SAP_UI (Software Component) User Interface Technology
   BC-WD-ABA-REN (Application Component) Web Dynpro ABAP Rendering
     SWDP_RUNTIME_RENDERING (Package) Web Dynpro Runtime: Rendering
Meta Relationship - Used By
# Relationship type Used by Short Description Created on
1 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DABSTRACT_DTELEMENT 20100504
2 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DABSTRACT_IGS_ELEMENT 20070918
3 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DABSTRACT_POPUP_BUBBLE 20120309
4 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DABSTRACT_SERIES 20070918
5 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DABSTRACT_TREE_NODE 20070717
6 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DABSTRACT_VALUE 20070918
7 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DABSTRACT_VERT_PAGINATOR 20070717
8 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DABSTR_AC 20071128
9 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DABSTR_ACF_CONTROL 20070918
10 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DABSTR_ACT_COMP 20070918
... Click here to see Used By full list (161 items)
Short Description Local UR Test    
General Data
Package SWDP_RUNTIME_RENDERING   Web Dynpro Runtime: Rendering 
Created 20070712   SAP 
Last changed 20110908   SAP 
Unicode checks active    
Forward declarations
# Type group / Object type Type Type Description
1 ABAP Type group use (TYPE-POOLS tp)  Type group use (TYPE-POOLS tp)
2 IF_NW7_VIEW_ELEMENT_ADAPTER Forward declaration interface (INTERFACE i DEFINITION DEF...  Forward declaration interface (INTERFACE i DEFINITION DEF...
# Interface Abstract Final Description Created on
1 IFUR_NW7__CONTROL 20070712
Interface IF_NW7_VIEW_ELEMENT_ADAPTER has no friend.
# Attribute Level Visibility Read only Typing Associated Type Initial Value Description Created on
1 M_CONTEXT_ELEMENT Instance attribute Public Object reference (TYPE REF TO) IF_WD_CONTEXT_ELEMENT Adapter for Web Dynpro View Elements 20100630
2 M_CONTEXT_NODE_PATH_NAME Instance attribute Public Type reference (TYPE) STRING 20100630
3 M_ENABLED Instance attribute Public Type reference (TYPE) ABAP_BOOL 20100630
4 M_ID Instance attribute Public Type reference (TYPE) STRING 20100630
5 M_PARENT_ENABLED Instance attribute Public Type reference (TYPE) ABAP_BOOL 20100630
6 M_PARENT_READONLY Instance attribute Public Type reference (TYPE) ABAP_BOOL 20100630
7 M_READONLY Instance attribute Public Type reference (TYPE) ABAP_BOOL 20100630
8 M_SECURITY_TOKEN Instance attribute Public Type reference (TYPE) CHAR32 Character Field Length - 32 20100630
9 M_SUFFIX Instance attribute Public Type reference (TYPE) STRING 20100630
10 M_TYPE_ID Instance attribute Public Type reference (TYPE) GUID Globally Unique Identifier 20100622
11 M_VIEW_ELEMENT Instance attribute Public Object reference (TYPE REF TO) CL_WDR_VIEW_ELEMENT Web Dynpro View Element 20100630
12 ROOT_CONTROL Instance attribute Public Object reference (TYPE REF TO) IFUR_NW7__CONTROL 20071123
# Method Level Visibility Method type Description Created on
1 FINALIZE Instance method Public Method Destructor 20070712
2 GET_FOCUS_HTML_ID Instance method Public Method Determine Focus HTML ID 20070712
3 GET_RESOURCE Instance method Public Method Get Resource 20070712
4 HANDLE_EVENT Instance method Public Method Process Event 20100701
5 POST_SET_CONTENT Instance method Public Method Processsing by SET_CONTENT 20070917
6 SET_CONTENT Instance method Public Method Process Adapter 20070712
Interface IF_NW7_VIEW_ELEMENT_ADAPTER has no event.
# Type Visibility Typing Associated Type Description Created on Type Source
1 T_ADAPTER_TAB Public See coding 20070712 T_ADAPTER_TAB type standard table of ref to IF_nw7_VIEW_ELEMENT_ADAPTER with default key
2 T_VIEW_ELEMENT_TAB Public See coding 20070712 t_view_element_tab type standard table of ref to cl_wd_view_element with default key
Method Signatures

Method FINALIZE Signature

# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Importing REUSABLE Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) ABAP_BOOL ABAP_FALSE Der Adapter kann nach FINALIZE wiederverwendet werden 20100630

Method FINALIZE on Interface IF_NW7_VIEW_ELEMENT_ADAPTER has no exception.

Method GET_FOCUS_HTML_ID Signature

# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Importing FOCUS_ELEMENT Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) WDR_FOCUS Web-Dynpro: Fokus 20100630
2 Returning HTML_ID Value transfer Type reference (TYPE) STRING 20100630

Method GET_FOCUS_HTML_ID on Interface IF_NW7_VIEW_ELEMENT_ADAPTER has no exception.

Method GET_RESOURCE Signature

# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Exporting E_AS_ATTACHMENT Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) ABAP_BOOL 20100630
2 Exporting E_COMPRESSION Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) I 20100630
3 Exporting E_CONTENT Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) XSTRING 20100630
4 Exporting E_FILENAME Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) STRING 20100630
5 Exporting E_MIMETYPE Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) STRING 20100630
6 Importing I_REQUEST Call by reference Object reference (TYPE REF TO) IF_HTTP_REQUEST HTTP Framework (iHTTP) HTTP Entity 20100630
7 Importing I_RESPONSE Call by reference Object reference (TYPE REF TO) IF_HTTP_RESPONSE HTTP Framework (iHTTP) HTTP Entity 20100630

Method GET_RESOURCE on Interface IF_NW7_VIEW_ELEMENT_ADAPTER has no exception.

Method HANDLE_EVENT Signature

# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Exporting E_ADAPTER_FOR_SMALL_HIDDEN_UPD Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) IF_NW7_VIEW_ELEMENT_ADAPTER=>T_ADAPTER_TAB more small-update-adapters but for the hidden area 20100701
2 Exporting E_ADAPTER_FOR_SMALL_UPDATE Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) IF_NW7_VIEW_ELEMENT_ADAPTER=>T_ADAPTER_TAB Adapter that should be updated instead of the whole page 20100701
3 Importing I_EVENT_NAME Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) STRING 20100701
4 Importing I_EVENT_PARAMETERS Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) TIHTTPNVP HTTP Framework (iHTTP) Tabelle Name/Wert-Paare 20100701
5 Importing I_EVENT_QUEUE Call by reference Object reference (TYPE REF TO) CL_WDR_EVENT_QUEUE EventQueue/IEventQueue 20100701
6 Importing I_RESPONSE Call by reference Object reference (TYPE REF TO) IF_HTTP_RESPONSE HTTP Framework (iHTTP) HTTP Response 20100701
7 Importing I_UPDATE_DATA Call by reference Object reference (TYPE REF TO) IF_WDR_UPDATE_SERVER_PEER_DATA to get updates into a DataContainer 20100701

Method HANDLE_EVENT on Interface IF_NW7_VIEW_ELEMENT_ADAPTER has no exception.

Method POST_SET_CONTENT Signature

Method POST_SET_CONTENT on Interface IF_NW7_VIEW_ELEMENT_ADAPTER has no parameter.
Method POST_SET_CONTENT on Interface IF_NW7_VIEW_ELEMENT_ADAPTER has no exception.

Method SET_CONTENT Signature

Method SET_CONTENT on Interface IF_NW7_VIEW_ELEMENT_ADAPTER has no parameter.
Method SET_CONTENT on Interface IF_NW7_VIEW_ELEMENT_ADAPTER has no exception.
Meta Relationship - Used By (full list)
# Relationship type Used by Short Description Created on
1 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DABSTRACT_DTELEMENT 20100504
2 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DABSTRACT_IGS_ELEMENT 20070918
3 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DABSTRACT_POPUP_BUBBLE 20120309
4 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DABSTRACT_SERIES 20070918
5 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DABSTRACT_TREE_NODE 20070717
6 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DABSTRACT_VALUE 20070918
7 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DABSTRACT_VERT_PAGINATOR 20070717
8 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DABSTR_AC 20071128
9 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DABSTR_ACF_CONTROL 20070918
10 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DABSTR_ACT_COMP 20070918
11 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DABSTR_C_TABLE_CELL_VAR 20101123
12 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DABSTR_FLOW_LAYOUT_ITEM 20070717
13 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DABSTR_GAC 20071128
14 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DABSTR_LEGEND_ITEM 20070717
15 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DABSTR_TABLE_CELL_VAR 20070717
16 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DACCORDION_ITEM 20081205
17 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DACCORDION_MULTI_ITEM 20090105
18 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DACFADAPTER 20090825
19 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DACF_EXECUTE 20071109
20 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DACF_UP_DOWNLOAD 20071109
21 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DACTIVEX 20071026
22 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DACTIVE_COMPONENT_PARAM 20070918
23 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DACTIVE_COMPONENT_XPARAM 20070918
24 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DACTIVE_COMP_LIFECYCLE 20100317
25 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DAGGREGATED_CAPTION 20070717
26 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DANIMATION_STEP 20120426
27 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DBG_TABLE 20070918
28 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DBG_TABLE_CELL 20070918
29 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DBG_TABLE_DEFAULT_BODY 20070918
30 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DBG_TABLE_HEADER_CELL 20070918
31 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DBG_TABLE_HEADER_ROW 20070918
32 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DBG_TABLE_ROW 20070918
33 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DBIAPPLICATION_FRAME 20070918
34 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DBUSINESS_GRAPHICS 20070918
35 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DCAPTION 20070717
36 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DCATEGORY 20070918
37 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DCATEGORY_ELEMENT 20070918
38 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DC_TABLE 20101021
39 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DC_TABLE_ABSTRACT_CELL 20101021
40 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DC_TABLE_ANY_HEADER_CELL 20101021
41 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DC_TABLE_CELL 20101021
42 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DC_TABLE_FIXED_CELL 20110608
43 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DC_TABLE_GENERIC_ROW 20101021
44 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DC_TABLE_HDR_MENU_PROXY 20101028
45 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DC_TABLE_HEADER_CELL 20101021
46 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DC_TABLE_HEADER_ROW 20101021
47 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DC_TABLE_SYMBOL_CELL_GLR 20110823
48 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DC_TBL_ABSTRACT_HDR_CELL 20101021
49 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DC_TBL_HIERARCHICAL_CELL 20101217
50 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DDATA_GRID 20121018
51 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DDATA_TIP 20070717
52 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DDDLB_ITEM 20120104
53 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DDDLB_ITEMBOX 20111206
54 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DDRAG_SOURCE_INFO 20080310
55 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DDROPDOWN_ACTIONITEM 20090105
56 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DDROPDOWN_ITEMBOX 20070717
57 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DDROP_TARGET_INFO 20080310
58 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DDTE_TOOLBAR 20110307
59 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DFORM_LAYOUT_ADV_CELL 20100721
60 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DFORM_LAYOUT_ADV_ROW_EMP 20100721
61 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DFORM_LAYOUT_PAN_ROW_HEA 20110503
62 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DGANTT 20070918
63 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DGENERIC_ACTIVEX_PARAM 20071128
64 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DGEO_MAP 20070918
65 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DGEO_MAP_ZOOM_STEP 20070918
66 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DHOTKEY 20080228
67 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DHOTKEYS 20080228
68 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DIMAGE_MAP 20071022
69 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DIMAGE_MAP_AREA 20071022
70 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DINPUTFIELD_ITEMBOX 20080912
71 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DINPUT_FIELD_ITEMBOX 20081205
72 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DINTERACTIVE_FORM 20070918
73 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DINTERACTIVE_FORM_ACTIVE 20070918
74 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DINTERACTIVE_FORM_BRANCH 20070918
75 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DINTERACTIVE_FORM_IFRAME 20070918
76 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DINTERACTIVE_FORM_PARAM 20070918
77 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DINTERACTIVE_FORM_ZCI 20070918
78 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DINT_CONTAINER 20110414
79 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DINT_FLOW_LAYOUT 20070717
80 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DINT_MATRIX_LAYOUT 20070717
81 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DINT_MATRIX_LAYOUT_CELL 20070717
82 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DINT_MATRIX_LAYOUT_ROW 20070717
83 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DINT_POPUP_MENU 20070717
84 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DINT_POPUP_MENU_ITEM 20070717
85 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DIOS_EDITOR 20070918
86 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DIOS_MSOFFICE 20070918
87 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DIOS_STOFFICE 20070918
88 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DLAYOUT 20070717
89 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DLAYOUT_CONTAINER 20100818
90 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DNAME_VALUE_PAIR 20101001
91 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DNETWORK 20070918
92 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DNUMERIC_VALUE 20070918
93 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DNUMERIC_VALUE_ELEMENT 20070918
94 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DOFFICE_CONTROL 20070918
95 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DOFFICE_CONTROL_VIEWER 20070918
96 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DPAGER 20120222
97 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DPAGINATOR 20070717
98 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DPATTERN_MESSAGE_AREA 20070719
99 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DPOINT 20070918
100 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DPOINT_ELEMENT 20070918
101 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DPOPIN 20070717
102 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DPOPUP_MENU 20070717
103 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DPOPUP_MENU_ITEM 20070717
104 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DPOPUP_TRIGGER 20070717
105 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DRATINGINDICATOR_ITEM 20111122
106 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DROW_REPEATER_CELL 20070717
107 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DSERIES 20070918
108 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DSERIES_ELEMENT 20070918
109 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DSET_FOCUS_ACTION 20100420
110 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DSIMPLE_SERIES 20070918
111 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DSIMPLE_SERIES_ELEMENT 20070918
112 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DSPLITTER_LAYOUT_CELL_EM 20140519
113 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DSPLITTER_LAYOUT_COLUMN 20140519
114 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DSPLITTER_LAYOUT_COL_VD 20140709
115 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DSPLITTER_LAYOUT_ROW 20140519
116 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DSPLITTER_LAYOUT_ROW_VD 20140709
117 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DTABLE 20070717
118 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DTABLE_ABSTRACT_CELL 20070717
119 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DTABLE_ABSTRACT_HDR_CELL 20070717
120 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DTABLE_ANY_HEADER_CELL 20070717
121 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DTABLE_CELL 20070717
122 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DTABLE_CELL_EDITOR 20070717
123 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DTABLE_COLUMNS 20070717
124 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DTABLE_COL_PAGINATOR 20070717
125 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DTABLE_DEFAULT_BODY 20070717
126 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DTABLE_FOOTER 20070717
127 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DTABLE_GENERIC_ROW 20070717
128 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DTABLE_HEADER_CELL 20070717
129 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DTABLE_HEADER_MENU_PROXY 20090811
130 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DTABLE_HEADER_ROW 20070717
131 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DTABLE_MASTER_HDR_CELL 20070717
132 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DTABLE_RO_ABSTR_FIELD 20070717
133 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DTABSTRIP_ITEM 20070717
134 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DTBLCS 20100802
135 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DTBLCS_ABSTRACT_CELL 20100802
136 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DTBLCS_ABSTRACT_HDR_CELL 20100802
137 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DTBLCS_ANY_HEADER_CELL 20100802
138 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DTBLCS_CELL 20100802
139 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DTBLCS_GENERIC_ROW 20100802
140 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DTBLCS_HEADER_CELL 20100802
141 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DTBLCS_HEADER_ROW 20100802
142 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DTBLCS_MASTER_HDR_CELL 20100802
143 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DTEXT_BAR 20070717
144 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DTIME_VALUE 20070918
145 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DTIME_VALUE_ELEMENT 20070918
146 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DTOOLBAR 20070717
147 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DTREE 20070717
148 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DTREE_CHILD_NODE 20070717
149 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DUIELEMENT 20070717
150 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DUIELEMENT_CONTAINER 20070717
151 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  /1WDA/DVIEW_CONTAINER 20080404
152 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  IF_WDR_NW7_DATA_FORMS_COL Renderer: Client Forms Collection 20101119
153 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  IF_WDR_NW7_DELTA_RENDERER Adapter with Delta Rendering 20090908
154 Interface composition (i COMPRISING i_ref)  IF_WDR_NW7_MESSAGE_AREA_ADP Message Area Adapter 20101122
155 Interface implementation (CLASS c. INTERFACES i_ref)  CL_NW7_VIEW_ELEMENT_ADAPTER Web Dynpro Local Test XX7 20070712
156 Interface implementation (CLASS c. INTERFACES i_ref)  CL_WDR_CONTEXT_MENU_HANDLER Handler for Context Menu 20100701
157 Interface implementation (CLASS c. INTERFACES i_ref)  CL_WDR_NW7_FLP_ADAPTER Adapter for Fioro Launchpad API 20140514
158 Interface implementation (CLASS c. INTERFACES i_ref)  CL_WDR_RENDER_TEST_LAUNCHER Assistance-Klasse für WDR_TEST_DELTA_RENDER_1 20110228
159 Interface implementation (CLASS c. INTERFACES i_ref)  CL_WDR_RENDER_TEST_TOOL Assistance-Klasse für WDR_TEST_DELTA_RENDER_1 20110218
160 Interface implementation (CLASS c. INTERFACES i_ref)  CL_WDR_SSR_CONSOLE WD Sever Side Rendering: Console 20100701
161 Interface implementation (CLASS c. INTERFACES i_ref)  CL_WDR_TEST_DELTA_RENDERING Assistance Class for WDR_TEST_DELTA_RENDER_1 20100701
Last changed by/on SAP  20110908 
SAP Release Created in 711