Class Method list used by SAP ABAP Class CL_IUUC_IMDB_MONITOR_FACADE (Facade to support functions of schema monitor)
SAP ABAP Class CL_IUUC_IMDB_MONITOR_FACADE (Facade to support functions of schema monitor) is using
# Object Type Object Name Object Description Note
1 Class Method  CL_ABAP_TSTMP - SUBTRACTSECS Arithmetic and Conversion for Time Stamps
2 Class Method  CL_ABAP_TSTMP - SUBTRACTSECS Arithmetic and Conversion for Time Stamps
3 Class Method  CL_DMC_ACCESS_PLAN_LIST - INIT_ACPLAN_HDR_FLAGS DMC: List Class 'Access Plan'
4 Class Method  CL_DMC_ACT_REC - CLEANUP_ACC_DTL_LOAD_BY_MT_ID List class of activity records
5 Class Method  CL_DMC_ACT_REC - CREATE_ACTIVITY_RECORD List class of activity records
6 Class Method  CL_DMC_ACT_REC - SAVE List class of activity records
7 Class Method  CL_DMC_ACT_REC - SAVE List class of activity records
8 Class Method  CL_DMC_ACT_REC - SAVE List class of activity records
9 Class Method  CL_DMC_ACT_REC - UPDATE_STATE List class of activity records
10 Class Method  CL_DMC_ACT_REC - UPDATE_STATE List class of activity records
11 Class Method  CL_DMC_COBJ_SUBSTNAME_FACTORY - GET_REFERENCE Factory instantiating the respective impl.
12 Class Method  CL_DMC_COBJ_SUBSTNAME_FACTORY - GET_REFERENCE Factory instantiating the respective impl.
13 Class Method  CL_DMC_DB_TABNAME_MAPPING - GET_INTERNAL_NAME Mapping of internal table names to generic DB table names
14 Class Method  CL_DMC_DB_TABNAME_MAPPING - GET_INTERNAL_NAME Mapping of internal table names to generic DB table names
15 Class Method  CL_DMC_LOG_HANDLER - GET_REFERENCE Log handler for MWB/DTL
16 Class Method  CL_DMC_LOG_HANDLER - GET_REFERENCE Log handler for MWB/DTL
17 Class Method  CL_DMC_LOG_HANDLER - GET_REFERENCE Log handler for MWB/DTL
18 Class Method  CL_DMC_LOG_HANDLER - GET_REFERENCE Log handler for MWB/DTL
19 Class Method  CL_DMC_LOG_HANDLER_ROOT - ADD_MESSAGE Log handler root class
20 Class Method  CL_DMC_LOG_HANDLER_ROOT - SAVE_LOG Log handler root class
21 Class Method  CL_DMC_LOG_HANDLER_ROOT - SET_MT_ID Log handler root class
22 Class Method  CL_DMC_LOG_HANDLER_ROOT - SET_TABLE_LOG_INDEX_CONTEXT Log handler root class
23 Class Method  CL_DMC_LOG_HANDLER_ROOT - SET_TABLE_LOG_INDEX_CONTEXT Log handler root class
24 Class Method  CL_DMC_LOG_HANDLER_ROOT - SET_TABLE_LOG_INDEX_CONTEXT Log handler root class
25 Class Method  CL_DMC_RUNTIMEOBJECT - CONCAT_MT_IDENT DMC: General Runtime Object
26 Class Method  CL_DMC_SUPER_CONV_OBJECT - CONSTRUCTOR super class for conversion objects
27 Class Method  CL_DMC_SUPER_CONV_OBJECT - DEL_MIG_OBJ_AND_RUNTIME_LOCAL super class for conversion objects
28 Class Method  CL_IUUC_CONN_RCV - SET_STATUS abstract super class for db types
29 Class Method  CL_IUUC_CONN_RCV - SET_STATUS abstract super class for db types
30 Class Method  CL_IUUC_CONN_RCV - DROP_DB_OBJECT abstract super class for db types
31 Class Method  CL_IUUC_DB_CONN_FACTORY - DESTRUCT factory for db connections
32 Class Method  CL_IUUC_DB_CONN_FACTORY - GET_REF_BY_CONFIG_GUID factory for db connections
33 Class Method  CL_IUUC_ENCAPSULATION - ACTION_CANCEL_REPLICATION Encapsulate often used parts
34 Class Method  CL_IUUC_ENCAPSULATION - ACTION_RESUME_REPLICATION Encapsulate often used parts
35 Class Method  CL_IUUC_ENCAPSULATION - ACTION_SUSPEND_REPLICATION Encapsulate often used parts
36 Class Method  CL_IUUC_ENCAPSULATION - DO_LT_SETTINGS Encapsulate often used parts
37 Class Method  CL_IUUC_ENCAPSULATION - SYNCH_STATE Encapsulate often used parts
38 Class Method  CL_IUUC_IMDB_MONITOR_FACADE - GET_TABLE_HEADER Facade to support functions of schema monitor SOURCE EXPORTING
39 Class Method  CL_IUUC_IMDB_MONITOR_FACADE - GET_TABLE_HEADER Facade to support functions of schema monitor SOURCE EXPORTING
40 Class Method  CL_IUUC_IMDB_MONITOR_FACADE - GET_TABLE_HEADER Facade to support functions of schema monitor SOURCE CALL METHOD cl_iuuc_imdb_monitor_facade=>get_table_header
41 Class Method  CL_IUUC_IMDB_MONITOR_FACADE - GET_TABLE_HEADER Facade to support functions of schema monitor SOURCE ev_subrc = lv_subrc.
42 Class Method  CL_IUUC_IMDB_MONITOR_FACADE - GET_TABLE_HEADER Facade to support functions of schema monitor SOURCE es_dd02v = ls_dd02v
43 Class Method  CL_IUUC_IMDB_MONITOR_FACADE - GET_TABLE_HEADER Facade to support functions of schema monitor SOURCE IMPORTING
44 Class Method  CL_IUUC_IMDB_MONITOR_FACADE - GET_TABLE_HEADER Facade to support functions of schema monitor SOURCE iv_tabname = lv_orig_tabname
45 Class Method  CL_IUUC_IMDB_MONITOR_FACADE - GET_TABLE_HEADER Facade to support functions of schema monitor SOURCE iv_rfcdest = lv_snd_rfcdest
46 Class Method  CL_IUUC_IMDB_MONITOR_FACADE - GET_TABLE_HEADER Facade to support functions of schema monitor SOURCE iv_rfcdest = lv_snd_rfcdest
47 Class Method  CL_IUUC_IMDB_MONITOR_FACADE - GET_TABLE_HEADER Facade to support functions of schema monitor SOURCE iv_rfcdest = lv_snd_rfcdest
48 Class Method  CL_IUUC_IMDB_MONITOR_FACADE - GET_TABLE_HEADER Facade to support functions of schema monitor SOURCE iv_tabname = lv_orig_tabname
49 Class Method  CL_IUUC_IMDB_MONITOR_FACADE - GET_TABLE_HEADER Facade to support functions of schema monitor SOURCE IMPORTING
50 Class Method  CL_IUUC_IMDB_MONITOR_FACADE - GET_TABLE_HEADER Facade to support functions of schema monitor SOURCE es_dd02v = ls_dd02v
51 Class Method  CL_IUUC_IMDB_MONITOR_FACADE - GET_TABLE_HEADER Facade to support functions of schema monitor SOURCE ev_subrc = lv_subrc.
52 Class Method  CL_IUUC_IMDB_MONITOR_FACADE - INIT_ACPLAN_FLAGS Facade to support functions of schema monitor SOURCE cl_iuuc_imdb_monitor_facade=>init_acplan_flags( iv_mt_id = iv_mt_id ).
53 Class Method  CL_IUUC_IMDB_MONITOR_FACADE - SPLIT_TIME_STAMP Facade to support functions of schema monitor
54 Class Method  CL_IUUC_IMDB_MONITOR_FACADE - SPLIT_TIME_STAMP Facade to support functions of schema monitor
55 Class Method  CL_IUUC_IMDB_MONITOR_FACADE - SPLIT_TIME_STAMP Facade to support functions of schema monitor
56 Class Method  CL_IUUC_IMDB_MONITOR_FACADE - SPLIT_TIME_STAMP Facade to support functions of schema monitor
57 Class Method  CL_IUUC_IMDB_MONITOR_FACADE - GET_TABLE_HEADER Facade to support functions of schema monitor SOURCE iv_rfcdest = lv_snd_rfcdest
58 Class Method  CL_IUUC_IMDB_MONITOR_FACADE - GET_TABLE_HEADER Facade to support functions of schema monitor SOURCE CALL METHOD cl_iuuc_imdb_monitor_facade=>get_table_header
59 Class Method  CL_IUUC_IMDB_MONITOR_FACADE - CLEAN_LOG_INDEX_TABLE Facade to support functions of schema monitor SOURCE cl_iuuc_imdb_monitor_facade=>clean_log_index_table( ).
60 Class Method  CL_IUUC_IMDB_MONITOR_FACADE - DEQUEUE_REMAINING_LOCKS Facade to support functions of schema monitor SOURCE CALL METHOD cl_iuuc_imdb_monitor_facade=>dequeue_remaining_locks
61 Class Method  CL_IUUC_IMDB_MONITOR_FACADE - DEQUEUE_REMAINING_LOCKS Facade to support functions of schema monitor SOURCE EXPORTING
62 Class Method  CL_IUUC_IMDB_MONITOR_FACADE - DEQUEUE_REMAINING_LOCKS Facade to support functions of schema monitor SOURCE iv_mt_id = iv_mt_id.
63 Class Method  CL_IUUC_IMDB_MONITOR_FACADE - GET_TABLE_HEADER Facade to support functions of schema monitor SOURCE CALL METHOD cl_iuuc_imdb_monitor_facade=>get_table_header
64 Class Method  CL_IUUC_IMDB_MONITOR_FACADE - GET_TABLE_HEADER Facade to support functions of schema monitor SOURCE EXPORTING
65 Class Method  CL_IUUC_IMDB_MONITOR_FACADE - GET_TABLE_HEADER Facade to support functions of schema monitor SOURCE iv_tabname = lv_orig_tabname
66 Class Method  CL_IUUC_IMDB_MONITOR_FACADE - GET_TABLE_HEADER Facade to support functions of schema monitor SOURCE IMPORTING
67 Class Method  CL_IUUC_IMDB_MONITOR_FACADE - GET_TABLE_HEADER Facade to support functions of schema monitor SOURCE es_dd02v = ls_dd02v
68 Class Method  CL_IUUC_IMDB_MONITOR_FACADE - GET_TABLE_HEADER Facade to support functions of schema monitor SOURCE ev_subrc = lv_subrc.
69 Class Method  CL_IUUC_IMDB_MONITOR_FACADE - GET_TABLE_HEADER Facade to support functions of schema monitor SOURCE CALL METHOD cl_iuuc_imdb_monitor_facade=>get_table_header
70 Class Method  CL_IUUC_IMDB_MONITOR_FACADE - GET_TABLE_HEADER Facade to support functions of schema monitor SOURCE EXPORTING
71 Class Method  CL_IUUC_IMDB_MONITOR_FACADE - GET_TABLE_HEADER Facade to support functions of schema monitor SOURCE iv_tabname = lv_orig_tabname
72 Class Method  CL_IUUC_IMDB_MONITOR_FACADE - GET_TABLE_HEADER Facade to support functions of schema monitor SOURCE IMPORTING
73 Class Method  CL_IUUC_IMDB_MONITOR_FACADE - GET_TABLE_HEADER Facade to support functions of schema monitor SOURCE es_dd02v = ls_dd02v
74 Class Method  CL_IUUC_IMDB_MONITOR_FACADE - GET_TABLE_HEADER Facade to support functions of schema monitor SOURCE ev_subrc = lv_subrc.
75 Class Method  CL_IUUC_JOB_FACADE - STOP_REPL_JOBS Facade to handle job processing for group IUUC
76 Class Method  CL_IUUC_REPLICATION - DROP_DB_TABLE_SND IUUC: replication tools
79 Class Method  CL_IUUC_REPL_HDR_ACCESS - GET_SND_RCV_TYPE Working with table IUUC_REPL_HDR and _CONPAR
80 Class Method  CL_IUUC_REPL_HDR_ACCESS - SELECT Working with table IUUC_REPL_HDR and _CONPAR
83 Class Method  CL_IUUC_REPL_MAP_ACCESS - GET_CONFIG_BY_MT_ID handle access to table iuuc_repl_map
84 Class Method  CL_IUUC_REPL_MAP_ACCESS - GET_CONFIG_BY_MT_ID handle access to table iuuc_repl_map
85 Class Method  CL_IUUC_REPL_MAP_ACCESS - GET_CONFIG_BY_MT_ID handle access to table iuuc_repl_map
86 Class Method  CL_IUUC_RL_GENERAL - PERFORM_CONFIG_ADD_TABLE general access class for RL
87 Class Method  CL_IUUC_RL_GENERAL - PERFORM_CONFIG_DELETE_TABLE general access class for RL
88 Class Method  CL_IUUC_RL_GENERAL - PERFORM_CONFIG_HOUSEKEEPNG_ALL general access class for RL
91 Class Method  CL_IUUC_TABLE - BLOCK_CLUSTER tables involved in integr. upgrade
92 Class Method  CL_IUUC_TABLE - GET_TABLE_LOG_INDEX_CONTEXT tables involved in integr. upgrade
93 Class Method  CL_IUUC_TABLE - GET_TABLE_LOG_INDEX_CONTEXT tables involved in integr. upgrade
94 Class Method  CL_IUUC_TABLE - GET_TABLE_LOG_INDEX_CONTEXT tables involved in integr. upgrade
95 Class Method  CL_IUUC_TABLE_LIST - GET_RFC_DEST tables involved in integr. upgrade
96 Class Method  CX_IUUC_REPL_STATIC_CHECK - SEND_APPL_LOG Static Check superclass for IUUC Replication
97 Class Method  CX_IUUC_REPL_STATIC_CHECK - SEND_APPL_LOG Static Check superclass for IUUC Replication
98 Class Method  IF_DMC_COBJ_SUBSTNAME_FACADE - GET_MT_TABNAME_BY_SUBST Interface for providing the substitution names of one table
99 Class Method  IF_DMC_COBJ_SUBSTNAME_FACADE - GET_MT_TABNAME_BY_SUBST Interface for providing the substitution names of one table
100 Class Method  IF_DMC_COBJ_SUBSTNAME_FACADE - GET_SUBSTS_BY_MT_TABNAME Interface for providing the substitution names of one table