SAP ABAP Message Class /BOBF/CONF_MODEL_API (Messages from the configuration model API)
Basic Data
SAP_BS_FND (Software Component) SAP Business Suite Foundation
   AP-RC-BOF-CFN (Application Component) Business Object Processing Framework Configuration
     /BOBF/CONFIGURATION (Package) Business Object Processing Configuration
Message class /BOBF/CONF_MODEL_API
Short Description Messages from the configuration model API  
Changed On 20130531 
Last Changed At 122905 
# Message Message Short Text Documentation status Authorization check
1 000 The name must not be initial The short text describes the object sufficiently
2 001 The name &1 must not contain special characters The short text describes the object sufficiently
3 002 The name &1 does already exist The short text describes the object sufficiently
4 003 The name &1 must start with the enhancement's namespace The short text describes the object sufficiently
5 004 The class name &1 is reserved The short text describes the object sufficiently
6 005 The class name &1 must not contain spaces The short text describes the object sufficiently
7 006 The class name &1 must be capitalised The short text describes the object sufficiently
8 007 The class name &1 must not contain symbols The short text describes the object sufficiently
9 008 The class name &1 must not start with a number The short text describes the object sufficiently
10 009 The class name &1 causes a namespace error The short text describes the object sufficiently
11 010 The class name must not be initial The short text describes the object sufficiently
12 011 The DDIC name must not be initial The short text describes the object sufficiently
13 012 The name &1 refers to an object with wrong object type The short text describes the object sufficiently
14 013 The name &1 is not valid The short text describes the object sufficiently
15 014 The DDIC object &1 must exist The short text describes the object sufficiently
16 015 The DDIC object &1 must be activated The short text describes the object sufficiently
17 016 The class &1 does not exist The short text describes the object sufficiently
18 017 The class &1 is not activated The short text describes the object sufficiently
19 018 The name &1 must start with the enhancement's prefix The short text describes the object sufficiently
20 019 The name &1 must not contain only prefix and namespace The short text describes the object sufficiently
21 020 This enhancement is already locked by user '&1' The short text describes the object sufficiently
22 021 This enhancement is already locked The short text describes the object sufficiently
23 022 This enhancement is already locked by another session The short text describes the object sufficiently
24 023 Node attribute &1 of node &2 can't be part of a query Space: object requires documentation
Last changed on/by 20130531  SAP 
SAP Release Created in   702