SAP ABAP Message Class XU (Messages for Quantity Conversion at Batch Level (Steel-AI))
Basic Data
SAP_APPL (Software Component) Logistics and Accounting
   MM-IM-GF (Application Component) Basic Functions
     MUSW (Package) Quantity conversion steel and active ingredient mgmt
Message class XU
Short Description Messages for Quantity Conversion at Batch Level (Steel-AI)  
Changed On 19970618 
Last Changed At 005035 
# Message Message Short Text Documentation status Authorization check
1 000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Space: object requires documentation
2 001 Error during conversion to alternative units of measure Space: object requires documentation
3 002 Position cursor on a quantity field Space: object requires documentation
4 003 Quantity for unit & has too many places after decimal point Space: object requires documentation
5 004 Classification of batch & of material & cannot be changed Space: object requires documentation
6 005 Quantity conversion for batch & of the material & has changed Space: object requires documentation
7 006 Batch & has not been classified Space: object requires documentation
8 007 Quantity conversion for batch & taking place for current classification Space: object requires documentation
9 008 Qty conversion only possible using proportion/product units Space: object requires documentation
10 009 Enter a value greater than zero Space: object requires documentation
11 010 Cannot be converted to quantity stored due to lack of classification Space: object requires documentation
12 011 Choose only units of measure f. which the characters have been maintained Space: object requires documentation
13 012 Quantity conversion for & not possible as its characteristic value < 0 Space: object requires documentation
14 013 Quantity conversion only possible if classification has been maintained Space: object requires documentation
15 014 Qty conversion not possible as un. of issue in mat. master not maintained Space: object requires documentation
16 015 Qty conversion not possible. Unit of issue is classified with the value 0 Space: object requires documentation
17 016 The entry quantity is overwritten by the quantity in unit of issue Space: object requires documentation
18 017 & is &. Change only in the "Quantity in &" field Space: object requires documentation
19 018 Enter only in the "Quantity in & or &" fields Space: object requires documentation
20 019 The & is changed from & to & (due to numerator-denominator-ratio) Space: object requires documentation
21 020 Default value could not be determined (field overflow) Space: object requires documentation
22 021 Qty conversion not possible. Production unit not maintained in mat.master Space: object requires documentation
23 022 The entry quantity is overwritten by the quantity in production unit Space: object requires documentation
24 023 Qty conversion not possible. Production unit classified with the value 0 Space: object requires documentation
25 024 The Quantity issued cannot be displayed (value < 0.001) Space: object requires documentation
26 025 The production quantity cannot be displayed (value < 0.001) Space: object requires documentation
27 026 Class & is not valid Space: object requires documentation
28 027 Internal program error at: & Space: object requires documentation
29 028 Qty conversion is carried out at the planned val. of the mat. Space: object requires documentation
30 029 Qty convers. carried out for at least one alternativeUoM at mat.plan.val. Space: object requires documentation
31 030 Character. of unit of measure not valuated-> Conversion at mat.plan.value Space: object requires documentation
32 031 Character. val. at unit of measure is 0. -> conversion at mat.plan.value Space: object requires documentation
33 032 Reservations w/o indication of batch are calculated by mat. plan. value Space: object requires documentation
34 033 Valuation of characteristic for unit of measure & causes rounding diff. Space: object requires documentation
35 034 The conversion factor for unit of measure & of batch & is changed Space: object requires documentation
36 035 The storage qty entered could not be processed -> classification Space: object requires documentation
37 036 Factor for qty conversion was determined from document item & Space: object requires documentation
38 037 Factor for qty conversion can no longer be changed (other items exist) Space: object requires documentation
39 038 The qty stored that was entered could not be processed -> user settings Space: object requires documentation
40 039 Error in quantity conversion: conversion ratio is too large Space: object requires documentation
41 040 The qty stored that was entered is adjusted Space: object requires documentation
42 041 Value has too many places after the decimal point Space: object requires documentation
43 042 Unit of measure & is not a product un. Qty stored is being recalculated. Space: object requires documentation
44 043 Item &: UnE was replaced by the product un & (can be overwritten) Space: object requires documentation
45 044 Qty stored invalid or equal to zero -> conversion by mat. planning value Space: object requires documentation
46 045 GR with ref. to doc.: The UnE was replaced for at least one item Space: object requires documentation
47 046 Unit of measure & is not a principal unit of measure. Please check. Space: object requires documentation
48 047 Quantity / unit of measure adapted using & Space: object requires documentation
49 048 Error in the qty conversion of the receiving batch Space: object requires documentation
50 049 Qty conversion different for "issuing" and receiving batch Space: object requires documentation
51 050 Classification of batch for movement type & not active Space: object requires documentation
52 051 Changed quantity conversion for prop.unit entry qty will be recalculated Space: object requires documentation
53 052 Changed conversion factor leads to value with too many decimal places Space: object requires documentation
54 053 Transfer posting to a batch with a diff. conversion factor --> long text Space: object requires documentation
55 054 Transf. pstng to a bch w. a diff. qty conversion: error after dec. point Space: object requires documentation
56 055 Transfer posting to a batch with diff. qty conversion: conv.error remain. Space: object requires documentation
57 056 Rounding error: The unE is replaced by the base Un Space: object requires documentation
58 057 Quantity in base Un is re-calculated --> long text Space: object requires documentation
59 058 Error during conversion to alternative unit of meas. &1: Correct qty &2 Space: object requires documentation
60 059 Number cannot be broken down into numerator + denominator of type MENG13 Space: object requires documentation
61 060 Quantity in base unit of measure will be recalculated --> long text Space: object requires documentation
Last changed on/by 19970618  SAP 
SAP Release Created in