SAP ABAP Table CRMT_CT_INBOX_WF_DYN_SEARCH (Attribute Structure Work Flow Inbox Search)
BBPCRM (Software Component) BBPCRM
   CRM-BF-WFI (Application Component) Workflow Inbox PC-UI
     CRM_UIU_CT_INBOX_GENIL (Package) Cross Topics Inbox GenIL
Basic Data
Table Category INTTAB    Structure 
Structure CRMT_CT_INBOX_WF_DYN_SEARCH   Table Relationship Diagram
Short Description Attribute Structure Work Flow Inbox Search    
Delivery and Maintenance
Delivery Class      
Data Browser/Table View Maintenance     Display/Maintenance Allowed with Restrictions 
Field Key Data Element Domain Data
Length Decimal
Short Description Check
1 WI_STAT SWW_WISTAT SWW_WISTAT CHAR 12   0   Processing Status of a Work Item *
2 WI_PRIO SWW_PRIO SWD_PRIORI NUMC 1   0   Priority of a Work Item  
3 WI_LED SWW_LED SYDATS DATS 8   0   Latest End Date for Work Item  
4 WI_LOGSYS CRMT_CT_IB_LOGSYS LOGSYS CHAR 10   0   Logical System of Workflow Work Item *
5 WI_TEXT WITEXT TEXT120 CHAR 120   0   Work Item Text  
6 WI_CD SWW_CD SYDATS DATS 8   0   Creation Date of Work Item  
Last changed by/on SAP  20110908 
SAP Release Created in 702