SAP ABAP Message Class 37 Message Number 569 (You cannot use this function in modification mode for original element &)
SAP_BASIS (Software Component) SAP Basis Component
   BC-DWB-TOO-SCR (Application Component) Screen Painter
     SCRP (Package) Screen Painter
Message class 37  
Short Description Screen Painter    
Message Number 569  
Documentation status       Space: object requires documentation
Authorization check Error Message      
Changed On 20090618   
Message Text
You cannot use this function in modification mode for original element &
Help Document


You are working in the Screen Painter under the Modification Assistant and have selected a screen element. You wanted to use a function that:

  • Changes the type of the element
  • Example: Converting a checkbox into a radio button.
  • Changes the assignment of the element to a graphical element (container)
  • Example: Converting to a step loop.
  • Deletes the screen element

Under the Modification Assistant, these actions are only allowed for screen elements that are not SAP original elements.

However, the element that you selected is an original element.

System Response

Operation canceled.


If you want to:

  • Change the type of the origianal element, or
  • Change the assignment of an original element to a graphical element (container),

you must do it without the Modification Assistant. You can do this by choosing Edit -> Modification -> Switch off assistant.
You should, however, be certain that this change is really necessary, and consider the possible consequences in the screen flow logic.

You must also switch off the Modification Assistant if you want to delete an original element. In most cases, you do not need to delete the original element. Instead, you can reduce its size or make it invisible.
To make a screen element invisible at runtime, set the "Invisible" display attribute. In this case, values are still transported from the program to the screen at runtime, so the danger of unwanted changes is much less.
You can set the display attribute to "invisible" within the PROCESS BEFORE OUTPUT

  • for the column col_name of the table controls tc_name

    TYPE-POOLS: cxtab.
    DATA: col_wa TYPE cxtab_column.
    READ TABLE tc_name-cols WITH KEY screen-name = 'COL_NAME'
    INTO col_wa.
    col_wa-invisible = '1'.
    MODIFY tc_name-cols FROM col_wa INDEX sy-tabix.
  • für alle anderen elementaren Dynproelemente durch

    LOOP AT screen WHERE name = 'COL_NAME'.
    screen-invisible = '1'.
    MODIFY screen.

Procedure for System Administration

Last changed on/by 20140121  SAP 
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