SAP ABAP Interface /UI2/IF_WDR_CFG_OTR (Texts for configuration)
SAP_UI (Software Component) User Interface Technology
   CA-UI2-INT-BE (Application Component) Backend Enablement
     /UI2/WD_CONFIGURATION (Package) UI2: WD Configuration
Meta Relationship - Used By
# Relationship type Used by Short Description Created on
1 Interface implementation (CLASS c. INTERFACES i_ref)  /UI2/CL_WDR_CFG_OTR Texts for configuration 20130313
Interface /UI2/IF_WDR_CFG_OTR  
Short Description Texts for configuration    
General Data
Package /UI2/WD_CONFIGURATION   UI2: WD Configuration 
Created 20130313   SAP 
Last changed 20131127   SAP 
Unicode checks active    
Forward declarations
# Type group / Object type Type Type Description
1 ABAP Type group use (TYPE-POOLS tp)  Type group use (TYPE-POOLS tp)
Interface /UI2/IF_WDR_CFG_OTR has no interface.
Interface /UI2/IF_WDR_CFG_OTR has no friend.
Interface /UI2/IF_WDR_CFG_OTR has no attribute.
# Method Level Visibility Method type Description Created on
1 CHANGE_CONFIG_KEY Instance method Public Method 20130313
2 CHANGE_PERS_KEY Instance method Public Method 20130313
3 CHANGE_TEXT Instance method Public Method 20130313
4 GET_ALL_TEXTS Instance method Public Method 20130313
5 GET_TEXTID_FROM_PATH Instance method Public Method 20130313
6 GET_TEXT_BY_ID Instance method Public Method 20130313
7 GET_TEXT_BY_PATH Instance method Public Method 20130313
8 MARK_ALL_INITIAL_AS_DELETED Instance method Public Method 20130313
9 REMOVE_TEXT Instance method Public Method 20130313
10 RESET_ALL_STATES Instance method Public Method 20130313
11 SAVE_TO_DATABASE Instance method Public Method 20130313
12 SET_SAVE_ALL_LANGUAGES Instance method Public Method 20130313
Interface /UI2/IF_WDR_CFG_OTR has no event.
# Type Visibility Typing Associated Type Description Created on Type Source
1 TS_TEXTS Public See coding 20130313 begin of ts_texts, langu type spras, text_id type wdy_config_textid, description type string, state type wdy_md_object_state, is_explicit type flag, path type string, end of ts_texts
2 TT_TEXTS Public See coding 20130313 tt_texts type standard table of ts_texts with NON-UNIQUE DEFAULT KEY
Method Signatures

Method CHANGE_CONFIG_KEY Signature

# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Importing COPY_ALL_LANGUAGES Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) WDY_BOOLEAN ABAP_FALSE 20130313
2 Importing NEW_CONFIG_KEY Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) WDY_CONFIG_KEY 20130313

Method CHANGE_CONFIG_KEY on Interface /UI2/IF_WDR_CFG_OTR has no exception.

Method CHANGE_PERS_KEY Signature

# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Importing IS_PERS Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) WDY_BOOLEAN 20130313
2 Importing PERS_KEY Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) WDY_PERS_KEY 20130313

Method CHANGE_PERS_KEY on Interface /UI2/IF_WDR_CFG_OTR has no exception.

Method CHANGE_TEXT Signature

# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Importing IN_TEXT_ID Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) WDY_CONFIG_TEXTID 20130313
2 Importing IS_EXPLICIT Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) WDY_BOOLEAN 20130313
3 Importing PATH Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) STRING 20130313
4 Importing TEXT Value transfer Type reference (TYPE) STRING 20130313
5 Returning TEXT_ID Value transfer Type reference (TYPE) WDY_CONFIG_TEXTID 20130313

Method CHANGE_TEXT on Interface /UI2/IF_WDR_CFG_OTR has no exception.

Method GET_ALL_TEXTS Signature

# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Importing I_ALL_LANGUAGES Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) WDY_BOOLEAN 20130313
2 Returning R_TEXTS Value transfer Type reference (TYPE) TT_TEXTS 20130313

Method GET_ALL_TEXTS on Interface /UI2/IF_WDR_CFG_OTR has no exception.


# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Importing IS_EXPLICIT Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) WDY_BOOLEAN 20130313
2 Importing PATH Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) STRING 20130313
3 Returning TEXT_ID Value transfer Type reference (TYPE) WDY_CONFIG_TEXTID 20130313

Method GET_TEXTID_FROM_PATH on Interface /UI2/IF_WDR_CFG_OTR has no exception.

Method GET_TEXT_BY_ID Signature

# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Importing IS_EXPLICIT Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) WDY_BOOLEAN 20130313
2 Exporting OUT_TEXT_ID Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) WDY_CONFIG_TEXTID 20130313
3 Importing PATH Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) STRING 20130313
4 Importing RESOLVE_OTR_ALIASES Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) ABAP_BOOL ABAP_FALSE 20130313
5 Exporting TEXT Value transfer Type reference (TYPE) STRING 20130313
6 Importing TEXT_ID Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) STRING 20130313

Method GET_TEXT_BY_ID on Interface /UI2/IF_WDR_CFG_OTR has no exception.

Method GET_TEXT_BY_PATH Signature

# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Importing IS_EXPLICIT Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) WDY_BOOLEAN 20130313
2 Importing PATH Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) STRING 20130313
3 Returning TEXT Value transfer Type reference (TYPE) STRING 20130313
# Exception Resumable Description Created on
1 /UI2/CX_WD_CFG 20130314


# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Importing EXPLICIT Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) FLAG 20130313

Method MARK_ALL_INITIAL_AS_DELETED on Interface /UI2/IF_WDR_CFG_OTR has no exception.

Method REMOVE_TEXT Signature

# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Importing IS_EXPLICIT Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) WDY_BOOLEAN 20130313
2 Importing TEXT_ID Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) WDY_CONFIG_TEXTID 20130313

Method REMOVE_TEXT on Interface /UI2/IF_WDR_CFG_OTR has no exception.

Method RESET_ALL_STATES Signature

Method RESET_ALL_STATES on Interface /UI2/IF_WDR_CFG_OTR has no parameter.
Method RESET_ALL_STATES on Interface /UI2/IF_WDR_CFG_OTR has no exception.

Method SAVE_TO_DATABASE Signature

# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Importing DB_CON_NAME Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) DBCON-CON_NAME 'DEFAULT' 20130313
2 Returning ENTRIES_SAVED Value transfer Type reference (TYPE) WDY_BOOLEAN 20130313

Method SAVE_TO_DATABASE on Interface /UI2/IF_WDR_CFG_OTR has no exception.


# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Importing SAVE_ALL_LANGUAGES Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) WDY_BOOLEAN ABAP_TRUE 20130313

Method SET_SAVE_ALL_LANGUAGES on Interface /UI2/IF_WDR_CFG_OTR has no exception.
Last changed by/on SAP  20131127 
SAP Release Created in 100