SAP ABAP Message Class SRM (Stakeholder Relationship Management)
Basic Data
SEM-BW (Software Component) SEM-BW: Strategic Enterprise Management
   FIN-SEM-SRM (Application Component) Stakeholder Relationship Management
     USS (Package) SEM-SRM: Stakeholder Relationship Management
Message class SRM
Short Description Stakeholder Relationship Management  
Changed On 20041006 
Last Changed At 145622 
# Message Message Short Text Documentation status Authorization check
1 000 No stakeholder found Space: object requires documentation
2 001 No stakeholder selected Space: object requires documentation
3 002 The chosen stakeholders could not be selected Space: object requires documentation
4 003 There are no e-mail adresses for the selected stakeholders Space: object requires documentation
5 004 At least one of the stakeholders has more than one e-mail address Space: object requires documentation
6 005 An internal error occurred Space: object requires documentation
7 006 No document was found Space: object requires documentation
8 007 Cancelled by User Space: object requires documentation
9 008 An error occurred in BDS Space: object requires documentation
10 009 No document was selected Space: object requires documentation
11 010 The action was completed successfully Space: object requires documentation
12 011 No BDS class name was selected Space: object requires documentation
13 012 At least one of the stakeholder does not have an e-mail address Space: object requires documentation
14 013 Too many recipients, no authorization Space: object requires documentation
15 014 Document was not sent Space: object requires documentation
16 015 Document type or attachment type does not exist Space: object requires documentation
17 016 No authorization to send/create Space: object requires documentation
18 017 Invalid combination of parameter values Space: object requires documentation
19 018 Internal error or database inconsistency Space: object requires documentation
20 019 Required locks could not be set Space: object requires documentation
21 020 Action was canceled due to an error Space: object requires documentation
22 021 A parameter error occurred Space: object requires documentation
23 022 No authorization to call up Business Document Navigator Space: object requires documentation
24 023 A general error has occurred Space: object requires documentation
25 024 The e-mail was sent to the stakeholders Space: object requires documentation
26 025 The root node cannot be deleted Space: object requires documentation
27 026 Error during data transfer from Text Edit control Space: object requires documentation
28 027 E-mail could not be sent to all stakeholders Space: object requires documentation
29 028 No content was found for this document Space: object requires documentation
30 029 No authorization Space: object requires documentation
31 030 Action not permitted Space: object requires documentation
32 031 File cannot be written Space: object requires documentation
33 032 Frontend function cannot be executed in background Space: object requires documentation
34 033 Incorrect front end, or error in front end Space: object requires documentation
35 034 Invalid value for parameter FILETYPE Space: object requires documentation
36 035 File does not exist. It cannot be opened Space: object requires documentation
37 036 Error reading file Space: object requires documentation
38 037 Error while creating Text Edit control Space: object requires documentation
39 038 An error occurred with document &1. Document &1 was not sent Space: object requires documentation
40 039 Invalid parameter combination during call Space: object requires documentation
41 040 Error when calling the function module/method Space: object requires documentation
42 041 A KPRO error occurred Space: object requires documentation
43 042 Only allowed with single node selection Space: object requires documentation
44 043 Error processing the Text Edit control Space: object requires documentation
45 044 Diagnosis text not found Space: object requires documentation
46 046 You can open queries by double-clicking on destination points Space: object requires documentation
47 055 Stakeholder &1 has more then one E-mail address. Document is sent to all Space: object requires documentation
48 058 None of the stakeholders have an e-mail address. Nothing was sent Space: object requires documentation
49 101 Stakeholder &1 is currently modified by another user Space: object requires documentation
50 111 Enter a value in field &1 Space: object requires documentation
51 112 The start date is after the end date Space: object requires documentation
52 113 Data record &1 already exists Space: object requires documentation
53 114 The information date precedes the start date Space: object requires documentation
54 115 No e-mail addresses exists for the selected stakeholders &1 Space: object requires documentation
55 116 The table is currently being edited by user &1 Space: object requires documentation
56 117 The table &1 is currently being edited by user &2 Space: object requires documentation
57 120 Saving is not possible - BW destination is not defined Space: object requires documentation
58 122 Document &1 does not exist Space: object requires documentation
59 123 Influence type &1 does not exist Space: object requires documentation
60 124 Stakeholder group &1 does not exist Space: object requires documentation
61 125 Document group &1 does not exist Space: object requires documentation
62 126 Dispatch type &1 does not exist Space: object requires documentation
63 127 Share type &1 does not exist Space: object requires documentation
64 128 Contact type &1 does not exist Space: object requires documentation
65 129 Contact result &1 does not exist Space: object requires documentation
66 130 Country &1 does not exist Space: object requires documentation
67 131 Stakeholder &1 does not have an e-mail address Space: object requires documentation
68 132 Item &1 does not exist Space: object requires documentation
69 133 Expectation type &1 does not exist Space: object requires documentation
70 134 Stakeholder &1 does not exist Space: object requires documentation
71 135 There are entries with overlapping time intervals Space: object requires documentation
72 136 Currency &1 does not exist Space: object requires documentation
73 137 Unit &1 does not exist Space: object requires documentation
74 138 The total number of shares as of &1 has not been specified Space: object requires documentation
75 139 Enter an RFC destination; the BW system is a remote SAP system Space: object requires documentation
76 140 No default BW system set up for SEM-SRM Space: object requires documentation
77 141 The default BW system is already configured; switch to Change Space: object requires documentation
78 142 The default BW system does not exist; switch to Create Space: object requires documentation
79 143 Data was already saved Space: object requires documentation
80 144 The entry is contained in task & Space: object requires documentation
81 145 The number of shares you entered exceeds the total number of all shares Space: object requires documentation
82 146 Data saved Space: object requires documentation
83 147 The RFC destinatation '&' does not exist; use the F4 help Space: object requires documentation
84 148 The RFC destination of the BW System does not exist Space: object requires documentation
85 149 The document &1 was successfully sent to stakeholder &2 Space: object requires documentation
86 150 The document &1 could not be sent to stakeholder &2 Space: object requires documentation
87 151 You must enter a valid value for the time Space: object requires documentation
88 152 For the specified time interval, a primary group already exists Space: object requires documentation
89 153 Contact status &1 does not exist Space: object requires documentation
90 154 The date of expectation statement is later than the expectation date Space: object requires documentation
91 155 Data has errors or is incomplete. You cannot leave this screen Space: object requires documentation
92 156 '&1' is not a valid entry for the primary group Space: object requires documentation
93 157 The document &1 was not sent due to its validity date Space: object requires documentation
94 158 The process was canceled Space: object requires documentation
95 159 An error occurred. The data cannot be saved Space: object requires documentation
96 160 There are no documents available for automatic dispatch Space: object requires documentation
97 161 &1 '&2' is already assigned to the stakeholder '&3. &4. Space: object requires documentation
98 162 &1 '&2' is already used in the table '&3'. &4. Space: object requires documentation
99 163 &1 '&2' is used in the contact to the stakeholder '&3'. &4. Space: object requires documentation
100 164 &1 '&2' is used in the information requirements of stakeholder '&3'. &4. Space: object requires documentation
101 165 &1 '&2' is a system status. &3. Space: object requires documentation
102 166 The document '&1' is assigned to &2 '&3'. &4. Space: object requires documentation
103 167 The text '&1' for &2 '&3' is currently used in '&4'. It is not saved Space: object requires documentation
104 168 There may exist only one record per security type for our company Space: object requires documentation
105 170 The record already exists Space: object requires documentation
106 171 The record does not exist Space: object requires documentation
107 172 This document does not exist in the BDS Space: object requires documentation
108 173 The record is locked by the user &1 Space: object requires documentation
109 174 Other Error Space: object requires documentation
110 175 Other error when locking Space: object requires documentation
111 176 Error when deleting Space: object requires documentation
112 177 The contact &1 does not exist Space: object requires documentation
113 178 The relationship type &1 does not exist Space: object requires documentation
114 179 &1 Space: object requires documentation
115 180 Field &1 must be set Space: object requires documentation
116 181 Error when writing to the BW Space: object requires documentation
117 182 Error when processing F4 Space: object requires documentation
118 183 Error when writing data of the characteristic &1 into BW Space: object requires documentation
119 184 Error when writing data from the table &1 to the BW Space: object requires documentation
120 185 You do not have the necessary authorization for this function Space: object requires documentation
121 186 The data from table &1 was successfully written to the BW Space: object requires documentation
122 187 No data exists for transport to the BW Space: object requires documentation
123 188 The specified stock position is greater than the total of all stocks Space: object requires documentation
124 189 The data was successfully written to the BW Space: object requires documentation
125 190 You have to enter a value for "Inflow" and "Outflow" Space: object requires documentation
126 191 The value &1 is less than 0 Space: object requires documentation
127 192 Enter only one value in the 'Inflow' or 'Outflow' field Space: object requires documentation
128 193 Enter at least one share type Space: object requires documentation
129 194 The date of the data record &1 is later than the selected to-Date Space: object requires documentation
130 195 The date of the data record &1 is earlier than the selected from-date Space: object requires documentation
131 196 Error when synchronizing Knowledge Warehouse and SRM Space: object requires documentation
132 197 Coverage &1 does not exist Space: object requires documentation
133 198 The security ID number &1 does not exist. Data was not saved Space: object requires documentation
134 199 RAISE & & & & (internal error) Space: object requires documentation
135 200 Select at least one data source Space: object requires documentation
136 201 For stakeholder &1, no influence has been maintained for &2 Space: object requires documentation
137 202 Enter the stakeholder ID and the start date Space: object requires documentation
138 203 For stakeholder &1 no share of stock has been maintained for &2 Space: object requires documentation
139 204 Enter the stakeholder ID, the start date, and the stock type Space: object requires documentation
140 205 For stakeholder &1, no group has been maintained for &2 Space: object requires documentation
141 206 Enter the stakeholder ID, the start date, and the group Space: object requires documentation
142 207 For stakeholder &1, the doc. group &2 has not been maintained for date &3 Space: object requires documentation
143 208 Enter the stakeholder ID, the start date, and the document group Space: object requires documentation
144 209 For stakeholder &1, no expectation of type &3 has been maintained for &2 Space: object requires documentation
145 210 Enter the stakeholder ID, key date of expectation and expectation type Space: object requires documentation
146 211 The stakeholder &1 could not be deleted Space: object requires documentation
147 212 The stakeholder ID is required to change the position Space: object requires documentation
148 213 No position has been maintained for the stakeholder &1 Space: object requires documentation
149 214 The security type &1 does not exist Space: object requires documentation
150 215 The denomination &1 does not exist Space: object requires documentation
151 216 This security type cannot be deleted. It is used in &1 Space: object requires documentation
152 217 This security type cannot be deleted because it is used in stakeholder &1 Space: object requires documentation
153 218 This security type cannot be delted because it is used in investor &1 Space: object requires documentation
154 219 The stakeholder does not have a profile Space: object requires documentation
155 220 Choose one line for this function Space: object requires documentation
156 221 Financial center &1 does not exist Space: object requires documentation
157 222 Information source &1 does not exist Space: object requires documentation
158 223 Text not available in logon language Space: object requires documentation
159 224 Document was not saved because error &1 occurred Space: object requires documentation
160 225 Editor cannot be opened because error &1 occurred Space: object requires documentation
161 226 Enter the stakeholder ID, stock type, source and start date Space: object requires documentation
162 227 For stakeholder &1, no coverage has been maintained yet Space: object requires documentation
163 228 No coverage has been entered for stakeholder &1 Space: object requires documentation
164 229 For stakeholder &1, no contact ID has been entered Space: object requires documentation
165 230 The contact ID (&2) entered for stakeholder &1 does not exist Space: object requires documentation
166 231 Contact (&2) cannot be created for stakeholder &1 (table lock) Space: object requires documentation
167 232 Error when saving. Verify contact &2 for stakeholder &1 Space: object requires documentation
168 233 You cannot specify contact &2 for stakeholder &1 (table lock) Space: object requires documentation
169 234 You cannot delete contact &2 from stakeholder &1 (table lock) Space: object requires documentation
170 235 Could not delete contact &2 for stakeholder &1 (unknown error) Space: object requires documentation
171 236 Contact &2 does not exist. Delete for stakeholder &1 not possible Space: object requires documentation
172 237 Enter text only for valid records Space: object requires documentation
173 238 Stakeholder is used in 'Share Types' and cannot be deleted Space: object requires documentation
174 239 Language Customizing was corrected. Verify and save Space: object requires documentation
175 240 No Customizing table set up for SEM-SRM Space: object requires documentation
176 241 Standard Customizing table is already set up; switch to Change mode Space: object requires documentation
177 242 Standard Customizing tble does not exist; switch to Create Space: object requires documentation
178 243 You cannot delete the stakeholder &1 (external no.) because it is unknown Space: object requires documentation
179 244 The influence &2 could not be saved for stakeholder &1/&3 Space: object requires documentation
180 245 Group &2 could not be saved for stakeholder &1/&3 Space: object requires documentation
181 246 Stocks &2 could not be saved for stakeholder &1/&3 Space: object requires documentation
182 247 Investment &2 could not be saved for stakeholder &1/&3 Space: object requires documentation
183 248 Position &2 + financial center &3 could not be saved for stakeh. &1/&4 Space: object requires documentation
184 249 Expectation &2 could not be saved for stakeholder &1/&3 Space: object requires documentation
185 250 Coverage &2 could not be saved for stakeholder &1/&3 Space: object requires documentation
186 251 Contact &2 could not be saved for stakeholder &1/&3 Space: object requires documentation
187 252 Stakeholder used under 'Own Company'. Cannot be deleted Space: object requires documentation
188 253 Stakeholder can't be deleted from contacts Space: object requires documentation
189 254 No contacts with ID &1 could be created for stakeholders. Space: object requires documentation
190 255 Stakeholder &1 already has contact &2. Import not necessary. Space: object requires documentation
191 256 Deletion failed. Stakeholder &1 not available in contact &2. Space: object requires documentation
192 257 Status of contact &2 prevents assignment of stakeholder &1 Space: object requires documentation
193 258 Import canceled. Problem when saving contacts. Space: object requires documentation
194 260 Business partner &1 cannot be displayed in stakeholder maintenance. Space: object requires documentation
Last changed on/by 20041006  SAP 
SAP Release Created in   3.0A