SAP ABAP Interface /UI2/IF_WDR_CFG_MD_PROVIDER (Access to config metadata for a component)
SAP_UI (Software Component) User Interface Technology
   CA-UI2-INT-BE (Application Component) Backend Enablement
     /UI2/WD_CONFIGURATION (Package) UI2: WD Configuration
Meta Relationship - Used By
# Relationship type Used by Short Description Created on
1 Interface implementation (CLASS c. INTERFACES i_ref)  /UI2/CL_WDR_CFG_MD_PROVIDER Access configuration metadata 20130313
Short Description Access to config metadata for a component    
General Data
Package /UI2/WD_CONFIGURATION   UI2: WD Configuration 
Created 20130313   SAP 
Last changed 20131127   SAP 
Unicode checks active    
Forward declarations
Interface /UI2/IF_WDR_CFG_MD_PROVIDER has no forward declaration.
Interface /UI2/IF_WDR_CFG_MD_PROVIDER has no interface.
Interface /UI2/IF_WDR_CFG_MD_PROVIDER has no friend.
Interface /UI2/IF_WDR_CFG_MD_PROVIDER has no attribute.
# Method Level Visibility Method type Description Created on
1 GET_METADATA Instance method Public Method 20130313
Interface /UI2/IF_WDR_CFG_MD_PROVIDER has no event.
Interface /UI2/IF_WDR_CFG_MD_PROVIDER has no local type.
Method Signatures

Method GET_METADATA Signature

# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Exporting CONFIG_PROPS Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) WDY_CONFIG_PROPS 20130313
2 Exporting EXISTS Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) WDY_BOOLEAN 20130313
3 Exporting IS_DELTA Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) WDY_BOOLEAN 20130313
4 Exporting METADATA Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) /UI2/WDY_CFG_NODE_INFO_MAP WD Configuration, Change Tool, List of Node Details 20130313
5 Importing OBJECT_NAME Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) WDY_COMPONENT_NAME 20130313
6 Importing USED_BY_EDITOR Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) WDY_BOOLEAN 20130313

Method GET_METADATA on Interface /UI2/IF_WDR_CFG_MD_PROVIDER has no exception.
Last changed by/on SAP  20131127 
SAP Release Created in 100