# Object Type Object Name Object Description Note
1 Table/Structure Field  SATC_MD_CONF_DEF - PARAM_ITEM_KEY General key
2 Table/Structure Field  SATC_MD_CONF_DEF - REPOSITORY_ID Unique ID - hex 16 - raw format
3 Table/Structure Field  SATC_MD_CONF_DEF - TRANSPORT_ID Unique ID - char 32 - text format
4 Table/Structure Field  SATC_MD_CONF_DEF - TYPE Name of meta data item
5 Table/Structure Field  SATC_MD_CONF_DEF - PARAMETER_NAME Name of meta data item
6 Table/Structure Field  SATC_MD_CONF_VAL - PARAMETER_NAME Name of meta data item
7 Table/Structure Field  SATC_MD_CONF_VAL - PARAM_ITEM_KEY General key
8 Table/Structure Field  SATC_MD_CONF_VAL - REPOSITORY_ID Unique ID - hex 16 - raw format
9 Table/Structure Field  SATC_MD_CONF_VAL - SERIALIZED_DATA Serialized data
10 Table/Structure Field  SATC_MD_CONF_VAL - TRANSPORT_ID Unique ID - char 32 - text format
11 Table/Structure Field  SATC_MD_DIR - VALID_UNTIL Expires on .. timestamp
12 Table/Structure Field  SATC_MD_DIR - VERSION Version of meta data artifact
13 Table/Structure Field  SATC_MD_DIR - TRANSPORT_ID Unique ID - char 32 - text format
14 Table/Structure Field  SATC_MD_DIR - TRANSPORT_ID Unique ID - char 32 - text format
15 Table/Structure Field  SATC_MD_DIR - SYSID Name of SAP System
16 Table/Structure Field  SATC_MD_DIR - REPOSITORY_ID Project ID
17 Table/Structure Field  SATC_MD_DIR - KIND Meta data: Kind (e.g. "Project") of data record on database
18 Table/Structure Field  SATC_MD_DIR - CREATED_ON Created on ... (date)
19 Table/Structure Field  SATC_MD_DIR - CREATED_BY Person that created the element(s)
20 Table/Structure Field  SATC_MD_DIR - CLIENT Client ID
21 Table/Structure Field  SATC_MD_DIR - CHANGED_BY Edited by ....
22 Table/Structure Field  SATC_MD_DIR - CHANGED_ON Changed on ... (date)
23 Table/Structure Field  SATC_MD_DIR - REPOSITORY_ID Project ID
24 Table/Structure Field  SATC_MD_MAPPING - XX_HINT CHAR04 data element for SYST
25 Table/Structure Field  SATC_MD_MAPPING - TRANSPORT_ID Unique ID - char 32 - text format
26 Table/Structure Field  SATC_MD_MAPPING - REPOSITORY_ID Unique ID - hex 16 - raw format
27 Table/Structure Field  SATC_MD_MAPPING - NODE_KEY General key
28 Table/Structure Field  SATC_MD_MAPPING - MAPPED_TO_NAME Name of meta data item
29 Table/Structure Field  SATC_MD_MAPPING - ENCL_KEY General key
30 Table/Structure Field  SATC_MD_MAPPING - PARAMETER_NAME Name of meta data item
31 Table/Structure Field  SATC_MD_PHS - REPOSITORY_ID Unique ID - hex 16 - raw format
32 Table/Structure Field  SATC_MD_PHS - TRANSPORT_ID Unique ID - char 32 - text format
33 Table/Structure Field  SATC_MD_PHS - PARALLEL_PARAM Name of meta data item
34 Table/Structure Field  SATC_MD_PHS - NODE_KEY General key
35 Table/Structure Field  SATC_MD_PHS - IS_TRANSIENT General Flag
36 Table/Structure Field  SATC_MD_PHS - DESCRIPTION General description
37 Table/Structure Field  SATC_MD_PHS_EXT - NODE_KEY General key
38 Table/Structure Field  SATC_MD_PHS_EXT - PHASE_ORDER Sequence of phase
39 Table/Structure Field  SATC_MD_PHS_EXT - REPOSITORY_ID Unique ID - hex 16 - raw format
40 Table/Structure Field  SATC_MD_PHS_EXT - TRANSPORT_ID Unique ID - char 32 - text format
41 Table/Structure Field  SATC_MD_PHS_UNIT - DESCRIPTION General description
42 Table/Structure Field  SATC_MD_PHS_UNIT - TRANSPORT_ID Unique ID - char 32 - text format
43 Table/Structure Field  SATC_MD_PHS_UNIT - REPOSITORY_ID Unique ID - hex 16 - raw format
44 Table/Structure Field  SATC_MD_PHS_UNIT - ENCL_KEY General key
45 Table/Structure Field  SATC_MD_PHS_UNIT - NODE_KEY General key
46 Table/Structure Field  SATC_MD_PRI_DEF - DOMAIN_TYPE Domain name
47 Table/Structure Field  SATC_MD_PRI_DEF - PARALLEL Parameter enabled for parallel processing?
48 Table/Structure Field  SATC_MD_PRI_DEF - PARAMETER_NAME Name of meta data item
49 Table/Structure Field  SATC_MD_PRI_DEF - PARAM_ITEM_KEY General key
50 Table/Structure Field  SATC_MD_PRI_DEF - REPOSITORY_ID Unique ID - hex 16 - raw format
51 Table/Structure Field  SATC_MD_PRI_DEF - TRANSPORT_ID Unique ID - char 32 - text format
52 Table/Structure Field  SATC_MD_PRI_DEF - XX_HINT CHAR04 data element for SYST
53 Table/Structure Field  SATC_MD_PRI_DEF - ACCESS_KIND Access kind of parameter
54 Table/Structure Field  SATC_MD_PRJ - APP_CONFIG_NAME Configuration within application layer
55 Table/Structure Field  SATC_MD_PRJ - TRANSPORT_ID Unique ID - char 32 - text format
56 Table/Structure Field  SATC_MD_PRJ - REPOSITORY_ID Project ID
57 Table/Structure Field  SATC_MD_PRJ - DESCRIPTION General description
58 Table/Structure Field  SATC_MD_PRJ - APP_CONFIG_FACTORY_NAME Factory of application layer for operation on config. data
59 Table/Structure Field  SATC_MD_PRJ_EXT - EXTENDS_PROJECT Project ID
60 Table/Structure Field  SATC_MD_PRJ_EXT - REPOSITORY_ID Unique ID - hex 16 - raw format
61 Table/Structure Field  SATC_MD_PRJ_EXT - TRANSPORT_ID Unique ID - char 32 - text format
62 Table/Structure Field  SATC_MD_SRLZD - TRANSPORT_ID Unique ID - char 32 - text format
63 Table/Structure Field  SATC_MD_SRLZD - REPOSITORY_ID Unique ID - hex 16 - raw format
64 Table/Structure Field  SATC_MD_SRLZD - NODE_KEY General key
65 Table/Structure Field  SATC_MD_SRLZD - SERIALIZED_DATA Serialized data
66 Table/Structure Field  SATC_MD_STEP - STEP_ID Unique ID - hex 16 - raw format
67 Table/Structure Field  SATC_MD_STEP - STEP_KIND Kind of STEP, e.g. SEQUENCE, MODULE, ...
68 Table/Structure Field  SATC_MD_STP_USE - STEP_ID Unique ID - hex 16 - raw format
69 Table/Structure Field  SATC_MD_STP_USE - TRANSPORT_ID Unique ID - char 32 - text format
70 Table/Structure Field  SATC_MD_STP_USE - STEP_KIND Kind of STEP, e.g. SEQUENCE, MODULE, ...
71 Table/Structure Field  SATC_MD_STP_USE - REPOSITORY_ID Unique ID - hex 16 - raw format
72 Table/Structure Field  SATC_MD_STP_USE - NODE_KEY General key
73 Table/Structure Field  SATC_MD_STP_USE - ENCL_KEY General key
74 Table/Structure Field  SATC_MD_STP_USE - AGGR_NODE_REL Aggregation relation of STEP
75 Table/Structure Field  SATC_MD_STP_USE - AGGR_NODE_KEY General key
76 Table/Structure Field  SYST - DATUM ABAP System Field: Current Date of Application Server
77 Table/Structure Field  SYST - INDEX ABAP System Field: Loop Index
78 Table/Structure Field  SYST - MANDT ABAP System Field: Client ID of Current User
79 Table/Structure Field  SYST - SYSID ABAP System Field: Name of SAP System
80 Table/Structure Field  SYST - TABIX ABAP System Field: Row Index of Internal Tables
81 Table/Structure Field  SYST - UNAME ABAP System Field: Name of Current User