SAP ABAP Interface /IWFND/IF_OCI_COMMON (OCI Common Interface)
SAP_GWFND (Software Component) SAP Gateway Foundation
   OPU-GW-LCP (Application Component) Gateway Local content providers        
     /IWFND/OCI (Package) Odata Consumption Integration - Needed for /IWBEP/OCI...
Short Description OCI Common Interface    
General Data
Package /IWFND/OCI   Odata Consumption Integration - Needed for /IWBEP/OCI... 
Created 20120924   SAP 
Last changed 20131127   SAP 
Unicode checks active    
Forward declarations
Interface /IWFND/IF_OCI_COMMON has no forward declaration.
Interface /IWFND/IF_OCI_COMMON has no interface.
Interface /IWFND/IF_OCI_COMMON has no friend.
# Attribute Level Visibility Read only Typing Associated Type Initial Value Description Created on
1 GCS_CARDINALITY Constant Public See coding 20121012
2 GC_ATOM_XML Constant Public Type reference (TYPE) STRING 'application/atom+xml;charset=utf-8' Content type atom+xml 20121004
3 GC_BASE_TYPE_ABSTRACT Constant Public Type reference (TYPE) C '3' Base type abstract = true & base type for entity not initial 20121109
4 GC_COMPLX_TYPE_WITHIN_ENITITY Constant Public Type reference (TYPE) C '1' Service has complex type within entities 20121109
5 GC_CONTENT_TYPE Constant Public Type reference (TYPE) STRING 'Content-Type' Content type 20121004
6 GC_ENCODING Constant Public Type reference (TYPE) ABAP_ENCOD 'UTF-8' Encoding format 20121011
7 GC_ENTITY_TYPE Constant Public Type reference (TYPE) STRING 'EntityType' 20121030
8 GC_FUN_IMP_CMPLX_OR_ENITY Constant Public Type reference (TYPE) C '2' Function Import Return type is not entity 20121109
9 GC_GET_OPERATION Constant Public Type reference (TYPE) STRING 'GET' GET Operation 20121026
10 GC_HEADER_FETCH Constant Public Type reference (TYPE) STRING 'Fetch' X-CSRF Token value fetch 20121004
11 GC_MESSAGE_ID Constant Public Type reference (TYPE) SYMSGID '/IWFND/OCI_MSG' Mesage class 20121004
12 GC_METADATA Constant Public Type reference (TYPE) STRING '$metadata' Metadata 20121008
13 GC_MULTIPLICITY_N Constant Public Type reference (TYPE) C 'N' Multiplicity N 20121004
14 GC_MULTIPLICITY_STAR Constant Public Type reference (TYPE) C '*' Multiplicity * 20121004
15 GC_NAV_PROP_WITHIN_PROP Constant Public Type reference (TYPE) C '4' Navigation property is in between property 20121109
16 GC_POST_OPERATION Constant Public Type reference (TYPE) STRING 'POST' POST Operation 20121026
17 GC_PROPERTY Constant Public Type reference (TYPE) STRING 'Property' 20121030
18 GC_RFC_TYPE_H Constant Public Type reference (TYPE) RFCDES-RFCTYPE 'H' RFC type 'H' 20121004
19 GC_STATUS_CODE Constant Public Type reference (TYPE) STRING '~status_code' HTTP Status Code 20121004
20 GC_STATUS_REASON Constant Public Type reference (TYPE) STRING '~status_reason' HTTP Status Code 20121004
21 GC_TRUE Constant Public Type reference (TYPE) STRING 'true' 20121030
22 GC_XCSRF_TOKEN Constant Public Type reference (TYPE) STRING 'X-CSRF-Token' X-CSRF Token 20121004
Interface /IWFND/IF_OCI_COMMON has no method.
Interface /IWFND/IF_OCI_COMMON has no event.
# Type Visibility Typing Associated Type Description Created on Type Source
1 ATTRIBUTE_MAPPING_S Public See coding 20121003 BEGIN OF attribute_mapping_s, namespace TYPE string, name TYPE string, value TYPE string, END OF attribute_mapping_s
2 ATTRIBUTE_MAPPING_T Public See coding 20121003 attribute_mapping_t TYPE HASHED TABLE OF attribute_mapping_s WITH UNIQUE KEY namespace name
3 CUSTOMIZABLE_FEED_MAPPINGS_S Public See coding 20120924 BEGIN OF customizable_feed_mappings_s, fc_keep_in_content TYPE abap_bool, fc_content_kind TYPE string, fc_ns_prefix TYPE string, fc_ns_uri TYPE string, fc_source_path TYPE string, fc_target_path TYPE string, END OF customizable_feed_mappings_s
4 FACETS_S Public See coding 20120924 BEGIN OF facets_s , nullable TYPE string, default TYPE string, max_length TYPE i, fixed_length TYPE string, precision TYPE string, scale TYPE string, unicode TYPE string, collation TYPE string, concurrency_mode TYPE string , END OF facets_s
5 FUNCTION_IMPORT_PARAMETER_S Public See coding 20121003 BEGIN OF function_import_parameter_s, name TYPE string, gateway_extrn_name TYPE c LENGTH 40, gateway_abap_name TYPE c LENGTH 30, mode TYPE string, type TYPE qualified_name_s, facets TYPE facets_s, mapping TYPE mapping_s, documentation TYPE ty_s_documentation, annotation TYPE ty_s_annotation, END OF function_import_parameter_s
6 FUNCTION_IMPORT_PARAMETER_T Public See coding 20121003 function_import_parameter_t TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF function_import_parameter_s WITH KEY name
7 MAPPING_S Public See coding 20121003 BEGIN OF mapping_s, value TYPE string, mime_type TYPE string, attribute_mappings TYPE attribute_mapping_t, END OF mapping_s
8 QUALIFIED_NAME_S Public See coding 20121003 BEGIN OF qualified_name_s, namespace TYPE string, name TYPE string, END OF qualified_name_s
9 RETURN_TYPE_S Public See coding 20121003 BEGIN OF return_type_s, type TYPE qualified_name_s, multiplicity TYPE /iwcor/if_ds_edm=>edm_multiplicity, END OF return_type_s
10 TY_E_MED_CARDINALITY Public See coding 20121012 ty_e_med_cardinality TYPE c LENGTH 1
11 TY_S_ACTION Public See coding 20120924 BEGIN OF ty_s_action, action_name TYPE string, gateway_extrn_action_name TYPE c LENGTH 40, return_type TYPE return_type_s, entity_name TYPE string, method_name TYPE string, parameters TYPE function_import_parameter_t, docu TYPE ty_s_documentation, annotation TYPE ty_s_annotation , END OF ty_s_action
13 TY_S_ASSOCIATION Public See coding 20120924 BEGIN OF ty_s_association, name TYPE string, gateway_extrn_name TYPE c LENGTH 40, association_set TYPE string , gateway_extrn_assoc_set TYPE c LENGTH 40, namespace TYPE string, left_type TYPE string, right_type TYPE string, left_card TYPE c LENGTH 000001, right_card TYPE c LENGTH 000001, referential_constraint TYPE abap_bool , principle TYPE string, dependent TYPE string, annotations TYPE ty_s_annotation , annotations_s_set TYPE ty_s_annotation , "Annotation for Association set END OF ty_s_association
14 TY_S_COMPLEX_MAPPING_INFO Public See coding 20121008 BEGIN OF ty_s_complex_mapping_info , complex_typ_source_name TYPE string , it_mapping TYPE ty_t_mapping , END OF ty_s_complex_mapping_info
15 TY_S_COMPLEX_TYPE Public See coding 20120924 BEGIN OF ty_s_complex_type, name TYPE string, gateway_extrn_name TYPE c LENGTH 40, is_media TYPE abap_bool, docu TYPE ty_s_documentation, properties TYPE ty_t_properties, annotations TYPE ty_s_annotation , END OF ty_s_complex_type
16 TY_S_CREATE_ENTRY Public See coding 20121005 BEGIN OF ty_s_create_entry , rfc_destination TYPE rfcdest , service_name TYPE string , entity_mapping_info TYPE ty_t_entity_mapping_info , complex_mapping_info TYPE ty_t_complex_mapping_info , entity_set_name TYPE string , entity_name TYPE string , navigation_path TYPE /iwfnd/t_mgw_navigation_path , key_tab TYPE /iwfnd/t_mgw_name_value_pair , http_headers TYPE tihttpnvp, END OF ty_s_create_entry
17 TY_S_DELETE_ENTRY Public See coding 20121005 BEGIN OF ty_s_delete_entry , rfc_destination TYPE rfcdest , service_name TYPE string , entity_set_name TYPE string , entity_name TYPE string , navigation_path TYPE /iwfnd/t_mgw_navigation_path , key_tab TYPE /iwfnd/t_mgw_name_value_pair , entity_mapping_info TYPE ty_t_entity_mapping_info , complex_mapping_info TYPE ty_t_complex_mapping_info , http_headers TYPE tihttpnvp, END OF ty_s_delete_entry
18 TY_S_DOCUMENTATION Public See coding 20120924 BEGIN OF ty_s_documentation, summary TYPE string, long_description TYPE string, annotation TYPE ty_s_annotation, END OF ty_s_documentation
19 TY_S_ENTITY Public See coding 20120924 BEGIN OF ty_s_entity, name TYPE string, entity_set TYPE string, gateway_extrn_name TYPE c LENGTH 40, gateway_extrn_entity_set TYPE c LENGTH 40, * parent_name TYPE c LENGTH 40, * method_name TYPE c LENGTH 30, " Method name of an entity in Define method * is_deep TYPE c LENGTH 000001, * is_gw_relevant TYPE abap_bool, * is_valuehelp TYPE c LENGTH 000001, * is_abstract TYPE abap_bool, * is_custom_struc TYPE abap_bool, is_media TYPE abap_bool, * base_type TYPE c LENGTH 40, * open_type TYPE abap_bool, * abapname TYPE c LENGTH 30, * data_struc TYPE c LENGTH 30, * data_table_type TYPE c LENGTH 30, * deep_struc TYPE c LENGTH 30, * valuehelp_str_name TYPE c LENGTH 30, * valuehelp_fld_name TYPE c LENGTH 30, * abaptablename TYPE c LENGTH 30, docu TYPE ty_s_documentation, * entity_cud TYPE abap_bool, "CUD flags are set at entity level * subscribable TYPE abap_bool, * filter_req TYPE abap_bool, properties TYPE ty_t_properties, * properties_id TYPE ty_t_properties, nav_props TYPE ty_t_nav_properties, annotations TYPE ty_s_annotation , annotations_e_set TYPE ty_s_annotation , "Annotation for entity set * is_duplicate TYPE abap_bool, END OF ty_s_entity
20 TY_S_ENTITY_DATA Public See coding 20121005 BEGIN OF ty_s_entity_data , rfc_destination TYPE rfcdest , service_name TYPE string , entity_set_name TYPE string , source_entity_set_name TYPE string, entity_name TYPE string , filter_string TYPE string , source_name TYPE string , navigation_path TYPE /iwfnd/t_mgw_navigation_path , key_tab TYPE /iwfnd/t_mgw_name_value_pair , entity_mapping_info TYPE ty_t_entity_mapping_info , complex_mapping_info TYPE ty_t_complex_mapping_info , http_headers TYPE tihttpnvp, END OF ty_s_entity_data
21 TY_S_ENTITY_MAPPING_INFO Public See coding 20121008 BEGIN OF ty_s_entity_mapping_info, entity_source_name TYPE string , it_mapping TYPE ty_t_mapping , END OF ty_s_entity_mapping_info
22 TY_S_FEED_DATA Public See coding 20121005 BEGIN OF ty_s_feed_data , rfc_destination TYPE rfcdest , service_name TYPE string , entity_set_name TYPE string , source_entity_set_name TYPE string , entity_name TYPE string , source_name TYPE string, navigation_path TYPE /iwfnd/t_mgw_navigation_path , key_tab TYPE /iwfnd/t_mgw_name_value_pair , filter_string TYPE string , search_string TYPE string , order TYPE /iwfnd/t_mgw_sorting_order , paging TYPE /iwfnd/s_mgw_paging , entity_mapping_info TYPE ty_t_entity_mapping_info , complex_mapping_info TYPE ty_t_complex_mapping_info , http_headers TYPE tihttpnvp, END OF ty_s_feed_data
23 TY_S_FIELD_LIST Public See coding 20120924 BEGIN OF ty_s_field_list, param_external_name TYPE c LENGTH 40, param_name TYPE c LENGTH 40, field_name TYPE c LENGTH 30, struc_name TYPE c LENGTH 30, abapname TYPE c LENGTH 30, abappredtype TYPE c LENGTH 000001, abappredlength TYPE string, abappreddecimals TYPE string, datatype TYPE c LENGTH 4, END OF ty_s_field_list
24 TY_S_FUN_IMPORT_ENTRY Public See coding 20121009 BEGIN OF ty_s_fun_import_entry , rfc_destination TYPE rfcdest , service_name TYPE string , action_name TYPE string , entity_mapping_info TYPE ty_t_entity_mapping_info, complex_mapping_info TYPE ty_t_complex_mapping_info, it_parameters TYPE /iwfnd/t_mgw_name_value_pair , multiplicity TYPE c LENGTH 1, http_headers TYPE tihttpnvp, END OF ty_s_fun_import_entry
25 TY_S_MAPPING Public See coding 20121001 BEGIN OF ty_s_mapping , ext_name TYPE c LENGTH 40 , "External Name tech_name TYPE c LENGTH 30 , "Technical name src_name TYPE string , "Source Name END OF ty_s_mapping
26 TY_S_META_STRUCT Public See coding 20121005 BEGIN OF ty_s_meta_struct , entities TYPE /iwfnd/if_oci_common=>ty_t_entities , associations TYPE /iwfnd/if_oci_common=>ty_t_associations , actions TYPE /iwfnd/if_oci_common=>ty_t_actions , complextypes TYPE /iwfnd/if_oci_common=>ty_t_complex_type , data_services TYPE /iwcor/if_ds_edm_provider=>data_services_s , src_metadata TYPE string, END OF ty_s_meta_struct
27 TY_S_NAV_PROPERTY Public See coding 20120924 BEGIN OF ty_s_nav_property, * parent_name TYPE c LENGTH 40, property_name TYPE string , gateway_extrn_name TYPE c LENGTH 40, gateway_abap_name TYPE c LENGTH 30, association_name TYPE string, annotations TYPE ty_s_annotation , END OF ty_s_nav_property
28 TY_S_PROPERTY Public See coding 20120924 BEGIN OF ty_s_property, name TYPE string , gateway_extrn_name TYPE c LENGTH 40, gateway_abap_name TYPE c LENGTH 30, * EDM types edm_type TYPE c LENGTH 20, facets TYPE facets_s , customizable_feed_mappings TYPE customizable_feed_mappings_s , edm_maxlength TYPE i, nullable TYPE abap_bool, is_key TYPE abap_bool, is_complex TYPE abap_bool, complex_prop_name TYPE string, docu TYPE ty_s_documentation, annotations TYPE ty_s_annotation , ** ABAP specific attributes * abapname TYPE c LENGTH 30, * abappredtype TYPE c LENGTH 000001, * abappredlength TYPE string, * abappreddecimals TYPE string, ** conversion_exit TYPE c LENGTH 5, ** tabname TYPE c LENGTH 30, ** Other attributes ** is_deep TYPE c LENGTH 000001, ** is_invalid_key TYPE abap_bool, ** Related to complex type - Start * datatype TYPE c LENGTH 4, * rollname TYPE c LENGTH 30, * inttype TYPE c LENGTH 000001, * precfield TYPE c LENGTH 30, ** Related to complex type - End * default_val TYPE c LENGTH 40, * not_creatable TYPE abap_bool, * not_updatable TYPE abap_bool, * not_deletable TYPE abap_bool, * filterable TYPE abap_bool, * not_sortable TYPE abap_bool, * unicode TYPE abap_bool, ** collation TYPE c LENGTH 40, ** concurrency_mode TYPE c LENGTH 4, * unit TYPE c LENGTH 40, ** semantic TYPE c LENGTH 20, * annotations TYPE ty_s_annotation , END OF ty_s_property
29 TY_S_REQ_HEADER Public See coding 20121001 BEGIN OF ty_s_req_header , name TYPE string , value TYPE string , END OF ty_s_req_header
30 TY_S_TOKENS Public See coding 20121101 BEGIN OF TY_S_TOKENS , name TYPE string, kind TYPE i, END OF ty_s_tokens
31 TY_S_UPDATE_ENTRY Public See coding 20121009 BEGIN OF ty_s_update_entry , rfc_destination TYPE rfcdest , service_name TYPE string , entity_set_name TYPE string , entity_name TYPE string , entity_mapping_info TYPE ty_t_entity_mapping_info, complex_mapping_info TYPE ty_t_complex_mapping_info, navigation_path TYPE /iwfnd/t_mgw_navigation_path , key_tab TYPE /iwfnd/t_mgw_name_value_pair , http_headers TYPE tihttpnvp, END OF ty_s_update_entry
32 TY_T_ACTIONS Public See coding 20120924 ty_t_actions TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_s_action WITH KEY action_name
33 TY_T_ASSOCIATIONS Public See coding 20120924 ty_t_associations TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_s_association WITH KEY name INITIAL SIZE 0
34 TY_T_COMPLEX_MAPPING_INFO Public See coding 20121008 ty_t_complex_mapping_info TYPE SORTED TABLE OF ty_s_complex_mapping_info WITH UNIQUE KEY complex_typ_source_name INITIAL SIZE 0
35 TY_T_COMPLEX_TYPE Public See coding 20120924 ty_t_complex_type TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_s_complex_type WITH KEY name INITIAL SIZE 0
36 TY_T_ENTITIES Public See coding 20120924 ty_t_entities TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_s_entity WITH KEY name INITIAL SIZE 0
37 TY_T_ENTITY_MAPPING_INFO Public See coding 20121008 ty_t_entity_mapping_info TYPE SORTED TABLE OF ty_s_entity_mapping_info WITH UNIQUE KEY entity_source_name INITIAL SIZE 0
38 TY_T_FIELD_LIST Public See coding 20120924 ty_t_field_list TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_s_field_list WITH NON-UNIQUE DEFAULT KEY
39 TY_T_MAPPING Public See coding 20121001 ty_t_mapping TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_s_mapping WITH DEFAULT KEY INITIAL SIZE 0
40 TY_T_NAV_PROPERTIES Public See coding 20120924 ty_t_nav_properties TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_s_nav_property WITH KEY property_name INITIAL SIZE 0
41 TY_T_PROPERTIES Public See coding 20120924 ty_t_properties TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_s_property WITH KEY name INITIAL SIZE 0
42 TY_T_REQ_HEADER Public See coding 20121001 ty_t_req_header TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_s_req_header INITIAL SIZE 0
Last changed by/on SAP  20131127 
SAP Release Created in 250