Table list used by SAP ABAP Class CL_SIC_SRV_NORMALIZE_OBJECT (Normalize Object)
SAP ABAP Class CL_SIC_SRV_NORMALIZE_OBJECT (Normalize Object) is using
# Object Type Object Name Object Description Note
1 Table  SCX_T100KEY T100 Key with Parameters Mapped to Attribute Names
2 Table  SIC_NODE_FIELDS Definition of Fields per Node
3 Table  SIC_NORM_ANORMR Attribute Normalizing Rules
4 Table  SIC_NORM_ANORMRI Variables for Attribute Normalizing Rules
5 Table  SIC_NORM_ANORMRR Attribute Normalization Rules: Rules
6 Table  SIC_NORM_ANORMRV Assignment of Variables in Attribute Normalizing Rules
7 Table  SIC_NORM_BRTY Basic Normalizing Rule Types
8 Table  SIC_NORM_BRTYI Interface Variables for Basic Rule Types
9 Table  SIC_NORM_CONDRU Conditional Rules
10 Table  SIC_NORM_CONDRUI Variables of Conditional Rules
11 Table  SIC_NORM_NORMST Normalizing Strategty
12 Table  SIC_NORM_NORMST Normalizing Strategty
13 Table  SIC_NORM_NORMST Normalizing Strategty
14 Table  SIC_NORM_NORMST Normalizing Strategty
15 Table  SIC_NORM_NORMSTR Object Normalization Strategy: Rules
17 Table  SIC_NORM_NORMSTV Assignment of Object Attributes to Rule Variables
18 Table  SIC_NORM_TS_NODE_STRUCTURE Node Structure with additional Information
19 Table  SIC_NORM_TS_NORMSTR_REF Attribute Normalization Strategy with Reference to Rule
20 Table  SIC_S_APPL_OBJECT_TYPE Unique identification of application and object type
21 Table  SIC_S_APPL_OBJECT_TYPE Unique identification of application and object type
22 Table  SIC_S_APPL_OBJECT_TYPE Unique identification of application and object type
23 Table  SIC_S_NODE_FIELDS Node fields and normalization type
24 Table  SIC_S_NORMALIZED_FIELD Normalized field value
25 Table  SIC_S_SEARCH_RESULT Search result
26 Table  SIC_S_SERVICE_PROFILE Definition of service profiles