SAP ABAP Message Class RS_SMA (RS_SMA)
Basic Data
SAP_BW (Software Component) SAP Business Warehouse
   BW-BEX-OT (Application Component) OLAP Technology
     RS_SMA (Package) Split And Merge Monitor
Message class RS_SMA
Short Description  
Changed On 20140121 
Last Changed At 103037 
# Message Message Short Text Documentation status Authorization check
1 000 Splitting and merging with Package &1 and rule &2 The short text describes the object sufficiently
2 001 Simulation only The short text describes the object sufficiently
3 002 Altering the tables The short text describes the object sufficiently
4 003 The report has to run in batch mode, (use F9 instead of F8) The short text describes the object sufficiently
5 004 Reading cube & The short text describes the object sufficiently
6 005 Only Basic Info Cubes can be processed. &1 is not a basic cube. Space: object requires documentation
7 006 The Cube &1 is not Hana Optimized. Space: object requires documentation
8 007 The table &1 has &2 rows and &4 parts. Max part size: &3 rec. The short text describes the object sufficiently
9 008 Reading dso & The short text describes the object sufficiently
10 009 The table pair &1 has &2 rows and &4 parts. Max part size: &3 rec. The short text describes the object sufficiently
11 010 The HANA system is not distributed Space: object requires documentation
12 011 The cube &1 does not exist. Space: object requires documentation
13 012 The cube &1 is not a basic cube. Space: object requires documentation
14 043 Job '&1' scheduled The short text describes the object sufficiently
15 098 Will merge all partitions of &1 to the host &2 The short text describes the object sufficiently
16 099 The table pair &1 has the partition spec: &2 The short text describes the object sufficiently
17 100 The Cube &1 is already part of the package &2 The short text describes the object sufficiently
18 101 The Split Merge Package &1 does not exist The short text describes the object sufficiently
19 102 The package & does already exist The short text describes the object sufficiently
20 103 Split Merge Package & saved. The short text describes the object sufficiently
21 104 The Data Store Object &1 is already part of the package &2 The short text describes the object sufficiently
22 105 The Table &1 is already part of the package &2 The short text describes the object sufficiently
23 106 The Split Merge Rule &1 does not exist The short text describes the object sufficiently
24 107 The rule & does already exist The short text describes the object sufficiently
25 108 Rule & was saved The short text describes the object sufficiently
26 109 Delete Rule &1? The short text describes the object sufficiently
27 110 Save Rule &1? The short text describes the object sufficiently
28 111 The fact table &1 has the partition spec: &2 The short text describes the object sufficiently
29 112 The table &1 has an invalid partition spec &2 Space: object requires documentation
30 113 Partition spec of table & is already correct The short text describes the object sufficiently
31 114 New partition spec of &1 is &2 The short text describes the object sufficiently
32 115 Can only execute on HANA The short text describes the object sufficiently
33 116 Split Merge Package (&1) The short text describes the object sufficiently
34 117 Split Merge Rule (&1) The short text describes the object sufficiently
35 118 If at least one partition has more than &1 records Space: object requires documentation
36 119 Merge Delta of table &1 The short text describes the object sufficiently
37 120 Will merge all partitions of &1 to the host &2 The short text describes the object sufficiently
38 121 Locking table &1 The short text describes the object sufficiently
39 122 Partition Spec of &1 adjusted The short text describes the object sufficiently
40 123 Invalid number of partitions &1, only &2 active slaves The short text describes the object sufficiently
41 124 Validation Rule &1 on &2 cubes The short text describes the object sufficiently
42 125 The Table &1 was sucessfully processed The short text describes the object sufficiently
43 126 Reducing rule base number of partitions &1 to number of active slaves The short text describes the object sufficiently
44 127 No Cube added The short text describes the object sufficiently
45 128 & cubes added to package The short text describes the object sufficiently
46 129 & data store objects added to package The short text describes the object sufficiently
47 130 Error when creating uuid: & The short text describes the object sufficiently
48 131 No data store object added The short text describes the object sufficiently
49 132 The PSA &1 is already part of the package &2 The short text describes the object sufficiently
50 133 No table added The short text describes the object sufficiently
51 134 &1 tables added The short text describes the object sufficiently
52 135 Split table into at least &1 parts. (tolerance &2%) The short text describes the object sufficiently
53 136 One Cube added The short text describes the object sufficiently
54 137 One data store object added The short text describes the object sufficiently
55 138 & data store objects added The short text describes the object sufficiently
56 139 Table will not be splitted: Only & hosts, but &2 would be required The short text describes the object sufficiently
57 140 Scheduling cancelled by user The short text describes the object sufficiently
58 141 Periodical scheduling changed to non-periodical The short text describes the object sufficiently
59 142 Error when processing in background with command: '&1' The short text describes the object sufficiently
60 143 Job &1 scheduled The short text describes the object sufficiently
61 144 Rule &1 is of type "move". Currently such rules are not supported. Space: object requires documentation
62 145 Table placement of cube &1 is correct The short text describes the object sufficiently
63 146 Cannot fullfill move rule. No hosts available. Space: object requires documentation
64 147 The table &1 is already placed on the valid host &2 The short text describes the object sufficiently
65 148 The table &1 is placed on a host that does not fulfill the rule &2 The short text describes the object sufficiently
66 176 &1 (&2) The short text describes the object sufficiently
67 177 Object does not exist! (&1) The short text describes the object sufficiently
68 199 Stop at &1 The short text describes the object sufficiently
69 200 Save & ? The short text describes the object sufficiently
70 201 Do you want to delete the package &1? The short text describes the object sufficiently
71 227 No table added The short text describes the object sufficiently
72 228 & tables added The short text describes the object sufficiently
73 229 1 table added The short text describes the object sufficiently
74 231 No Data Source added The short text describes the object sufficiently
75 237 One Data Source added The short text describes the object sufficiently
76 238 & Data Sources added The short text describes the object sufficiently
77 244 Moving partition &2 of table &1 to host &3 The short text describes the object sufficiently
78 245 Changing partition spec of table &1 to &2 The short text describes the object sufficiently
79 246 Do Commit The short text describes the object sufficiently
80 247 Commit Done The short text describes the object sufficiently
81 248 Run without stop time The short text describes the object sufficiently
82 249 Excecuting "&1" The short text describes the object sufficiently
83 250 Statement "&1" executed The short text describes the object sufficiently
84 255 Executing &1 statements in batch The short text describes the object sufficiently
85 300 There are more than one master indexserver in the landscape The short text describes the object sufficiently
86 301 There is no master indexserver in the landscape The short text describes the object sufficiently
87 302 There is no slave indexserver ==> everything will be moved to the master The short text describes the object sufficiently
88 401 SQL Error: &1 Statement: &2 in method &3 The short text describes the object sufficiently
89 455 Processing &1 cubes The short text describes the object sufficiently
90 456 Rule &1 is invalid, switching to default definition. The short text describes the object sufficiently
91 457 Processing &1 Data Sources The short text describes the object sufficiently
92 458 Could not find DataSource &1 The short text describes the object sufficiently
93 459 Processing &1 customer tables The short text describes the object sufficiently
94 460 Processing &1 data store objects The short text describes the object sufficiently
95 492 The parts of & reside on different hosts. Space: object requires documentation
96 500 Executing reorg plan &1 The short text describes the object sufficiently
97 501 Stopping at &1 The short text describes the object sufficiently
98 502 No stop time The short text describes the object sufficiently
99 503 Porcessing step &2, table &1. The short text describes the object sufficiently
100 504 Skipping step &3 table &1 , since the schema &2 is not the BW schema The short text describes the object sufficiently
101 505 Executed the whole plan. The short text describes the object sufficiently
102 506 Merge delta of table &1 The short text describes the object sufficiently
103 507 Altering part spec of &1 to &2. The short text describes the object sufficiently
104 508 Move partition &1 of table &2 to host &3 The short text describes the object sufficiently
105 587 The tables &1 and &2 have unequal partition spec: &3 <> &4 The short text describes the object sufficiently
106 654 The table &1 is already distributed correctly. The short text describes the object sufficiently
107 778 Maximum part size must be at least more the double the min part size Space: object requires documentation
108 779 The maximum part size is not positive. Space: object requires documentation
109 780 Specify at least one host. (Either max host or split partition) The short text describes the object sufficiently
110 781 The plan &1 was not valid The short text describes the object sufficiently
111 789 Stop split/merge process since it is already &1 (stop time:&2) The short text describes the object sufficiently
112 790 The changelog table &1 has not as many partitions as the active table &2. Space: object requires documentation
113 791 Could not find active table of dso &. Skip processing. The short text describes the object sufficiently
114 792 Could not find activation queue table of dso &. Skip processing. The short text describes the object sufficiently
115 793 Active table and activation queue of dso &1 differ in partiton count. Space: object requires documentation
116 794 Currently editing reorg plan &1 The short text describes the object sufficiently
117 879 No authorization to use the Split Merge Admin (S_RZL_ADMIN) Activity: &1 The short text describes the object sufficiently
118 888 &1 is not a cusomer table (does not start with a Z or a Y) The short text describes the object sufficiently
Last changed on/by 20140121  SAP 
SAP Release Created in   730