SAP ABAP Message Class CNVA_20400_CHECK Message Number 090 (An implicit merge into a controlling area was detected.)
DMIS (Software Component) DMIS 2011_1
   CA-EUR (Application Component) European Monetary Union: Euro
     CNVA_20400_CHECK (Package) Controlling Area Merge Analysis
Message class CNVA_20400_CHECK  
Short Description Messages for contorlling areas checks    
Message Number 090  
Documentation status       Space: object requires documentation
Authorization check Error Message      
Changed On 20141030   
Message Text
An implicit merge into a controlling area was detected.
Help Document

An implicit merge into a controlling area was detected. This happens when controlling areas will be merged, but the mapping only contains a part of the source controlling areas. To avoid unwanted merges, you must specify mapping values for all the source values of the target controlling area. The affected target controlling areas are stored in the output table of the duplicate master data check.

Last changed on/by 20141030  SAP 
SAP Release Created in   2010_1_620