Table/Structure Field list used by SAP ABAP Class CL_RECD_CALC_RULE_11 (Calculation Formula - Contract Measurement)
SAP ABAP Class CL_RECD_CALC_RULE_11 (Calculation Formula - Contract Measurement) is using
# Object Type Object Name Object Description Note
1 Table/Structure Field  REBDC_MEAS - ISSPCFACTOR Indicator: Measurement Type Is an Area Measurement
2 Table/Structure Field  REBDC_MEAS - MEAS Measurement Type
3 Table/Structure Field  REBDC_MEAS - MEAS Measurement Type
4 Table/Structure Field  REBDC_MEAS - MEAS Measurement Type
5 Table/Structure Field  REBDC_MEAS - MEAS Measurement Type
6 Table/Structure Field  REBDC_MEAS - MEAS Measurement Type
7 Table/Structure Field  REBDC_MEAS - MEASUNITDEF Default for Unit of Measurement
8 Table/Structure Field  REBDC_MEAS_X - MEAS Measurement Type
9 Table/Structure Field  REBDC_MEAS_X - MEAS Measurement Type
10 Table/Structure Field  REBDC_MEAS_X - MEASUNITDEF Default for Unit of Measurement
11 Table/Structure Field  REBDC_MEAS_X - XMMEAS Name of Measurement Type - Medium-Length
12 Table/Structure Field  REBDC_MEAS_X - XMMEAS Name of Measurement Type - Medium-Length
13 Table/Structure Field  REBD_MEAS - MEAS Measurement Type
14 Table/Structure Field  REBD_MEAS - MEASUNIT Measurement Unit
15 Table/Structure Field  REBD_MEAS - MEASVALUE Measurement Amount: Available
16 Table/Structure Field  REBD_MEAS - VALIDFROM Date: Measurement Valid From
17 Table/Structure Field  REBD_MEAS - VALIDTO Date: Measurement Valid To
18 Table/Structure Field  REBD_OBJECT_ASSIGNMENT - OBJNR Object Number
19 Table/Structure Field  REBD_OBJECT_ASSIGNMENT - VALIDFROM Date from which the assignment is considered
20 Table/Structure Field  REBD_OBJECT_ASSIGNMENT - VALIDTO Date until which the assignment is considered
21 Table/Structure Field  REBD_OBJ_ASSIGN - OBJNRTRG Object Number
22 Table/Structure Field  REBD_OBJ_ASSIGN - VALIDFROM Date: Relationship Valid From
23 Table/Structure Field  REBD_OBJ_ASSIGN - VALIDTO Date: Relationship Valid To
24 Table/Structure Field  REBD_OBJ_ASSIGN_BO - ADJUSTNUMBER Group Number
25 Table/Structure Field  REBD_OBJ_ASSIGN_BO - OBJNRTRG Object Number
26 Table/Structure Field  REBD_OBJ_ASSIGN_BO - OBJTYPESRC Object Type
27 Table/Structure Field  REBD_OBJ_ASSIGN_BO - OBJTYPETRG Object Type
28 Table/Structure Field  REBD_OBJ_ASSIGN_BO - VALIDFROM Date: Relationship Valid From
29 Table/Structure Field  REBD_OBJ_ASSIGN_BO - VALIDTO Date: Relationship Valid To
30 Table/Structure Field  RECDC_CALCRULE_EXT - CALCRULEEXT External Calculation Formula
31 Table/Structure Field  RECDC_CALCRULE_EXT_X - XMCALCRULE Calculation Formula Name - Medium
32 Table/Structure Field  RECDC_CALCRULE_INT - CALCRULEINT Internal Calculation Formula
33 Table/Structure Field  RECD_CALC_PARA - CALCRULEPARA Untypified Parameter for a Calculation Formula
34 Table/Structure Field  RECD_CALC_PARA - CALCRULEPARADES Discription of Calculation Rule Parameter
35 Table/Structure Field  RECD_CALC_VALUES_TAB - CALCNUMBER Sequence Number of Calculation
36 Table/Structure Field  RECD_CALC_VALUES_TAB - CALCVALUE Currency-Dependent Calculation Factor
37 Table/Structure Field  RECD_CALC_VALUES_TAB - VALUEVALIDFROM Date from when condition is valid
38 Table/Structure Field  RECD_CALC_VALUES_TAB - VALUEVALIDTO Date up to when condition is valid
39 Table/Structure Field  RECD_CONDITION - CALCRULEPARA2 Untypified Parameter for a Calculation Formula
40 Table/Structure Field  RECD_CONDITION - CONDGUID GUID (RAW16) for Conditions
41 Table/Structure Field  RECD_CONDITION - CONDPURPOSEEXT Conditions - External Purpose
42 Table/Structure Field  RECD_CONDITION - CONDTYPE Condition Type
43 Table/Structure Field  RECD_CONDITION - CONDVALIDFROM Date from when condition is valid
44 Table/Structure Field  RECD_CONDITION - CONDVALIDTO Date up to when condition is valid
45 Table/Structure Field  RECD_CONDITION - DISTRULE Distribution Formula
46 Table/Structure Field  RECD_CONDITION - OBJNR Object Number for Calculation
47 Table/Structure Field  RECD_CONDITION - OBJTYPEDISTDIST Object Type for Distribution
48 Table/Structure Field  RECD_CONDITION - UNIQUECOND Condition Is One-Time Condition
49 Table/Structure Field  RECN_MEASCN_OBJ - MEAS Measurement Type
50 Table/Structure Field  RECN_MEASCN_OBJ - MEASUNIT Measurement Unit
51 Table/Structure Field  RECN_MEASCN_OBJ - MEASVALUE Measurement Amount: Available
52 Table/Structure Field  RECN_MEASCN_OBJ - OBJNR Object Number of Object with Differing Measurement
53 Table/Structure Field  RECN_MEASCN_OBJ - VALIDFROM Date: Measurement Valid From
54 Table/Structure Field  RECN_MEASCN_OBJ - VALIDTO Date: Measurement Valid To
55 Table/Structure Field  RECN_MEASCN_OBJ_MEAS - ISEMPTYCN General Yes/No Field
56 Table/Structure Field  RECN_MEASCN_OBJ_MEAS - MEAS Measurement Type
57 Table/Structure Field  RECN_MEASCN_OBJ_MEAS - MEASOBJUNIT Measurement Unit
58 Table/Structure Field  RECN_MEASCN_OBJ_MEAS - MEASOBJVALUE Measurement Amount: Available
59 Table/Structure Field  RECN_MEASCN_OBJ_MEAS - MEASUNIT Measurement Unit
60 Table/Structure Field  RECN_MEASCN_OBJ_MEAS - MEASVALUE Measurement Amount: Available
61 Table/Structure Field  RECN_MEASCN_OBJ_MEAS - VALIDFROM Date: Measurement Valid From
62 Table/Structure Field  RECN_MEASCN_OBJ_MEAS - VALIDTO Date: Measurement Valid To
63 Table/Structure Field  RECN_MEASUREMENT_CN - OBJNRTRG Object Number of Object with Differing Measurement
64 Table/Structure Field  RECN_MEASUREMENT_CN - VALIDFROM Date: Measurement Valid From
65 Table/Structure Field  RECN_MEASUREMENT_CN - VALIDTO Date: Measurement Valid To
66 Table/Structure Field  REEXC_MEASUREMENT_UNIT - MSEHI Unit of Measurement
67 Table/Structure Field  REEXC_MEASUREMENT_UNIT - MSEHI Unit of Measurement
68 Table/Structure Field  REEXC_MEASUREMENT_UNIT - MSEHI Unit of Measurement
69 Table/Structure Field  REEXC_MEASUREMENT_UNIT - MSEHI Unit of Measurement
70 Table/Structure Field  REEXC_MEASUREMENT_UNIT_X - MSEHI Unit of Measurement
71 Table/Structure Field  REEXC_MEASUREMENT_UNIT_X - MSEHL Unit of Measurement Text (Maximum 30 Characters)
72 Table/Structure Field  REEXC_MEASUREMENT_UNIT_X - MSEHL Unit of Measurement Text (Maximum 30 Characters)
73 Table/Structure Field  SYST - MSGID ABAP System Field: Message ID
74 Table/Structure Field  SYST - MSGNO ABAP System Field: Message Number
75 Table/Structure Field  SYST - MSGTY ABAP System Field: Message Type
76 Table/Structure Field  SYST - MSGV1 ABAP System Field: Message Variable
77 Table/Structure Field  SYST - MSGV2 ABAP System Field: Message Variable
78 Table/Structure Field  SYST - MSGV2 ABAP System Field: Message Variable
79 Table/Structure Field  SYST - MSGV3 ABAP System Field: Message Variable
80 Table/Structure Field  SYST - MSGV4 ABAP System Field: Message Variable
81 Table/Structure Field  SYST - TABIX ABAP System Field: Row Index of Internal Tables
82 Table/Structure Field  T006 - MSEHI Unit of Measurement
83 Table/Structure Field  T006 - MSEHI Unit of Measurement
84 Table/Structure Field  T006 - MSEHI Unit of Measurement
85 Table/Structure Field  T006 - MSEHI Unit of Measurement
86 Table/Structure Field  T006A_INT - UNIT_INT Unit of Measurement
87 Table/Structure Field  T006A_INT - UNIT_TXT_L Unit of Measurement Text (Maximum 30 Characters)
88 Table/Structure Field  T006D - DIMID Dimension key
89 Table/Structure Field  T006D - ECURR Electric current exponent
90 Table/Structure Field  T006D - LENG Length exponent
91 Table/Structure Field  T006D - LIGHT Luminosity exponent
92 Table/Structure Field  T006D - MASS Mass exponent
93 Table/Structure Field  T006D - MOLQU Mole quantity exponent
94 Table/Structure Field  T006D - TEMP Temperature exponent
95 Table/Structure Field  T006D - TIMEX Current exponent
96 Table/Structure Field  TIVBDMEAS - ISSPCFACTOR Indicator: Measurement Type Is an Area Measurement
97 Table/Structure Field  TIVBDMEAS - MEAS Measurement Type
98 Table/Structure Field  TIVBDMEAS - MEAS Measurement Type
99 Table/Structure Field  TIVBDMEAS - MEAS Measurement Type
100 Table/Structure Field  TIVBDMEAS - MEAS Measurement Type
101 Table/Structure Field  TIVBDMEAS - MEAS Measurement Type
102 Table/Structure Field  TIVBDMEAS - MEASUNITDEF Default for Unit of Measurement
103 Table/Structure Field  TIVCDCALCEXT - CALCRULEEXT External Calculation Formula
104 Table/Structure Field  TIVCDCALCINT - CALCRULEINT Internal Calculation Formula
105 Table/Structure Field  VIBDMEAS - MEAS Measurement Type
106 Table/Structure Field  VIBDMEAS - MEASUNIT Measurement Unit
107 Table/Structure Field  VIBDMEAS - MEASVALUE Measurement Amount: Available
108 Table/Structure Field  VIBDMEAS - VALIDFROM Date: Measurement Valid From
109 Table/Structure Field  VIBDMEAS - VALIDTO Date: Measurement Valid To
110 Table/Structure Field  VIBDMEAS_KEY - MEAS Measurement Type
111 Table/Structure Field  VIBDMEAS_KEY - VALIDTO Date: Measurement Valid To
112 Table/Structure Field  VIBDMEAS_TAB - MEASUNIT Measurement Unit
113 Table/Structure Field  VIBDMEAS_TAB - MEASVALUE Measurement Amount: Available
114 Table/Structure Field  VIBDMEAS_TAB - VALIDFROM Date: Measurement Valid From
115 Table/Structure Field  VIBDOBJASS - OBJNRTRG Object Number
116 Table/Structure Field  VIBDOBJASS - VALIDFROM Date: Relationship Valid From
117 Table/Structure Field  VIBDOBJASS - VALIDTO Date: Relationship Valid To
118 Table/Structure Field  VIBDOBJASS_KEY - OBJNRTRG Object Number
119 Table/Structure Field  VIBDOBJASS_KEY - VALIDFROM Date: Relationship Valid From
120 Table/Structure Field  VIBDOBJASS_TAB - VALIDTO Date: Relationship Valid To
121 Table/Structure Field  VICDCOND - CALCRULEPARA2 Untypified Parameter for a Calculation Formula
122 Table/Structure Field  VICDCOND - CONDGUID GUID (RAW16) for Conditions
123 Table/Structure Field  VICDCOND - CONDPURPOSEEXT Conditions - External Purpose
124 Table/Structure Field  VICDCOND - CONDTYPE Condition Type
125 Table/Structure Field  VICDCOND - CONDVALIDFROM Date from when condition is valid
126 Table/Structure Field  VICDCOND - CONDVALIDTO Date up to when condition is valid
127 Table/Structure Field  VICDCOND - DISTRULE Distribution Formula
128 Table/Structure Field  VICDCOND - OBJNR Object Number for Calculation
129 Table/Structure Field  VICDCOND - OBJTYPEDISTDIST Object Type for Distribution
130 Table/Structure Field  VICDCOND - UNIQUECOND Condition Is One-Time Condition
131 Table/Structure Field  VICDCOND_KEY - CONDGUID GUID (RAW16) for Conditions
132 Table/Structure Field  VICDCOND_TAB - CALCRULEPARA2 Untypified Parameter for a Calculation Formula
133 Table/Structure Field  VICDCOND_TAB - CONDPURPOSEEXT Conditions - External Purpose
134 Table/Structure Field  VICDCOND_TAB - CONDTYPE Condition Type
135 Table/Structure Field  VICDCOND_TAB - CONDVALIDFROM Date from when condition is valid
136 Table/Structure Field  VICDCOND_TAB - CONDVALIDTO Date up to when condition is valid
137 Table/Structure Field  VICDCOND_TAB - DISTRULE Distribution Formula
138 Table/Structure Field  VICDCOND_TAB - OBJNR Object Number for Calculation
139 Table/Structure Field  VICDCOND_TAB - OBJTYPEDISTDIST Object Type for Distribution
140 Table/Structure Field  VICDCOND_TAB - UNIQUECOND Condition Is One-Time Condition
141 Table/Structure Field  VICDCOND_TAB_CUS - CALCRULEPARA2 Untypified Parameter for a Calculation Formula
142 Table/Structure Field  VICDCOND_TAB_CUS - CONDPURPOSEEXT Conditions - External Purpose
143 Table/Structure Field  VICDCOND_TAB_CUS - CONDTYPE Condition Type
144 Table/Structure Field  VICDCOND_TAB_CUS - CONDVALIDFROM Date from when condition is valid
145 Table/Structure Field  VICDCOND_TAB_CUS - CONDVALIDTO Date up to when condition is valid
146 Table/Structure Field  VICDCOND_TAB_CUS - DISTRULE Distribution Formula
147 Table/Structure Field  VICDCOND_TAB_CUS - OBJTYPEDISTDIST Object Type for Distribution
148 Table/Structure Field  VICDCOND_TAB_CUS - UNIQUECOND Condition Is One-Time Condition
149 Table/Structure Field  VICDCOND_TAB_TEC - OBJNR Object Number for Calculation
150 Table/Structure Field  VICNMEASCN - OBJNRTRG Object Number of Object with Differing Measurement
151 Table/Structure Field  VICNMEASCN - VALIDFROM Date: Measurement Valid From
152 Table/Structure Field  VICNMEASCN - VALIDTO Date: Measurement Valid To
153 Table/Structure Field  VICNMEASCN_KEY - OBJNRTRG Object Number of Object with Differing Measurement
154 Table/Structure Field  VICNMEASCN_KEY - VALIDTO Date: Measurement Valid To
155 Table/Structure Field  VICNMEASCN_TAB - VALIDFROM Date: Measurement Valid From