Table/Structure Field list used by SAP ABAP Class CL_ESH_EX_FU_ADMIN (Real-Time Indexing Administration)
SAP ABAP Class CL_ESH_EX_FU_ADMIN (Real-Time Indexing Administration) is using
# Object Type Object Name Object Description Note
1 Table/Structure Field  BALMSGHNDL - LOG_HANDLE Application Log: Log Handle
2 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_MSG - MSGID Message Class
3 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_MSG - MSGNO Message Number
4 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_MSG - MSGTY Message Type
5 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_MSG - MSGV1 Message Variable
6 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_MSG - MSGV2 Message Variable
7 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_MSG - MSGV3 Message Variable
8 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_MSG - MSGV4 Message Variable
9 Table/Structure Field  ESH_EX_CPOINTER - ENTRY_TYPE Change Pointer Entry Type
10 Table/Structure Field  ESH_EX_CPOINTER - OBJECT_TYPE_ID Object Type
11 Table/Structure Field  ESH_EX_CPOINTER - STATUS Change Pointer Processing Status
12 Table/Structure Field  ESH_EX_CPOINTER - SW_COMP_ID Software Component
13 Table/Structure Field  ESH_EX_FU_ADM - FU_BLOCKSIZE Fast Update Extraction Blocksize
14 Table/Structure Field  ESH_EX_FU_ADM - FU_BLOCKSIZE Fast Update Extraction Blocksize
15 Table/Structure Field  ESH_EX_FU_ADM - FU_DEMON_STATUS Fast Update Demon Admin Status
16 Table/Structure Field  ESH_EX_FU_ADM - FU_DEMON_STATUS Fast Update Demon Admin Status
17 Table/Structure Field  ESH_EX_FU_ADM - FU_DEMON_STATUS Fast Update Demon Admin Status
18 Table/Structure Field  ESH_EX_FU_ADM - FU_EXTRACT_FREQ Extraction Frequency
19 Table/Structure Field  ESH_EX_FU_ADM - FU_EXTRACT_FREQ Extraction Frequency
20 Table/Structure Field  ESH_EX_FU_ADM - FU_MAX_IDLE_TIME Fast Update: Max. Idle Time
21 Table/Structure Field  ESH_EX_FU_ADM - FU_MAX_IDLE_TIME Fast Update: Max. Idle Time
22 Table/Structure Field  ESH_EX_FU_ADM - FU_MAX_RUNTIME Fast Update: Max. Runtime (secs)
23 Table/Structure Field  ESH_EX_FU_ADM - FU_MAX_RUNTIME Fast Update: Max. Runtime (secs)
24 Table/Structure Field  ESH_EX_FU_ADM - FU_OBJLIST_CHGD List of Registered Objects Changed
25 Table/Structure Field  ESH_EX_FU_ADM - FU_SUSPEND_MODE Fast Update Suspended Mode
26 Table/Structure Field  ESH_EX_FU_ADM - FU_SUSPEND_MODE Fast Update Suspended Mode
27 Table/Structure Field  ESH_EX_FU_ADM - LAST_MOD_TSTMP UTC Time Stamp in Long Form (YYYYMMDDhhmmssmmmuuun)
28 Table/Structure Field  ESH_EX_FU_ADM - LAST_MOD_TSTMP UTC Time Stamp in Long Form (YYYYMMDDhhmmssmmmuuun)
29 Table/Structure Field  ESH_EX_FU_ADM - LAST_MOD_TSTMP UTC Time Stamp in Long Form (YYYYMMDDhhmmssmmmuuun)
30 Table/Structure Field  ESH_EX_FU_ADM - LAST_MOD_TSTMP UTC Time Stamp in Long Form (YYYYMMDDhhmmssmmmuuun)
31 Table/Structure Field  ESH_EX_FU_ADM - LAST_MOD_USER User Name
32 Table/Structure Field  ESH_EX_FU_ADM - LAST_MOD_USER User Name
33 Table/Structure Field  ESH_EX_FU_ADM - LAST_MOD_USER User Name
34 Table/Structure Field  ESH_EX_FU_ADM - LAST_MOD_USER User Name
35 Table/Structure Field  ESH_EX_FU_ADM - LOGSYS Logical system
36 Table/Structure Field  ESH_EX_FU_ADM - LOGSYS Logical system
37 Table/Structure Field  ESH_EX_FU_ADM - LOGSYS Logical system
38 Table/Structure Field  ESH_EX_FU_ADM - LOGSYS Logical system
39 Table/Structure Field  ESH_EX_FU_ADM - LOGSYS Logical system
40 Table/Structure Field  ESH_EX_FU_CONN - CALLBK_IF_IMPL Interface-Implementing Class
41 Table/Structure Field  ESH_EX_FU_CONN - OBJECT_TYPE Object Type
42 Table/Structure Field  ESH_EX_FU_CONN - PROCESSING_MODE Real-Time Indexing Processing Mode
43 Table/Structure Field  ESH_EX_FU_CONN - REGISTERED_FOR Registered For
44 Table/Structure Field  ESH_EX_FU_CONN - SW_COMP_ID Software Component
45 Table/Structure Field  ESH_EX_FU_FBK - CP_LASTEXE_TSTMP UTC Time Stamp in Short Form (YYYYMMDDhhmmss)
46 Table/Structure Field  ESH_EX_FU_FBK - FU_LASTEXE_TSTMP UTC Time Stamp in Short Form (YYYYMMDDhhmmss)
47 Table/Structure Field  ESH_EX_FU_FBK - JOBFINISH_STATUS Fast Update Demon Runtime Status
48 Table/Structure Field  ESH_EX_FU_FBK - JOBFINISH_UNAME User Name
49 Table/Structure Field  ESH_EX_FU_FBK - JOBSTART_STATUS Fast Update Demon Runtime Status
50 Table/Structure Field  ESH_EX_FU_FBK - JOBSTART_STATUS Fast Update Demon Runtime Status
51 Table/Structure Field  ESH_EX_FU_FBK - JOBSTART_TSTMP UTC Time Stamp in Short Form (YYYYMMDDhhmmss)
52 Table/Structure Field  ESH_EX_FU_FBK - JOBSTART_TSTMP UTC Time Stamp in Short Form (YYYYMMDDhhmmss)
53 Table/Structure Field  ESH_EX_FU_FBK - JOBSTART_TSTMP UTC Time Stamp in Short Form (YYYYMMDDhhmmss)
54 Table/Structure Field  ESH_EX_FU_FBK - JOBSTART_UNAME User Name
55 Table/Structure Field  ESH_EX_FU_FBK - LOGSYS Logical system
56 Table/Structure Field  ESH_EX_FU_FBK - LOGSYS Logical system
57 Table/Structure Field  ESH_EX_FU_FBK - LOGSYS Logical system
58 Table/Structure Field  ESH_EX_FU_FBK - LOG_HANDLE Application Log: Log Handle
59 Table/Structure Field  ESH_EX_TPOINTER - ENTRY_TYPE Change Pointer Entry Type
60 Table/Structure Field  ESH_EX_TPOINTER - OBJECT_TYPE_ID Object Type
61 Table/Structure Field  ESH_EX_TPOINTER - RETRY_COUNTER Natural number
62 Table/Structure Field  ESH_EX_TPOINTER - STATUS Change Pointer Processing Status
63 Table/Structure Field  ESH_EX_TPOINTER - SW_COMP_ID Software Component
64 Table/Structure Field  ESH_EX_TPOINTER - TRANSACTION_ID General ID
65 Table/Structure Field  ESH_OM_AOTYP - BACKEND_NAME Backend Name
66 Table/Structure Field  ESH_OM_AOTYP - OBJECT_TYPE_NAME Object Type
67 Table/Structure Field  ESH_OM_AOTYP - PROVIDER_ID Provider ID
68 Table/Structure Field  ESH_S_CO_INDEXING_PROC - JOB_TYPE Extraction Job Type
69 Table/Structure Field  ESH_S_CO_INDEXING_PROC - OBJECT_NAME Object Type
70 Table/Structure Field  ESH_S_CO_INDEXING_PROC - SW_COMP_ID Software Component
71 Table/Structure Field  ESH_S_EX_FU_CO_STATUS - CP_EXTRACTION_STATUS Change Pointer Extraction Runtime Status
72 Table/Structure Field  ESH_S_EX_FU_CO_STATUS - CP_QUEUESIZE Natural number
73 Table/Structure Field  ESH_S_EX_FU_CO_STATUS - FAILED Natural number
74 Table/Structure Field  ESH_S_EX_FU_CO_STATUS - FU_EXTRACTION_STATUS Fast Update Extraction Runtime Status
75 Table/Structure Field  ESH_S_EX_FU_CO_STATUS - FU_QUEUESIZE Natural number
76 Table/Structure Field  ESH_S_EX_FU_CO_STATUS - PROCESSING Natural number
77 Table/Structure Field  ESH_S_EX_FU_DEMON_ADM - FU_BLOCKSIZE Fast Update Extraction Blocksize
78 Table/Structure Field  ESH_S_EX_FU_DEMON_ADM - FU_DEMON_STATUS Fast Update Demon Admin Status
79 Table/Structure Field  ESH_S_EX_FU_DEMON_ADM - FU_DEMON_STATUS Fast Update Demon Admin Status
80 Table/Structure Field  ESH_S_EX_FU_DEMON_ADM - FU_EXTRACT_FREQ Extraction Frequency
81 Table/Structure Field  ESH_S_EX_FU_DEMON_ADM - FU_MAX_IDLE_TIME Fast Update: Max. Idle Time
82 Table/Structure Field  ESH_S_EX_FU_DEMON_ADM - FU_MAX_RUNTIME Fast Update: Max. Runtime (secs)
83 Table/Structure Field  ESH_S_EX_FU_DEMON_ADM - FU_OBJLIST_CHGD List of Registered Objects Changed
84 Table/Structure Field  ESH_S_EX_FU_DEMON_ADM - LAST_MOD_TSTMP UTC Time Stamp in Long Form (YYYYMMDDhhmmssmmmuuun)
85 Table/Structure Field  ESH_S_EX_FU_DEMON_ADM - LAST_MOD_USER User Name
86 Table/Structure Field  ESH_S_EX_FU_DEMON_ADM - LOGSYS Logical system
87 Table/Structure Field  ESH_S_EX_FU_DEMON_FBK - JOBSTART_STATUS Fast Update Demon Runtime Status
88 Table/Structure Field  ESH_S_EX_FU_DEMON_FBK - JOBSTART_UNAME User Name
89 Table/Structure Field  ESH_S_EX_FU_DEMON_STATUSINFO - DB_STATUS Fast Update Demon Admin Status
90 Table/Structure Field  ESH_S_EX_FU_DEMON_STATUSINFO - RT_STATUS Fast Update Demon Runtime Status
91 Table/Structure Field  ESH_S_EX_FU_DEMON_STATUSINFO - RT_STATUS Fast Update Demon Runtime Status
92 Table/Structure Field  ESH_S_EX_FU_DEMON_STATUSINFO - RT_STATUS_MESSAGE Message Text
93 Table/Structure Field  ESH_S_EX_FU_DEMON_STATUSINFO - RT_STATUS_MESSAGE Message Text
94 Table/Structure Field  ESH_S_EX_FU_DEMON_STATUSINFO - RT_STATUS_MSG_ID Message Class
95 Table/Structure Field  ESH_S_EX_FU_DEMON_STATUSINFO - RT_STATUS_MSG_NUMBER Message Number
96 Table/Structure Field  ESH_S_EX_FU_DEMON_STATUSINFO - RT_STATUS_MSG_TYPE Message type: S Success, E Error, W Warning, I Info, A Abort
97 Table/Structure Field  ESH_S_EX_FU_DEMON_STATUSINFO - RT_STATUS_MSG_V1 Message Variable
98 Table/Structure Field  ESH_S_EX_FU_DEMON_STATUSINFO - RT_STATUS_MSG_V2 Message Variable
99 Table/Structure Field  ESH_S_EX_FU_DEMON_STATUSINFO - RT_STATUS_MSG_V3 Message Variable
100 Table/Structure Field  ESH_S_EX_FU_EXTRACT_STATUSINFO - CP_EXTRACTION_STATUS Change Pointer Extraction Runtime Status
101 Table/Structure Field  ESH_S_EX_FU_EXTRACT_STATUSINFO - FU_EXTRACTION_STATUS Fast Update Extraction Runtime Status
102 Table/Structure Field  ESH_S_IF_UNPROCESSED_OBJECT - OBJECT_ID General ID
103 Table/Structure Field  ESH_S_IF_UNPROCESSED_OBJECT - RETRY_COUNTER Natural number
104 Table/Structure Field  ESH_S_IF_UNPROCESSED_OBJECT - STATUS Change Pointer Processing Status
105 Table/Structure Field  ESH_S_OM_AOTYP - BACKEND_NAME Backend Name
106 Table/Structure Field  ESH_S_OM_AOTYP - OBJECT_TYPE_NAME Object Type
107 Table/Structure Field  ESH_S_OM_AOTYP - PROVIDER_ID Provider ID
108 Table/Structure Field  ESH_S_OM_AOTYP_EXT - OBJECT_TYPE_NAME Object Type
109 Table/Structure Field  ESH_S_OM_OTYP_DATA - BACKEND_NAME Backend Name
110 Table/Structure Field  ESH_S_OM_OTYP_DATA - OBJECT_TYPE_NAME Object Type
111 Table/Structure Field  ESH_S_OM_OTYP_DATA - PROVIDER_ID Provider ID
112 Table/Structure Field  ESH_S_RTI_RUNTIME_CALLBACK - BACKEND_NAME Backend Name
113 Table/Structure Field  ESH_S_RTI_RUNTIME_CALLBACK - CALLBACK_CLASS_IMPLEMENTATION Interface-Implementing Class
114 Table/Structure Field  ESH_S_RTI_RUNTIME_CALLBACK - HOME_SOFTWARE_COMPONENT Software Component
115 Table/Structure Field  ESH_S_RTI_RUNTIME_CALLBACK - OBJECT_TYPE Object Type
117 Table/Structure Field  SYST - LANGU ABAP System Field: Language Key of Text Environment
118 Table/Structure Field  SYST - MSGID ABAP System Field: Message ID
119 Table/Structure Field  SYST - MSGID ABAP System Field: Message ID
120 Table/Structure Field  SYST - MSGNO ABAP System Field: Message Number
121 Table/Structure Field  SYST - MSGNO ABAP System Field: Message Number
122 Table/Structure Field  SYST - MSGTY ABAP System Field: Message Type
123 Table/Structure Field  SYST - MSGV1 ABAP System Field: Message Variable
124 Table/Structure Field  SYST - MSGV1 ABAP System Field: Message Variable
125 Table/Structure Field  SYST - MSGV2 ABAP System Field: Message Variable
126 Table/Structure Field  SYST - MSGV2 ABAP System Field: Message Variable
127 Table/Structure Field  SYST - MSGV3 ABAP System Field: Message Variable
128 Table/Structure Field  SYST - MSGV3 ABAP System Field: Message Variable
129 Table/Structure Field  SYST - MSGV4 ABAP System Field: Message Variable
130 Table/Structure Field  SYST - MSGV4 ABAP System Field: Message Variable
131 Table/Structure Field  SYST - TABIX ABAP System Field: Row Index of Internal Tables
132 Table/Structure Field  SYST - UNAME ABAP System Field: Name of Current User
133 Table/Structure Field  SYST - UNAME ABAP System Field: Name of Current User
134 Table/Structure Field  SYST - UNAME ABAP System Field: Name of Current User
135 Table/Structure Field  SYST - UNAME ABAP System Field: Name of Current User
136 Table/Structure Field  SYST - ZONLO ABAP System Field: Time Zone of Current User