SAP ABAP Data Element P01C_HCLAS (Dynamic Categorization of Surviving Dependents in Cl. 1;2;3)
SAP_HRCDE (Software Component) Sub component SAP_HRCDE of SAP_HR
   PA-PF-DE (Application Component) Company Pension Scheme Germany
     P01A (Package) HR Germany: Retirement Pension Plan
Basic Data
Data Element P01C_HCLAS
Short Description Dynamic Categorization of Surviving Dependents in Cl. 1;2;3  
Data Type
Category of Dictionary Type D   Domain
Type of Object Referenced     No Information
Domain / Name of Reference Type P01C_HCLAS    
Data Type CHAR   Character String 
Length 1    
Decimal Places 0    
Output Length 1    
Value Table      
Further Characteristics
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No Input History    
Basic direction is set to LTR    
No BIDI Filtering    
Field Label
  Length  Field Label  
Short 10 SD Class 
Medium 15 SD Class 
Long 21 Surviving Dep. Class 
Heading SD Class 


allamounttab(structure p01c_balla)
Contains the surviving dependant (SD) payments and partial amounts for an entitlement.
depamounttab (structure p01c_bdala)
Contains the corresponding payments and difference amounts for a surviving dependant and for an entitlement.

In allamounttab, surviving dependants' payments, reduction percentages, and surviving dependant types are split into three. This three-way division corresponds to the basic classification of surviving dependant classes: Widow(er), Orphan(s), Parent(s).
alldependtab(structure p01c_bfami) is sorted according to surviving dependant type. If different surviving dependant types exist, you can use at least two different surviving dependant classes.

The sequence of the surviving dependant classes in alldependtab determines which surviving dependant is set up in which field class (1, 2, or 3):

If the Orphans class is in position 1 in alldependtab, the surviving dependant payments, reduction percentage, and surviving dependant type for orphans are set up in the first fields in allamounttab: -HBLB1, -SHBL1, -HTYP1, -KZPR1. If the Widow(er) class follows the Orphan class, the accompanying surviving dependant payments and so on are set up in the second fields: -HBLB2, -SHBL2, -HTYP2, -KZPR2. If the Parent class is the last entry, the accompanying fields are set up in the third fields.
In alldependtab, the system notes in the -HCLAS field the field class (1, 2, or 3) in which the surviving dependant payments, reduction percentage, and so on, can be found in allamounttab for a particular employee. The field information in alldependtab-hclas is used to fill depamounttab.

Last changed by/on SAP  19990312 
SAP Release Created in