SAP ABAP Data Element WB2_FILTER_CLASS (Class for Filter Operation)
EA-GLTRADE (Software Component) SAP Enterprise Extension Global Trade
   LO-GT-TEW (Application Component) Trading Execution Workbench
     WB2B_TEW (Package) Trading Execution Workbench
Basic Data
Short Description Class for Filter Operation  
Data Type
Category of Dictionary Type D   Domain
Type of Object Referenced     No Information
Domain / Name of Reference Type SEOCLSNAME    
Data Type CHAR   Character String 
Length 30    
Decimal Places 0    
Output Length 30    
Value Table      
Further Characteristics
Search Help: Name    
Search Help: Parameters    
Parameter ID   
Default Component name    
Change document    
No Input History    
Basic direction is set to LTR    
No BIDI Filtering    
Field Label
  Length  Field Label  
Short 10 Filt.Class 
Medium 15 Filter Class 
Long 20 Filter Class 
Heading 10 Filt.Class 


Filter classes can be used to prevent document headers and document items being displayed in the Trading Execution Workbench (TEW). Field FILTERED_OUT_GT is used in the header structure and in the item structure. If this field is flagged in the header structure, the entire document is filtered out and its data is not displayed in the TEW. If the field is flagged at item level only, the item is filtered out and its data is not displayed. Filter classes implement one of the following interfaces, depending on the type of data used in the appropriate document:

  • IF_WB2_ENHANCE_DATA_AC: Enhance Data From FI Documents
  • IF_WB2_ENHANCE_DATA_ADDONZ1: Enhance Add-On Data
  • IF_WB2_ENHANCE_DATA_ADDONZ2: Enhance Add-On Data
  • IF_WB2_ENHANCE_DATA_ADDONZ3: Enhance Add-On Data
  • IF_WB2_ENHANCE_DATA_AGENCY: Enhance Agency Document Data
  • IF_WB2_ENHANCE_DATA_AGENCY_LST:Enhance Data From Agency Lists
  • IF_WB2_ENHANCE_DATA_DELIVERY: Enhance Delivery Data
  • IF_WB2_ENHANCE_DATA_IV: Enhance Data From Invoice Verification Documents
  • IF_WB2_ENHANCE_DATA_MD: Enhance Data From Material Documents
  • IF_WB2_ENHANCE_DATA_PO: Enhance Data From Purchase Orders
  • IF_WB2_ENHANCE_DATA_SI: Enhance Data From Customer Billing Documents
  • IF_WB2_ENHANCE_DATA_SI_LST: Enhance Data From Customer Billing Lists
  • IF_WB2_ENHANCE_DATA_SO: Enhance Data From Sales Documents
  • IF_WB2_ENHANCE_DATA_TC: Enhance Trading Contract Data

Last changed by/on SAP  20110901 
SAP Release Created in 46C