SAP ABAP Data Element P01_KVVVJV (Default Total: Disruptive Event HI ITD to Year Before Last)
SAP_HRCDE (Software Component) Sub component SAP_HRCDE of SAP_HR
   PA-PA-DE (Application Component) Germany
     PB01 (Package) HR Master Data: Germany
Basic Data
Data Element P01_KVVVJV
Short Description Default Total: Disruptive Event HI ITD to Year Before Last  
Data Type
Category of Dictionary Type D   Domain
Type of Object Referenced     No Information
Domain / Name of Reference Type P01_VZLUFT    
Data Type CURR   Currency field, stored as DEC 
Length 15    
Decimal Places 2    
Output Length 21    
Value Table      
Further Characteristics
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Parameter ID   
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No Input History    
Basic direction is set to LTR    
No BIDI Filtering    
Field Label
  Length  Field Label  
Short 10 HI YbL 
Medium 15 HI Year bf.Last 
Long 33 Total Disr.Ev. ITD Yr bef.Last HI 
Heading 24 Total HI ITD Yr bef.Last 


In this field, you enter the total income threshold deficit for disruptive events for the HI (health insurance) division up to the year before last. The report for accruing the income threshold deficit for disruptive events (RPCSVWD0) then uses this value for further calculation from the key date.


The income threshold deficit for disruptive events for an employee in a specific SI division (HI, PI, UI, CI) consists of:

  • The increase of the income threshold deficit for disruptive events in the current year
  • The increase of the income threshold deficit for disruptive events in the previous year
  • The total increase of the income threshold deficit for disruptive events accumulated up to the year before last

This separation by years is necessary because the share of the income threshold deficit for disruptive events used to calculate contributions for the value credit in the current year reduces the regular income threshold deficit for disruptive events for the current year.
The same applies to the income threshold deficit for disruptive events from the previous year.

Last changed by/on SAP  20010720 
SAP Release Created in 470