Class Method list used by SAP ABAP Class CL_FOBJ_OBJECT (Generic Implementation of a FIN Object)
SAP ABAP Class CL_FOBJ_OBJECT (Generic Implementation of a FIN Object) is using
# Object Type Object Name Object Description Note
1 Class Method  CL_FINB_MD_CHAR_FACTORY - GET_INSTANCE Central Factory
2 Class Method  CL_FOBJ_OBJECT - CONSTRUCTOR Generic Implementation of a FIN Object
3 Class Method  CL_FOBJ_OBJECT - FILL_STAT_TYPED_ATTR Generic Implementation of a FIN Object
4 Class Method  CL_FOBJ_OBJECT - FILL_STAT_TYPED_ATTR Generic Implementation of a FIN Object
5 Class Method  CL_FOBJ_OBJECT - FILL_STAT_TYPED_ATTR Generic Implementation of a FIN Object
6 Class Method  CL_FOBJ_OBJECT - FILL_STAT_TYPED_ATTR Generic Implementation of a FIN Object
7 Class Method  CL_FOBJ_OBJECT - FILL_STAT_TYPED_ATTR Generic Implementation of a FIN Object
8 Class Method  CL_FOBJ_OBJECT - GET_FIELD_VAL_FROM_COMP_VALUES Generic Implementation of a FIN Object
9 Class Method  CL_FOBJ_OBJECT - GET_FIELD_VAL_FROM_COMP_VALUES Generic Implementation of a FIN Object
10 Class Method  CL_FOBJ_OBJECT - GET_FIELD_VAL_FROM_COMP_VALUES Generic Implementation of a FIN Object
11 Class Method  CL_FOBJ_OBJECT - GET_TEXTUAL_KEY Generic Implementation of a FIN Object
12 Class Method  CL_FOBJ_OBJECT - GET_TEXTUAL_KEY Generic Implementation of a FIN Object
13 Class Method  CL_FOBJ_OBJECT - GET_TEXTUAL_KEY Generic Implementation of a FIN Object
14 Class Method  CL_FOBJ_OBJECT - LOCK_VIA_ID Generic Implementation of a FIN Object
15 Class Method  CL_FOBJ_OBJECT - SAVE_INT Generic Implementation of a FIN Object
16 Class Method  CL_FOBJ_OBJECT - SET_PARENT Generic Implementation of a FIN Object
17 Class Method  CL_FOBJ_OBJECT - SET_TABLE_COMP_KEY Generic Implementation of a FIN Object
18 Class Method  CL_FOBJ_OBJECT - UNLOCK Generic Implementation of a FIN Object
19 Class Method  CL_FOBJ_OBJECT - UNLOCK_VIA_ID Generic Implementation of a FIN Object
20 Class Method  CL_FOBJ_OBJECT - UPDATE_HIER_LEVEL Generic Implementation of a FIN Object
21 Class Method  CL_FOBJ_OBJECT - UPDATE_HIER_LEVEL Generic Implementation of a FIN Object
22 Class Method  CL_FOBJ_TABLE_COMP - ADD_TO_PR_WRITER Table Component of a FIN Object
23 Class Method  CL_FOBJ_TABLE_COMP - CONSTRUCTOR Table Component of a FIN Object
24 Class Method  CL_FOBJ_TABLE_COMP - GET_ENTRIES_AS_ITAB Table Component of a FIN Object
25 Class Method  CL_FOBJ_TABLE_COMP - GET_ENTRIES_AS_ITAB Table Component of a FIN Object
26 Class Method  CL_FOBJ_TABLE_COMP - GET_ENTRIES_AS_ITAB Table Component of a FIN Object
27 Class Method  CL_FOBJ_TABLE_COMP - GET_ENTRY Table Component of a FIN Object
28 Class Method  CL_FOBJ_TABLE_COMP - GET_ENTRY Table Component of a FIN Object
29 Class Method  CL_FOBJ_TABLE_COMP - INSERT_ENTRY Table Component of a FIN Object
30 Class Method  CL_FOBJ_TABLE_COMP - INSERT_ENTRY_INT Table Component of a FIN Object
31 Class Method  CL_FOBJ_TABLE_COMP - REPLACE Table Component of a FIN Object
32 Class Method  CL_FOBJ_TABLE_DEF - CHECK_ALL_TRANSIENT Metadata of a Generic Table with Optional Persistence
33 Class Method  CL_FOBJ_TABLE_ENTRY - ADD_TO_PR_WRITER Generic Implementation of a Table Entry
34 Class Method  CL_FOBJ_TABLE_ENTRY - ADD_TO_PR_WRITER Generic Implementation of a Table Entry
35 Class Method  CL_FOBJ_TABLE_ENTRY - ADD_TO_PR_WRITER Generic Implementation of a Table Entry
36 Class Method  CL_FOBJ_TABLE_ENTRY - CHANGE_VALUE_INT Generic Implementation of a Table Entry
37 Class Method  CL_FOBJ_TABLE_ENTRY - CHANGE_VALUE_INT Generic Implementation of a Table Entry
38 Class Method  CL_FOBJ_TABLE_ENTRY - CHECK_COMPONENT_CHANGEABLE Generic Implementation of a Table Entry
39 Class Method  CL_FOBJ_TABLE_ENTRY - CHECK_COMPONENT_CHANGEABLE Generic Implementation of a Table Entry
40 Class Method  CL_FOBJ_TABLE_ENTRY - CHECK_DELETED Generic Implementation of a Table Entry
41 Class Method  CL_FOBJ_TABLE_ENTRY - CHECK_ENTRY_CHANGEABLE Generic Implementation of a Table Entry
42 Class Method  CL_FOBJ_TABLE_ENTRY - CHECK_ENTRY_CHANGEABLE Generic Implementation of a Table Entry
43 Class Method  CL_FOBJ_TABLE_ENTRY - CHECK_ENTRY_CHANGEABLE Generic Implementation of a Table Entry
44 Class Method  CL_FOBJ_TABLE_ENTRY - CHECK_VALID Generic Implementation of a Table Entry
45 Class Method  CL_FOBJ_TABLE_ENTRY - CONSTRUCTOR Generic Implementation of a Table Entry
46 Class Method  CL_FOBJ_TABLE_ENTRY - DELETE Generic Implementation of a Table Entry
47 Class Method  CL_FOBJ_TABLE_ENTRY - DELETE Generic Implementation of a Table Entry
48 Class Method  CL_FOBJ_TABLE_ENTRY - GET_COMPONENT Generic Implementation of a Table Entry
49 Class Method  CL_FOBJ_TABLE_ENTRY - GET_COMPONENT Generic Implementation of a Table Entry
50 Class Method  CL_FOBJ_TABLE_ENTRY - GET_VALUE Generic Implementation of a Table Entry
51 Class Method  CL_FOBJ_TABLE_ENTRY - GET_VALUE Generic Implementation of a Table Entry
52 Class Method  CL_FOBJ_TABLE_ENTRY - GET_VALUE Generic Implementation of a Table Entry
53 Class Method  CL_FOBJ_TABLE_ENTRY - GET_VALUES Generic Implementation of a Table Entry
54 Class Method  CL_FOBJ_TABLE_ENTRY - GET_VALUES Generic Implementation of a Table Entry
55 Class Method  CL_FOBJ_TABLE_ENTRY - GET_VALUES Generic Implementation of a Table Entry
56 Class Method  CL_FOBJ_TABLE_ENTRY - GET_VALUES Generic Implementation of a Table Entry
57 Class Method  CL_FOBJ_TABLE_ENTRY - INVALIDATE Generic Implementation of a Table Entry
58 Class Method  CL_FOBJ_TABLE_ENTRY - INVALIDATE Generic Implementation of a Table Entry
59 Class Method  CL_FOBJ_TABLE_INDEX - READ_ALL Generic Table Index Through Business Key
60 Class Method  CL_FOBJ_TABLE_INDEX - READ_ALL Generic Table Index Through Business Key
61 Class Method  CL_FOBJ_TYPE - GET_DESCRIPTION FIN Object Type
62 Class Method  CL_FOBJ_TYPE - GET_TEXTUAL_KEY FIN Object Type
64 Class Method  CX_FINB_ERROR - ADD_SY_MESSAGE Errors occurred
65 Class Method  CX_FINB_ERROR - ADD_SY_MESSAGE Errors occurred
66 Class Method  CX_FINB_ERROR - ADD_SY_MESSAGE Errors occurred
67 Class Method  CX_FINB_ERROR - ADD_SY_MESSAGE Errors occurred
68 Class Method  CX_FINB_ERROR - ADD_SY_MESSAGE Errors occurred
69 Class Method  CX_FINB_ERROR - ADD_SY_MESSAGE Errors occurred
70 Class Method  CX_FINB_ERROR - ADD_SY_MESSAGE Errors occurred
71 Class Method  CX_FINB_ERROR - ADD_SY_MESSAGE Errors occurred
72 Class Method  CX_FINB_ERROR - ADD_SY_MESSAGE Errors occurred
73 Class Method  CX_FOBJ_COMPONENT_UNKNOWN - CONSTRUCTOR Component Does Not Exist
74 Class Method  CX_FOBJ_COMPONENT_UNKNOWN - CONSTRUCTOR Component Does Not Exist
75 Class Method  CX_FOBJ_ERROR - CONSTRUCTOR Errors Occurred (Messages in Message Handler)
76 Class Method  CX_FOBJ_ERROR - CONSTRUCTOR Errors Occurred (Messages in Message Handler)
77 Class Method  CX_FOBJ_ERROR - CONSTRUCTOR Errors Occurred (Messages in Message Handler)
78 Class Method  CX_FOBJ_ERROR - CONSTRUCTOR Errors Occurred (Messages in Message Handler)
79 Class Method  CX_FOBJ_ERROR - CONSTRUCTOR Errors Occurred (Messages in Message Handler)
80 Class Method  CX_FOBJ_OBJECT_LOCKED - CONSTRUCTOR Object Locked
81 Class Method  CX_FOBJ_UNCHANGEABLE - CONSTRUCTOR Object/component cannot be changed
82 Class Method  CX_FOBJ_UNCHANGEABLE - CONSTRUCTOR Object/component cannot be changed
83 Class Method  IF_FINB_MD_CHAR - GET_META_DATA Characteristic
84 Class Method  IF_FINB_MD_CHAR_FACTORY - GET_CHAR_INSTANCE Central Factory
85 Class Method  IF_FINB_MD_CHAR_FACTORY - GET_INSTANCE Central Factory
86 Class Method  IF_FINB_PR_OBJ_RUN - GET_WRITER Persistence Object (Runtime)
87 Class Method  IF_FINB_PR_TAB_RUN - GET_WRITER Persistence Object Table (Runtime)
88 Class Method  IF_FINB_PR_WRITER - POST_IMMEDIATE Update Task for a Persistence Object
89 Class Method  IF_FINB_PR_WRITER - POST_ON_COMMIT Update Task for a Persistence Object
90 Class Method  IF_FINB_STRUCT_OBJECT - GET_AMOUNT Object of a Structured Type
91 Class Method  IF_FINB_STRUCT_OBJECT - GET_DESCRIPTION Object of a Structured Type
92 Class Method  IF_FINB_STRUCT_OBJECT - GET_QUANTITY Object of a Structured Type
93 Class Method  IF_FINB_STRUCT_OBJECT - GET_TYPE Object of a Structured Type
94 Class Method  IF_FINB_STRUCT_OBJECT - GET_VALUE Object of a Structured Type
95 Class Method  IF_FINB_STRUCT_OBJECT - GET_VALUES Object of a Structured Type
96 Class Method  IF_FINB_STRUCT_OBJECT - GET_VALUE_AS_REF Object of a Structured Type
97 Class Method  IF_FINB_STRUCT_OBJECT - SET_VALUE Object of a Structured Type
98 Class Method  IF_FINB_STRUCT_OBJECT - SET_VALUES Object of a Structured Type
99 Class Method  IF_FINB_STRUCT_TYPE - GET_DESCRIPTION Structured Type Using Characteristics of a Data Basis
100 Class Method  IF_FOBJ_OBJECT - GET_DESCRIPTION Basis Interface for all FIN Objects
101 Class Method  IF_FOBJ_OBJECT - GET_DESCRIPTION Basis Interface for all FIN Objects
102 Class Method  IF_FOBJ_OBJECT - GET_TEXTUAL_KEY Basis Interface for all FIN Objects
103 Class Method  IF_FOBJ_OBJECT - GET_TEXTUAL_KEY Basis Interface for all FIN Objects
104 Class Method  IF_FOBJ_OBJECT - GET_TEXTUAL_KEY Basis Interface for all FIN Objects
105 Class Method  IF_FOBJ_OBJECT - GET_TEXTUAL_KEY Basis Interface for all FIN Objects
106 Class Method  IF_FOBJ_OBJECT - GET_TEXTUAL_KEY Basis Interface for all FIN Objects