Table list used by SAP ABAP Class CL_HRPAYDE_BV_NOTIF (Notification Creation for PPO Collection of Contributions)
SAP ABAP Class CL_HRPAYDE_BV_NOTIF (Notification Creation for PPO Collection of Contributions) is using
# Object Type Object Name Object Description Note
1 Table  DISVARIANT Layout (External Use)
2 Table  DISVARIANT Layout (External Use)
3 Table  DISVARIANT Layout (External Use)
4 Table  HRDEBV_DBFE Data Module Error
5 Table  HRDEBV_DBMI Member Information Data Module
6 Table  HRDEBV_DBMI Member Information Data Module
7 Table  HRDEBV_DSBE Data Record: PPO Contribution Collection Procedure
8 Table  HRDEBV_DSBE Data Record: PPO Contribution Collection Procedure
9 Table  HRDESV_BV_S_HIST History Admin. for PPO Contribution Survey Procedure
10 Table  HRDESV_BV_S_HIST History Admin. for PPO Contribution Survey Procedure
11 Table  HRDESV_BV_S_HIST History Admin. for PPO Contribution Survey Procedure
12 Table  HRDESV_BV_S_HIST History Admin. for PPO Contribution Survey Procedure
13 Table  HRDESV_BV_S_HIST History Admin. for PPO Contribution Survey Procedure
14 Table  HRDESV_BV_S_HIST History Admin. for PPO Contribution Survey Procedure
15 Table  HRDESV_BV_S_INFTY Master Data for PPO Collection of Contributions
16 Table  HRDESV_BV_S_INFTY Master Data for PPO Collection of Contributions
17 Table  HRDESV_BV_S_INFTY Master Data for PPO Collection of Contributions
18 Table  HRDESV_BV_S_MELD Data Record for PPO Collection of Contributions
19 Table  HRDESV_BV_S_MELD Data Record for PPO Collection of Contributions
20 Table  HRDESV_BV_S_MELD Data Record for PPO Collection of Contributions
21 Table  HRDESV_BV_S_MELD Data Record for PPO Collection of Contributions
22 Table  HRDESV_BV_S_MELD Data Record for PPO Collection of Contributions
23 Table  HRDESV_BV_S_MELD Data Record for PPO Collection of Contributions
24 Table  HRDESV_BV_S_MELD Data Record for PPO Collection of Contributions
25 Table  HRDESV_BV_S_MELD Data Record for PPO Collection of Contributions
26 Table  HRDESV_BV_S_MELD Data Record for PPO Collection of Contributions
27 Table  HRDESV_BV_S_MELD Data Record for PPO Collection of Contributions
28 Table  HRDESV_BV_S_MELD Data Record for PPO Collection of Contributions
29 Table  HRDESV_BV_S_MELD Data Record for PPO Collection of Contributions
30 Table  HRDESV_BV_S_MELD Data Record for PPO Collection of Contributions
31 Table  HRDESV_BV_S_MELD Data Record for PPO Collection of Contributions
32 Table  HRDESV_BV_S_MELD Data Record for PPO Collection of Contributions
33 Table  HRDESV_BV_S_MELD Data Record for PPO Collection of Contributions
34 Table  HRDESV_BV_S_NOTIF Instance of Notification
35 Table  HRDESV_BV_S_NOTIF Instance of Notification
36 Table  HRDESV_BV_S_NOTIF Instance of Notification
37 Table  HRDESV_BV_S_NOTIF Instance of Notification
38 Table  HRDESV_BV_S_NOTIF Instance of Notification
39 Table  HRDESV_BV_S_NOTIF Instance of Notification
40 Table  HRDESV_BV_S_NOTIF Instance of Notification
41 Table  HRDESV_BV_S_NOTIF Instance of Notification
42 Table  HRDESV_BV_S_NOTIF Instance of Notification
43 Table  HRDESV_BV_S_NOTIF_LOG Logging of PPO Contribution Collection Notifications
44 Table  HRDESV_BV_S_NOTIF_LOG Logging of PPO Contribution Collection Notifications
45 Table  HRDESV_BV_S_PARAM Report Parameters for PPO Collection of Contrib. Procedure
46 Table  HRDESV_BV_S_PARAM Report Parameters for PPO Collection of Contrib. Procedure
47 Table  HRDESV_BV_S_PARAM Report Parameters for PPO Collection of Contrib. Procedure
48 Table  HRDESV_BV_S_PARAM Report Parameters for PPO Collection of Contrib. Procedure
49 Table  HRDESV_BV_S_PARAM Report Parameters for PPO Collection of Contrib. Procedure
50 Table  HRDESV_BV_S_PARAM Report Parameters for PPO Collection of Contrib. Procedure
51 Table  HRDESV_BV_S_PARAM Report Parameters for PPO Collection of Contrib. Procedure
52 Table  HRDESV_BV_S_PARAM Report Parameters for PPO Collection of Contrib. Procedure
53 Table  HRDESV_BV_S_PARAM Report Parameters for PPO Collection of Contrib. Procedure
54 Table  HRDESV_BV_S_PARAM Report Parameters for PPO Collection of Contrib. Procedure
55 Table  HRDESV_BV_S_PARAM Report Parameters for PPO Collection of Contrib. Procedure
56 Table  HRDESV_BV_S_PARAM Report Parameters for PPO Collection of Contrib. Procedure
57 Table  HRDESV_BV_S_SACHE Facts Relevant for Notif. in PPO Coll. of Contrib. Procedure
58 Table  HRDESV_BV_S_SACHE Facts Relevant for Notif. in PPO Coll. of Contrib. Procedure
59 Table  HRDESV_BV_S_STAT Status of the PPO Contribution Coll. Registration Procedure
60 Table  HRDESV_BV_S_STAT Status of the PPO Contribution Coll. Registration Procedure
61 Table  HRDESV_BV_S_STAT Status of the PPO Contribution Coll. Registration Procedure
62 Table  HRDESV_BV_S_STAT Status of the PPO Contribution Coll. Registration Procedure
63 Table  HRDESV_BV_S_STAT Status of the PPO Contribution Coll. Registration Procedure
64 Table  HRDESV_BV_S_STAT Status of the PPO Contribution Coll. Registration Procedure
65 Table  HRDESV_BV_S_STAT Status of the PPO Contribution Coll. Registration Procedure
66 Table  HRDESV_BV_S_STAT Status of the PPO Contribution Coll. Registration Procedure
67 Table  HRDESV_BV_S_STAT Status of the PPO Contribution Coll. Registration Procedure
68 Table  HRDESV_BV_S_STAT Status of the PPO Contribution Coll. Registration Procedure
69 Table  HRDESV_BV_S_STAT Status of the PPO Contribution Coll. Registration Procedure
70 Table  HRDESV_BV_S_STAT Status of the PPO Contribution Coll. Registration Procedure
71 Table  HRDESV_BV_S_STAT Status of the PPO Contribution Coll. Registration Procedure
72 Table  HRDESV_BV_S_STAT Status of the PPO Contribution Coll. Registration Procedure
73 Table  HRDESV_BV_S_STAT Status of the PPO Contribution Coll. Registration Procedure
74 Table  HRDESV_BV_S_STAT Status of the PPO Contribution Coll. Registration Procedure
75 Table  HRDESV_BV_S_STAT Status of the PPO Contribution Coll. Registration Procedure
76 Table  HRDESV_BV_S_STAT Status of the PPO Contribution Coll. Registration Procedure
77 Table  HRDESV_BV_S_STAT Status of the PPO Contribution Coll. Registration Procedure
78 Table  HRDESV_BV_S_STAT Status of the PPO Contribution Coll. Registration Procedure
79 Table  HRDESV_BV_S_STAT Status of the PPO Contribution Coll. Registration Procedure
80 Table  HRDESV_BV_S_STAT Status of the PPO Contribution Coll. Registration Procedure
81 Table  HRDESV_BV_S_STAT Status of the PPO Contribution Coll. Registration Procedure
82 Table  HRDESV_BV_S_STAT Status of the PPO Contribution Coll. Registration Procedure
83 Table  HRDESV_BV_S_STAT Status of the PPO Contribution Coll. Registration Procedure
84 Table  HRDESV_BV_S_STAT Status of the PPO Contribution Coll. Registration Procedure
85 Table  HRDESV_BV_S_STAT Status of the PPO Contribution Coll. Registration Procedure
86 Table  HRDESV_BV_S_STAT Status of the PPO Contribution Coll. Registration Procedure
87 Table  HRDESV_BV_S_TRANS Structure for Transferring Notifications to DASBV
88 Table  HRDESV_BV_S_TRANS Structure for Transferring Notifications to DASBV
89 Table  HRDESV_MLDKZ SI Reporting: Administration Information for Notification
90 Table  HRDESV_STATKZ SI Regulatory Reporting: Creation Information for Status
91 Table  HRDESV_STATKZ SI Regulatory Reporting: Creation Information for Status
92 Table  HRDESV_STATKZ SI Regulatory Reporting: Creation Information for Status
93 Table  HRDESV_STATKZ SI Regulatory Reporting: Creation Information for Status
94 Table  HRDESV_STATKZ SI Regulatory Reporting: Creation Information for Status
95 Table  HRDESV_STATKZ SI Regulatory Reporting: Creation Information for Status
96 Table  HRDESV_STATKZ SI Regulatory Reporting: Creation Information for Status
97 Table  HRDESV_STATKZ SI Regulatory Reporting: Creation Information for Status
98 Table  HRDESV_STATKZ SI Regulatory Reporting: Creation Information for Status
99 Table  HRDESV_SV_S_DBFE Data Module Error of SI Notification
100 Table  HRDESV_S_BNR HR-D: Structure of Contribution File
101 Table  HRDESV_S_BNR HR-D: Structure of Contribution File
102 Table  HRFORM_SENDER HR-FORMS: Sender Details in SAPScript Forms
103 Table  P01BV_DBFE Error Data Module for PPO Contribution Collection Proced.
104 Table  P01BV_DBFE Error Data Module for PPO Contribution Collection Proced.
105 Table  P01BV_DBFE Error Data Module for PPO Contribution Collection Proced.
106 Table  P01BV_DBFE Error Data Module for PPO Contribution Collection Proced.
107 Table  P01BV_DBFE Error Data Module for PPO Contribution Collection Proced.
108 Table  P01BV_HIST History Admin. for PPO Contribution Survey Procedure
109 Table  P01BV_HIST History Admin. for PPO Contribution Survey Procedure
110 Table  P01BV_HIST History Admin. for PPO Contribution Survey Procedure
111 Table  P01BV_HIST History Admin. for PPO Contribution Survey Procedure
112 Table  P01BV_HIST History Admin. for PPO Contribution Survey Procedure
113 Table  P01BV_KEAN Management of Employee ID
114 Table  P01BV_KEAN Management of Employee ID
115 Table  P01BV_MELD Data Record for PPO Collection of Contributions
116 Table  P01BV_MELD Data Record for PPO Collection of Contributions
117 Table  P01BV_MELD Data Record for PPO Collection of Contributions
118 Table  P01BV_MELD Data Record for PPO Collection of Contributions
119 Table  P01BV_MELD Data Record for PPO Collection of Contributions
120 Table  P01BV_MELD Data Record for PPO Collection of Contributions
121 Table  P01BV_MELD Data Record for PPO Collection of Contributions
122 Table  P01BV_STAT Status Table for PPO Contribution Collect. Notif. Procedure
123 Table  P01BV_STAT Status Table for PPO Contribution Collect. Notif. Procedure
124 Table  P01BV_STAT Status Table for PPO Contribution Collect. Notif. Procedure
125 Table  P01BV_STAT Status Table for PPO Contribution Collect. Notif. Procedure
126 Table  P01BV_STAT Status Table for PPO Contribution Collect. Notif. Procedure
127 Table  P01BV_STAT Status Table for PPO Contribution Collect. Notif. Procedure
128 Table  P01BV_STAT Status Table for PPO Contribution Collect. Notif. Procedure
129 Table  P01BV_STAT Status Table for PPO Contribution Collect. Notif. Procedure
130 Table  P01BV_STAT Status Table for PPO Contribution Collect. Notif. Procedure
131 Table  P01SV_MLDAUFR Control of Recalculation in SI Reporting
132 Table  P01SV_MLDAUFR Control of Recalculation in SI Reporting
133 Table  PME01 Limited P0001 Structure for T549B
134 Table  PME01 Limited P0001 Structure for T549B
135 Table  SYMSG Structure of message variables
136 Table  SYMSG Structure of message variables
137 Table  SYMSG Structure of message variables
138 Table  SYMSG Structure of message variables
139 Table  T5D31 Professionals Pension Organization (PPO)