SAP ABAP Message Class GLO_FIAA_JP_ANNEX16 Message Number 017 (No values found for Asset &1 Dep. Area &2. This asset will not be listed.)
EA-FIN (Software Component) EA-FIN
   FI-AA-IS (Application Component) Information System
     ID-FIAA-JP-ANNEX16 (Package) Annex 16 Japan
Message class GLO_FIAA_JP_ANNEX16  
Short Description FIAA G11N Japan - Annex16    
Message Number 017  
Documentation status   3   The short text describes the object sufficiently
Authorization check Error Message      
Changed On 20130531   
Message Text
No values found for Asset &1 Dep. Area &2. This asset will not be listed.
Last changed on/by 20130531  SAP 
SAP Release Created in   700