# |
Screen |
Short Description |
1 |
0100 |
Payment document: Initial screen - Create (individual doc.) |
2 |
0101 |
Payment document: Initial screen - Change/Display |
3 |
0102 |
Payment document: Initial screen - Cancel (individual doc.) |
4 |
0103 |
Posting List: Manual Entry Initial Screen |
5 |
0104 |
Posting list initial screen: Change/Display |
6 |
0105 |
Payment Document: Reopen Initial Screen (Single Document) |
7 |
0107 |
Posting List: Default Data |
8 |
0120 |
Settlement request: Copy |
9 |
0121 |
Settlement Request List: Copy |
10 |
0200 |
Payment Document: Subscreen Container Individual Entry |
11 |
0205 |
Subscreen: Pushbuttons Initial Screen Items |
12 |
0206 |
Payment Document: Entry Screen Items User Screen |
13 |
0207 |
Payment Document: Individual Entry Item Additional Data |
14 |
0208 |
Payment Document: Individual Entry Items Transaction Reason |
15 |
0211 |
Payment Document: Individual Entry Vendor/Customer |
16 |
0212 |
Payment Document: Individual Entry Items |
17 |
0213 |
Payment Document: Individual Entry Vendor/Customer Invoice |
18 |
0214 |
Payment Document: Individual Entry Invoice Values |
19 |
0215 |
Payment Document: Basic Data Individual Entry |
20 |
0216 |
Payment Document: Basic Data Individual Entry Item Overview |
21 |
0217 |
Payment Document: Basic Data Individual Entry User Screen |
22 |
0218 |
Payment Document: Basic Data Individual Entry Addit. Data |
23 |
0219 |
Payment Document: Basic Data Individual Entry Reasons |
24 |
0220 |
Payment Document: Subscreen Container Header Details |
25 |
0225 |
Payment Document: Header Details |
26 |
0228 |
Payment Document: Header Partner |
27 |
0229 |
Payment Document: Item Partner |
28 |
0230 |
Payment Document: Subscreen Container Item Details Screen |
29 |
0231 |
Payment Document: Item Details Screen Price Data |
30 |
0232 |
Payment Document: Item Details Screen General |
31 |
0233 |
Payment Document: Item Details Screen Account Determination |
32 |
0234 |
Payment Document: Item Details Screen Additional Data |
33 |
0235 |
Payment Document: Item Details Screen Header Data of the Itm |
34 |
0236 |
Payment Document: Item Details Screen Rebate |
35 |
0237 |
Payment Document: Condition Details Screen Items |
36 |
0238 |
Payment Document: Text Items |
37 |
0239 |
Payment Document: Customer Acct Assgmt Item Detail Screen |
38 |
0240 |
Payment Document: Header Details Accounting |
39 |
0241 |
Payment Document: Header Details Payment Data Vendor |
40 |
0242 |
Payment Document: Header Details Payment Data Customer |
41 |
0243 |
Payment Document: Header Details General Data |
42 |
0244 |
Payment Document: Header Details Additional Data User Exit |
43 |
0245 |
Payment Document: Analysis Status |
44 |
0246 |
Payment Document: Condition Details Screen Header |
45 |
0247 |
Payment Document: Partner Billing Documents Header |
46 |
0248 |
Payment Document: Header Text |
47 |
0300 |
Payment document: Initial screen - Create (list) |
48 |
0301 |
Payment document: Initial screen - Change/Display |
49 |
0302 |
Settlement Request List: Initial Screen for Cancellations |
50 |
0320 |
Settlement Request List: Subscr. Container Header Details Sn |
51 |
0321 |
Settlement Request List: Header Details Accounting |
52 |
0322 |
Settlement Request List: Header Details Vendor Payment Data |
53 |
0323 |
Settlement Request List: Header Details General Data |
54 |
0324 |
Settlement Request List: Header Details Addit. Data UserExit |
55 |
0325 |
Settlement Request List: Header Data of Settl. Req. List |
56 |
0326 |
Settlement Request List: Analysis Status Settl. Req. List |
57 |
0401 |
Settlement: Entry of Organizational Data |
58 |
0500 |
Payment Document: Subscreen Container, Fast Entry |
59 |
0510 |
Settlement Request List: Subscreen Container Entry |
60 |
0511 |
Settlement Request List: Header Data Settlement Request |
61 |
0512 |
Settlement Request List: Values of the Settl. Req. List |
62 |
0513 |
Settlement Request List: Settlement Request Entry List |
63 |
0514 |
Settlement Request List: Settlem. Req. List Additional Data |
64 |
0515 |
Settlement Request List: Push Buttons Settlement Req. List |
65 |
0516 |
Settlement Req. List: Settl. Req. List, Invoice Header Data |
66 |
0517 |
Settlement Request List: Invoice Values and Default Data |
67 |
0518 |
Settlement Request List: Debtor Default Data |
68 |
0525 |
Settlement Request List: Basic Data Entry |
69 |
0526 |
Settlement Request List: Basic Data Invoice Header Data |
70 |
0527 |
Settlement Request List: Basic Data Invoices |
71 |
0528 |
Settlement Request List: Additional Data Entry |
72 |
0600 |
Posting List: Overview of Created Posting Lists |
73 |
0602 |
Posting List: Initial Screen for Cancellations |
74 |
0605 |
Posting List: Overview Screen Pushbuttons |
75 |
0610 |
Payment Document: Subscreen Container Individual Entry |
76 |
0611 |
Posting List: Create/Change: Overview Screen |
77 |
0612 |
Posting List: Create/Change: Overview Screen |
78 |
0613 |
Posting List: Create/Change: Overview Screen |
79 |
0620 |
Posting list: Subscreen Carrier Header Details Screen |
80 |
0624 |
Posting List: Header Details, Additional Data for User Exit |
81 |
0625 |
Posting List: Header Detail |
82 |
0640 |
Posting List: Subscreen Container Item Details |
83 |
0645 |
Posting List: Header Data of the Item |
84 |
0646 |
Posting List: Condition Details Screen Item |
85 |
0700 |
Payment Document:Fast Entry Single Documents Header Data |
86 |
0710 |
Payment Document: Fast Entry Single Documents Items |
87 |
0720 |
Payment Document: Fast Entry Pushbuttons |
88 |
0730 |
Payment Document: Fast Entry Single Document Inv. Value |
89 |
0740 |
Payment Document: Fast Entry Single Documents Item Data 2 |
90 |
0750 |
Payment Document: Fast Entry - Customer - Header Data |
91 |
0760 |
Payment Document: Fast Entry - Customer - Items |
92 |
0770 |
Settlement Document: Fast Entry Single Documents Two-Sided |
93 |
0780 |
Settlement Document: Fast Entry Single Documents Two-Sided |
94 |
0802 |
Flexible Overview: |
95 |
0803 |
Flexible Overview: |
96 |
0804 |
Flexible Overview: |
97 |
1211 |
Payment Document: Individual Entry Vendor/Customer |
98 |
1212 |
Payment Document: Single Entry Vendor |
99 |
1213 |
Payment Document: Single Entry Customer |
100 |
1214 |
Payment Document: Single Entry Without Partner |
101 |
1700 |
Payment Document:Fast Entry Single Documents Header Data |
102 |
1701 |
Payment Document:Fast Entry Single Documents Header Data |
103 |
1750 |
Payment Document: Fast Entry - Customer - Header Data |
104 |
1751 |
Payment Document: Fast Entry - Customer - Header Data |
105 |
2200 |
Payment Document: Subscreen Container Header Details |
106 |
2300 |
Payment Doc.: Subscreen Container Item Details without Text |
107 |
2320 |
Payment Document: Item Details Screen General |
108 |
3200 |
Settlement Request List: Subscr. Container Header Details Sn |
109 |
5000 |
Payment Document: Entry of Bank Data for Creditor |
110 |
5001 |
Payment Document: Entry of Bank Data for Debtor |
111 |
5003 |
Payment List: Entry of Bank Data for Creditor |
112 |
6000 |
Subscreen Container: Add-On Header |
113 |
6001 |
Subscreen Container: Add-On Header |
114 |
6200 |
Posting List: Subscreen Container Header Details w/o Text |
115 |
7000 |
Subscreen Container: Add-On Items |
116 |
7001 |
Subscreen Container: Add-On Header |
117 |
7100 |
Subscreen Container: Add-On Items |
118 |
7101 |
Subscreen Container: Add-On Items |
119 |
8000 |
Dummy Screen for Add-On |
# |
GUI Status |
Short Description |
1 |
Payment document: Status - Display |
2 |
Payment document: Status - Display |
3 |
Payment document: Status - Change |
4 |
Settlement request list: Status - Display |
5 |
Settlement request list: Status - Create |
6 |
Settlement request list: Status - Change |
7 |
Posting list: Initial screen - Display |
8 |
Posting list: Initial screen - Create |
9 |
Posting list: Initial screen - Change |
10 |
Posting list: Overview of created posting lists - create |
11 |
Posting list: Overview screen - Display |
12 |
Posting list: Overview screen - Create |
13 |
Posting list: Overview screen - Change |
14 |
Posting list: Header data - Display |
15 |
Posting list: Header data - Create |
16 |
Posting list: Header data - Change |
17 |
Copy payment document |
18 |
Posting list: Document flow - display |
19 |
Settlement request list: Document flow - Display |
20 |
Payment document: Document flow - Display |
21 |
Payment document: Initial screen - Display |
22 |
Payment document: Initial screen - Create |
23 |
Payment document: Initial screen - Change |
24 |
Payment document: Header data - Display |
25 |
Payment document: Header data - Create |
26 |
Payment document: Header data - Change |
27 |
Settlement request list: Header data - Display |
28 |
Settlement request list: Header data - Create |
29 |
Settlement request list: Header data - Change |
30 |
Payment document: Header conditions - Display |
31 |
Payment document: Header conditions - Create |
32 |
Payment document: Header conditions - Change |
33 |
Payment document: Initial screen - Invoice list entry |
34 |
Settlement request list: Overview screen - Display |
35 |
Settlement request list: Overview screen - Create |
36 |
Settlement request list: Overview screen - Change |
37 |
Payment document: Maintain org. data |
38 |
Payment document: Overview screen - Display |
39 |
Payment document: Overview screen - Create |
40 |
Payment document: Overview screen - Change |
41 |
Payment document: Item details screen - Display |
42 |
Payment document: Item details screen - Create |
43 |
Payment document: Item details screen - Change |
44 |
Settlement request list: Profit simulation display |
45 |
Payment document: Profit simulation - Display |
46 |
Settlement request list: Inial screen - Display |
47 |
Settlement request list: Initial screen - Create |
48 |
Settlement request list: Initial screen - Change |
49 |
Settlement request list: Individual entry - Display |
50 |
Settlement request list: Individual entry - Create |
51 |
Settlement request list: Individual entry - Change |
52 |
Default Data for Invoices: Create |
# |
GUI Title |
Short Description |
1 |
A11 |
Create &1 (&2) &3: Document Status |
2 |
A12 |
Change &1 (&2) &3: Document Status |
3 |
A13 |
Display &1 (&2) &3: Document Status |
4 |
B01 |
Posting List: Create |
5 |
B02 |
Posting List: Change |
6 |
B03 |
Posting List: Display |
7 |
B04 |
Posting List: Cancel |
8 |
CO1 |
Enter Reference Document |
9 |
DF2 |
Change &1 (&2) &3: Document Flow Overview |
10 |
DF3 |
Display &1 (&2) &3: Document Flow Overview |
11 |
F01 |
Payment Document: Create |
12 |
F02 |
Payment Document: Change |
13 |
F03 |
Payment Document: Display |
14 |
F04 |
Payment Document: Cancel |
15 |
F05 |
Payment Document: Reopen |
16 |
K01 |
Create &1 (&2) &3: Header Data Details |
17 |
K02 |
Change &1 (&2) &3: Header Data Details |
18 |
K03 |
Display &1 (&2) &3: Header Data Details |
19 |
K04 |
Cancel &1 (&2) &3: Header Data Details |
20 |
K11 |
Create &1 (&2) &3: Header Data Details |
21 |
K12 |
Change &1 (&2) &3: Header Data Details |
22 |
K13 |
Display &1 (&2) &3: Header Data Details |
23 |
KI1 |
Create &1 (&2) &3: Item Conditions |
24 |
KI2 |
Change &1 (&2) &3: Item Conditions |
25 |
KI3 |
Display &1 (&2) &3: Item Conditions |
26 |
KK1 |
Create &1 (&2) &3: Header Conditions |
27 |
KK2 |
Change &1 (&2) &3: Header Conditions |
28 |
KK3 |
Display &1 (&2) &3: Header Conditions |
29 |
KP1 |
Create &1 (&2) &3: Partner Billing Documents |
30 |
KP2 |
Change &1 (&2) &3: Partner Billing Documents |
31 |
KP3 |
Display &1 (&2) &3: Partner Billing Documents |
32 |
L01 |
Create &1 (&2) &3: Settlement Request List Item Overview |
33 |
L02 |
Change &1 (&2) &3: Settlement Request List Item Overview |
34 |
L03 |
Display &1 (&2) &3: Settlement Request List Item Overview |
35 |
L11 |
Create &1 (&2) &3: Settlement Request List Item Overview |
36 |
L12 |
Change &1 (&2) &3: Settlement Request List Item Overview |
37 |
L13 |
Display &1 (&2) &3: Settlement Request List Item Overview |
38 |
L14 |
Cancel &1 (&2) &3: Settlement Request List Item Overview |
39 |
OR1 |
Organizational Data |
40 |
P01 |
Create &1 (&2) &3: Payment Document Overview |
41 |
P02 |
Change &1 (&2) &3: Payment Document Overview |
42 |
P03 |
Display &1 (&2) &3: Payment Document Overview |
43 |
P04 |
Cancel &1 (&2) &3: Payment Document Overview |
44 |
P11 |
Create &1 (&2) &3: Item Details Overview |
45 |
P12 |
Change &1 (&2) &3: Item Details Overview |
46 |
P13 |
Display &1 (&2) &3: Item Details Overview |
47 |
P14 |
Cancel &1 (&2) &3: Item Details Overview |
48 |
PK1 |
Create &1: Conditions |
49 |
PK2 |
Change &1: Conditions |
50 |
PK3 |
Display &1: Conditions |
51 |
PR1 |
Create &1 (&2) &3: Profit Simulation Overview |
52 |
PR2 |
Change &1 (&2) &3: Profit Simulation Overview |
53 |
PR3 |
Display &1 (&2) &3: Profit Simulation Overview |
54 |
R01 |
Settlement Request List: Create |
55 |
R02 |
Settlement Request List: Change |
56 |
R03 |
Settlement Request List: Display |
57 |
R04 |
Settlement Request List: Cancel |
58 |
R11 |
Create &1 (&2) &3: Posting List Overview |
59 |
R12 |
Change &1 (&2) &3: Posting List Overview |
60 |
R13 |
Display &1 (&2) &3: Posting List Overview |
61 |
R21 |
Create &1 (&2) &3: Posting List Item Overview |
62 |
R22 |
Change &1 (&2) &3: Posting List Item Overview |
63 |
R23 |
Display &1 (&2) &3: Posting List Item Overview |
64 |
V01 |
Create Posting List: Default Data |