Table list used by SAP ABAP Class CL_IM_ISHMED_BIT_REQUEST (Imp. Class for BAdI Imp. ISHMED_BIT_REQUEST)
# Object Type Object Name Object Description Note
1 Table  N1ANF IS-H*MED: Request
2 Table  N1ANF IS-H*MED: Request
3 Table  N1ANF IS-H*MED: Request
4 Table  N1ANF IS-H*MED: Request
5 Table  N1ANF IS-H*MED: Request
6 Table  N1APRI IS-H*MED: Request priorities
7 Table  NFAL IS-H: Cases
8 Table  NLEI IS-H: Services Performed
9 Table  NLEM IS-H*MED: Medical Service
10 Table  RN2BASEITEM Base Items: Base Item
11 Table  RN2BASEITEM Base Items: Base Item
12 Table  RN2BASEITEM Base Items: Base Item
13 Table  RN2BASEITEM Base Items: Base Item
14 Table  RN2BASEITEM Base Items: Base Item
15 Table  RN2BASEITEM_HEADER Base Items: Base Item Header Data
16 Table  RN2BASEITEM_HEADER Base Items: Base Item Header Data
17 Table  RN2BASEITEM_HEADER Base Items: Base Item Header Data
18 Table  RN2BASEITEM_HEADER Base Items: Base Item Header Data
19 Table  RN2BASEITEM_HEADER Base Items: Base Item Header Data
20 Table  RN2CTX_KEY DWS Context Key
21 Table  RN2CTX_KEY DWS Context Key
22 Table  RN2GL_ACTION_KEYS Base Items: Key for Result of an Action
23 Table  RN2GL_BADI_REQ Base Items: BADI Request
24 Table  RN2GL_BADI_REQ Base Items: BADI Request
25 Table  RN2GL_BADI_REQ Base Items: BADI Request
26 Table  RN2GL_BADI_REQ Base Items: BADI Request
27 Table  RN2GL_BADI_REQ Base Items: BADI Request
28 Table  RN2GL_BADI_REQ_IMP Base Items: Result of Request
29 Table  RN2GL_BASE_REQ_S Services of Request Base Item
30 Table  RN2GL_BASE_REQ_S Services of Request Base Item
31 Table  RN2GL_BASE_REQ_S Services of Request Base Item
32 Table  RN2_BASEITEM_REQUEST Request Base Item Data Structure Complete
33 Table  RN2_BASEITEM_REQUEST Request Base Item Data Structure Complete
34 Table  RN2_BASEITEM_REQUEST Request Base Item Data Structure Complete
35 Table  RN2_BASEITEM_REQUEST Request Base Item Data Structure Complete
36 Table  RN2_BASEITEM_REQUEST Request Base Item Data Structure Complete
37 Table  RN2_BASEITEM_REQUEST Request Base Item Data Structure Complete
38 Table  RN2_BASEITEM_REQUEST Request Base Item Data Structure Complete
39 Table  RN2_BASEITEM_REQUEST Request Base Item Data Structure Complete
40 Table  RN2_BI_REQ_SERV Services of Request Base Item
41 Table  SCX_T100KEY T100 Key with Parameters Mapped to Attribute Names
42 Table  SCX_T100KEY T100 Key with Parameters Mapped to Attribute Names
43 Table  SCX_T100KEY T100 Key with Parameters Mapped to Attribute Names
44 Table  SCX_T100KEY T100 Key with Parameters Mapped to Attribute Names
45 Table  SCX_T100KEY T100 Key with Parameters Mapped to Attribute Names
46 Table  SSFCOMPOP SAP Smart Forms: Smart Composer (transfer) options
47 Table  SSFCOMPOP SAP Smart Forms: Smart Composer (transfer) options
48 Table  SSFCRESCL Smart Forms: Return value at end of form printing
49 Table  SSFCRESCL Smart Forms: Return value at end of form printing
50 Table  SSFCTRLOP Smart Forms: Control structure
51 Table  SSFCTRLOP Smart Forms: Control structure
52 Table  SSFERROR SAP Smart Forms: Runtime error
53 Table  SSFERROR SAP Smart Forms: Runtime error
54 Table  SSFXMLOUT Smart Forms: XML Output Structure
55 Table  TLINE SAPscript: Text Lines
56 Table  TLINE SAPscript: Text Lines
57 Table  TLINE SAPscript: Text Lines
58 Table  TRFRESULT SAP Smart Forms: Result of XSF Transformation