION - GET_ICON Presentation interface with static methods
53 Class Method  IF_SWF_IFS_BIND_PRESENTATION - GET_DESCRIPTION Presentation interface with static methods
54 Class Method  IF_SWF_IFS_BIND_PRESENTATION - GET_DESCRIPTION Presentation interface with static methods
55 Class Method  IF_SWF_IFS_EXPRESSION - GET_EXPRESSION Workflow expression, released interface
56 Class Method  IF_SWF_IFS_EXPRESSION - GET_EXPRESSION Workflow expression, released interface
57 Class Method  IF_SWF_IFS_EXPRESSION - GET_VALUE_ELEMENT Workflow expression, released interface
58 Class Method  IF_SWF_IFS_EXPRESSION - GET_VALUE_REF Workflow expression, released interface