SAP ABAP Table RJHMSTAND (IS-M/AM: Structure for Contract Standing)
IS-M (Software Component) SAP MEDIA
   IS-M (Application Component) SAP Media
     JAS (Package) Application development R/3 Publishing Advertising System***
Basic Data
Table Category INTTAB    Structure 
Structure RJHMSTAND   Table Relationship Diagram
Short Description IS-M/AM: Structure for Contract Standing    
Delivery and Maintenance
Delivery Class      
Data Browser/Table View Maintenance     Display/Maintenance Allowed with Restrictions 
Field Key Data Element Domain Data
Length Decimal
Short Description Check
1 VTNR ABS_VTNR ABS_VTNR NUMC 6   0   IS-M: Contract Number *
2 MEINH JH_MMEINH ISPEINHEIT UNIT 3   0   IS-M/AM: Unit of Measurement for Quantity in the Contract *
3 AB_WEINH AB_WEINH WAERS CUKY 5   0   IS-M: Currency Key for Contract *
4 .INCLUDE       0   0   IS-PAM: Structure Of Totals Fields In COA  
5 SAERBMO SRBMO WERTV8 CURR 15   2   Total sales vol.all acc.assignments qualifying for discount  
6 SAERBMM SRBMM SAEMM QUAN 12   3   IS-M: Total qty all acc.assignments qualifying for discount  
7 SAERBME SRBME SAEME DEC 5   0   IS-M: Total No.All Acc.Assignments Qualifying for Discount  
8 SAEBOMO SBOMO WERTV8 CURR 15   2   IS-M: Total sales vol.all accept.assignments qual.for bonus  
9 SAEBOMM SBOMM SAEMM QUAN 12   3   IS-M: Total quantity of all accpt.assignments qual.for bonus  
10 SAEBOME SBOME SAEME DEC 5   0   IS-M: Total Number All Acc.Assignments Qualifying for Bonus  
11 SAEMRNRMO SMRNRMO WERTV8 CURR 15   2   Total sales vol.all orig.acc.assignments count.towards disc.  
12 SAEMRNRMM SMRNRMM SAEMM QUAN 12   3   Total qty all acc.original assignments count.towards disc.  
13 SAEMRNRME SMRNRME SAEME DEC 5   0   Total No.of All Acc.Original Assignments Count.Towards Disc.  
14 SAEMBNBMO SMBNBMO WERTV8 CURR 15   2   Total sales vol.of all acc.orig.assignments count.twrd bonus  
15 SAEMBNBMM SMBNBMM SAEMM QUAN 12   3   Total qty of all original acc.assignments counting twrd bon.  
16 SAEMBNBME SMBNBME SAEME DEC 5   0   Total No.of All Acc.Original Assignments Count.Twrds Bonus  
17 SAERFRRMO SRFRRMO WERTV8 CURR 15   2   Total sales vol.all acc.assignments qual.for dis.frm othr BU  
18 SAERFRRMM SRFRRMM SAEMM QUAN 12   3   Total qty all acc.assignments qual.for disc.from other BU  
19 SAERFRRME SRFRRME SAEME DEC 5   0   Total No.All Acc.Assignments Qual.for Discount From Other BU  
20 SAEBFRMO SBFRMO WERTV8 CURR 15   2   Total sales vol. all acc.assign. qual.for bonus from othr BU  
21 SAEBFRMM SBFRMM SAEMM QUAN 12   3   Total qty of all accp.assignments qual.for bonus frm othr BU  
22 SAEBFRME SBFRME SAEME DEC 5   0   Total Number of Assignments Qualify.for Bonus From Other BU  
23 SAEFRMO SFRMO WERTV8 CURR 15   2   Total sales vol.of all accepted assignments from other BU  
24 SAEFRMM SFRMM SAEMM QUAN 12   3   IS-M: Total quantity of all accept.assignments from other BU  
25 SAEFRME SFRME SAEME DEC 5   0   IS-M: Total Number of All Accepted Assignments From Other BU  
26 SAEMFRBMO SMFRBMO WERTV8 CURR 15   2   Total sales vol.all acc.assign.count.twrds bonus frm othr BU  
27 SAEMFRBMM SMFRBMM SAEMM QUAN 12   3   Total qty all acc.assignmnts count.twrds bonus from other BU  
28 SAEMFRBME SMFRBME SAEME DEC 5   0   Total No.All Acc.Assignmnts Count.Twrds Bonus From Other BU  
29 SAEVBMO SVBMO WERTV8 CURR 15   2   IS-M: Total sales vol.all acc.assignments from other SA  
30 SAEVBMM SVBMM SAEMM QUAN 12   3   IS-M: Total qty all acc.assignments from other sales area  
31 SAEVBME SVBME SAEME DEC 5   0   IS-M: Total Number of All Accepted Assignments From Other SA  
32 SAEMAMO SMAMO WERTV8 CURR 15   2   IS-M: Total sales volume of all accepted manual assignments  
33 SAEMAMM SMAMM SAEMM QUAN 12   3   IS-M: Total quantity of all manual assignments accepted  
34 SAEMAME SMAME SAEME DEC 5   0   IS-M: Total Number of All Manual Assignments Accepted  
35 SAEMRMO SMRMO WERTV8 CURR 15   2   Total sales vol.from all acc.assignments count.toward disc.  
36 SAEMRMM SMRMM SAEMM QUAN 12   3   Total qty of all acc.assignments counting towards discount  
37 SAEMRME SMRME SAEME DEC 5   0   IS-M: Total No.of All Acc.Assignments Counting Towards Disc.  
38 SAEMBMO SMBMO WERTV8 CURR 15   2   IS-M: Total sales vol.of all acc.assignments count.twd bon.  
39 SAEMBMM SMBMM SAEMM QUAN 12   3   IS-M: Total qty of all accept.assignments counting twrd bon.  
40 SAEMBME SMBME SAEME DEC 5   0   IS-M: Total No.All Accept.Assignments Which Count Twrds Bon.  
41 SFKRBMO SRBMO_FK WERTV8 CURR 15   2   Total sales vol.all billed assignments qualifying for disc.  
42 SFKRBMM SRBMM_FK SAEMM QUAN 12   3   Total qty all billed assignments qualifying for discount  
43 SFKRBME SRBME_FK SAEME DEC 5   0   IS-M: Total No.All Bill.Assignments Qualifying for Discount  
44 SFKBOMO SBOMO_FK WERTV8 CURR 15   2   Total sales vol.all billed assignments qualifying for bonus  
45 SFKBOMM SBOMM_FK SAEMM QUAN 12   3   Total qty of all billed assignments qualifying for bonus  
46 SFKBOME SBOME_FK SAEME DEC 5   0   Total Number of All Billed Assignments Qualifying for Bonus  
47 SFKMRNRMO SMRNRMO_FK WERTV8 CURR 15   2   Total sales vol.all billed orig.assignments count.twrd disc.  
48 SFKMRNRMM SMRNRMM_FK SAEMM QUAN 12   3   Total qty all billed original assignments count.twrd disc.  
49 SFKMRNRME SMRNRME_FK SAEME DEC 5   0   Total No.of All Billed Original Assignments Count.Twrd Disc.  
50 SFKMBNBMO SMBNBMO_FK WERTV8 CURR 15   2   Total sales vol.all bill.original assignments count.twd bon.  
51 SFKMBNBMM SMBNBMM_FK SAEMM QUAN 12   3   Total qty of all billed original assignments count.twrd bon.  
52 SFKMBNBME SMBNBME_FK SAEME DEC 5   0   Total No.of All Billed Original Assignments Count.Twrd Bonus  
53 SFKRFRRMO SRFRRMO_FK WERTV8 CURR 15   2   Total sales vol.all bill.assignm.qual.for disc from other BU  
54 SFKRFRRMM SRFRRMM_FK SAEMM QUAN 12   3   Total qty all billed assignments qual.for disc.from other BU  
55 SFKRFRRME SRFRRME_FK SAEME DEC 5   0   Total No.All Billed Assignments Qual.for Disc.From Other BU  
56 SFKBFRMO SBFRMO_FK WERTV8 CURR 15   2   Total sales vol.all bill.assign.qual.for bonus from other BU  
57 SFKBFRMM SBFRMM_FK SAEMM QUAN 12   3   Total qty all billed assignments qual.for bonus frm other BU  
58 SFKBFRME SBFRME_FK SAEME DEC 5   0   Total No.All Billed Assignments Qual.for Bonus From Other BU  
59 SFKFRMO SFRMO_FK WERTV8 CURR 15   2   Total sales volume of all billed assignments from other BU  
60 SFKFRMM SFRMM_FK SAEMM QUAN 12   3   Total quantity of all billed assignments from other BU  
61 SFKFRME SFRME_FK SAEME DEC 5   0   Total Number of All Billed Assignments From Other BU  
62 SFKMFRBMO SMFRBMO_FK WERTV8 CURR 15   2   Total sales vol.all bill.assign.count.twrd bon.from othr BU  
63 SFKMFRBMM SMFRBMM_FK SAEMM QUAN 12   3   Total qty all billed assignments count.twrd bonus frm oth.BU  
64 SFKMFRBME SMFRBME_FK SAEME DEC 5   0   Total No.of All Bill.Assignments From Othr BU Count.Twrd Bon  
65 SFKVBMO SVBMO_FK WERTV8 CURR 15   2   Total sales vol. from all billed assignments from other SAs  
66 SFKVBMM SVBMM_FK SAEMM QUAN 12   3   Total quantity all billed assignments from other SA  
67 SFKVBME SVBME_FK SAEME DEC 5   0   Total Number of All Billed Assignments From Other SA  
68 SFKMAMO SMAMO_FK WERTV8 CURR 15   2   Total sales volume of all billed manual assignments  
69 SFKMAMM SMAMM_FK SAEMM QUAN 12   3   IS-M: Total quantity of all billed manual assignments  
70 SFKMAME SMAME_FK SAEME DEC 5   0   IS-M: Total Number of All Billed Manual Assignments  
71 SFKMRMO SMRMO_FK WERTV8 CURR 15   2   Total sales vol.all billed assignments count.toward discount  
72 SFKMRMM SMRMM_FK SAEMM QUAN 12   3   Total quantity of all billed assignments counting twrd disc.  
73 SFKMRME SMRME_FK SAEME DEC 5   0   Total Number of All Billed Assignments Counting Toward Disc.  
74 SFKMBMO SMBMO_FK WERTV8 CURR 15   2   Total sales vol.all billed assignments counting twrd bonus  
75 SFKMBMM SMBMM_FK SAEMM QUAN 12   3   Total quantity of all billed assignments counting twrd bon.  
76 SFKMBME SMBME_FK SAEME DEC 5   0   Total Number of All Billed Assignments That Count Twrd Bonus  
Last changed by/on SAP  20050224 
SAP Release Created in