SAP ABAP Table CMS_STR_ANL_CS_CALC_RES_CAG (Calculations results for CAG)
EA-FINSERV (Software Component) SAP Enterprise Extension Financial Services
   FS-CMS-CAL (Application Component) Calculations
     CMS_CORE_ANL (Package) Analysis
Basic Data
Table Category INTTAB    Structure 
Structure CMS_STR_ANL_CS_CALC_RES_CAG   Table Relationship Diagram
Short Description Calculations results for CAG    
Delivery and Maintenance
Delivery Class      
Data Browser/Table View Maintenance     Display/Maintenance Allowed with Restrictions 
Field Key Data Element Domain Data
Length Decimal
Short Description Check
1 .INCLUDE       0   0   Primary Key for CMS_CAG  
3 .INCLUDE       0   0   Semantic Key for Table CMS_CAG  
4 CAGMTID CMS_DTE_CAGID CMS_CAGID CHAR 40   0   Collateral Agreement ID  
5 CAGMT_TYPE CMS_DTE_CAG_TYP CMS_CAG_TYP CHAR 6   0   Collateral Agreement Type *
6 RESULT_CURR CMS_DTE_CALC_RES_CURR WAERS CUKY 5   0   Calculations Result Currency *
7 NOM_VALUE_MAXRISK CMS_DTE_CALC_NOM_VAL CMS_AMOUNT CURR 17   2   Nominal value of CAG for purpose of calculations  
8 NOM_VALUE_CURRRISK CMS_DTE_CALC_NOM_VAL CMS_AMOUNT CURR 17   2   Nominal value of CAG for purpose of calculations  
9 COLL_VALUE_MAXRISK CMS_DTE_CALC_COLL_VALUE CMS_AMOUNT CURR 17   2   Collateral Value Calculation for CAG  
10 COLL_VALUE_CURRRISK CMS_DTE_CALC_COLL_VALUE CMS_AMOUNT CURR 17   2   Collateral Value Calculation for CAG  
11 FREE_COLLATERAL CMS_DTE_CALC_FREE_COLL CMS_AMOUNT CURR 17   2   Free collateral calculation for CAG  
12 PRIOR_CHGS CMS_DTE_CALC_PRIOR_CHG CMS_AMOUNT CURR 17   2   Prior Charges calculation for ast-cag link  
13 UTIL_AMT_MAXRISK CMS_DTE_CALC_UTIL_AMT CMS_AMOUNT CURR 17   2   Calcualtions: Utilization of Collateral value for CAG  
14 UTIL_AMT_CURRRISK CMS_DTE_CALC_UTIL_AMT CMS_AMOUNT CURR 17   2   Calcualtions: Utilization of Collateral value for CAG  
15 COLL_VALUE_OWN_MAXRISK CMS_DTE_CALC_CV_OWN CMS_AMOUNT CURR 17   2   Bank's Own share of Collateral Value  
16 COLL_VALUE_OWN_CURRRISK CMS_DTE_CALC_CV_OWN CMS_AMOUNT CURR 17   2   Bank's Own share of Collateral Value  
17 LTOV_CAG_AMT_MAXRISK CMS_DTE_CALC_LTOV_CAG_AMT CMS_AMOUNT CURR 17   2   Loan to value ratio for cag as amount  
18 LTOV_CAG_PCT_MAXRISK CMS_DTE_CALC_LTOV_CAG_PCT CMS_RES_PCT DEC 10   2   Loan to value ratio for cag as percentage  
19 LTOV_CAG_AMT_CURRRISK CMS_DTE_CALC_LTOV_CAG_AMT CMS_AMOUNT CURR 17   2   Loan to value ratio for cag as amount  
20 LTOV_CAG_PCT_CURRRISK CMS_DTE_CALC_LTOV_CAG_PCT CMS_RES_PCT DEC 10   2   Loan to value ratio for cag as percentage  
21 SUM_CONT_CAPITAL CMS_DTE_CALC_RBL_SUM CMS_AMOUNT CURR 17   2   Sum of Receivables linked to the Collateral Agreement  
22 SUM_MAXRISK_AMT CMS_DTE_CALC_RBL_SUM CMS_AMOUNT CURR 17   2   Sum of Receivables linked to the Collateral Agreement  
23 SUM_CURRRISK_AMT CMS_DTE_CALC_RBL_SUM CMS_AMOUNT CURR 17   2   Sum of Receivables linked to the Collateral Agreement  
24 UTIL_AMT_REL_TO_MAXRISK CMS_DTE_CALC_UTIL_AMT CMS_AMOUNT CURR 17   2   Calcualtions: Utilization of Collateral value for CAG  
25 UTIL_AMT_REL_TO_CURRRISK CMS_DTE_CALC_UTIL_AMT CMS_AMOUNT CURR 17   2   Calcualtions: Utilization of Collateral value for CAG  
26 UTIL_AMT_REL_FROM_MAXRISK CMS_DTE_CALC_UTIL_AMT CMS_AMOUNT CURR 17   2   Calcualtions: Utilization of Collateral value for CAG  
27 UTIL_AMT_REL_FROM_CURRRISK CMS_DTE_CALC_UTIL_AMT CMS_AMOUNT CURR 17   2   Calcualtions: Utilization of Collateral value for CAG  
Last changed by/on SAP  20040819 
SAP Release Created in 200