Basic Data
IS-M (Software Component) SAP MEDIA
   IS-M (Application Component) SAP Media
     JSD (Package) Appl. dev. R/3 Publishing Sales and Distribution System
Message class JKVIAC_SUSPEND
Short Description  
Changed On 20050224 
Last Changed At 165739 
# Message Message Short Text Documentation status Authorization check
1 000 * The short text describes the object sufficiently
2 001 Database update was unsuccessful (table: &1, key: &2) Space: object requires documentation
3 002 Database insert was unsuccessful (table: JKVIAC_SUSPEND) Space: object requires documentation
4 003 Database delete was unsuccessful (table: JKVIAC_SUSPEND) Space: object requires documentation
5 004 Database update was unsuccessful (table: JKVIAC_SUSPEND) Space: object requires documentation
6 005 Changes by IACs suspended (date: &1; time: &2) Space: object requires documentation
7 006 IAC Subscription Sales: Variant &1 switched to temporary table Space: object requires documentation
8 007 IAC Vacation Service: Variant &1 switched to temporary table Space: object requires documentation
9 008 IAC Change Payment Data: Variant &1 switched to temporary table Space: object requires documentation
10 009 IAC Subscription Sales: Value &1 cannot be changed to ZT Space: object requires documentation
11 010 IAC Vacation Service: Value &1 cannot be changed to ZT Space: object requires documentation
12 011 IAC Change Payment Data: Value &1 cannot be changed to ZT Space: object requires documentation
13 012 Changes by IACs will be suspended (test run) Space: object requires documentation
14 013 Changes by IACs will be restored (date: &1, time: &2) Space: object requires documentation
15 014 Changes by IACs will be restored (test run) Space: object requires documentation
16 015 IAC Subscription Sales: Original status restored for variant &1 Space: object requires documentation
17 016 IAC Vacation Service: Original status restored for variant &1 Space: object requires documentation
18 017 IAC Change Payment Data: Original status restored for variant &1 Space: object requires documentation
19 018 IAC Subscription Sales: Original status cannot be restored for variant &1 Space: object requires documentation
20 019 IAC Vacation Service: Original status cannot be restored for variant &1 Space: object requires documentation
21 020 IAC Change Pyt Data: Original status cannot be restored for variant &1 Space: object requires documentation
22 021 Entry for suspended IAC variant was deleted Space: object requires documentation
23 022 Entry for suspended IAC variant could not be deleted Space: object requires documentation
24 023 Entry for suspended IAC variant could not be changed Space: object requires documentation
25 024 The selected entries were deleted Space: object requires documentation
26 025 The previous status was restored for the selected entries Space: object requires documentation
27 026 Nothing selected Space: object requires documentation
28 027 IAC Change Address: Switching variant &1 to temporary table Space: object requires documentation
29 028 IAC Create Complaint: Switching variant &1 to temporary table Space: object requires documentation
30 029 IAC Change Address: Variant &1 cannot be switched to temporary table Space: object requires documentation
31 030 IAC Create Complaint: Variant &1 cannot be switched to temporary table Space: object requires documentation
32 031 IAC Change Address: Old status restored for variant &1 The short text describes the object sufficiently
33 032 IAC Create Complaint: Old status restored for variant &1 The short text describes the object sufficiently
34 033 IAC Change Address: Old status cannot be restored for variant &1 The short text describes the object sufficiently
35 034 IAC Create Complaint: Old status cannot be restored for variant &1 The short text describes the object sufficiently
Last changed on/by 20050224  SAP 
SAP Release Created in