SAP ABAP Class IF_UPS_MIDDLEWARE_RUNTIME (Interface for Middleware in UPS: Runtime)
Meta Relationship - Used By
# Relationship type Used by Short Description Created on
1 Interface implementation (CLASS c. INTERFACES i_ref)  CL_UPS_MIDDLEWARE Basis Class for UPS Middleware Connections 20030616
Short Description Interface for Middleware in UPS: Runtime    
Super Class    
Instantiability of a Class 2  Public 
General Data
Message Class    
Program status     
Category 0   
Created 20030616   SAP 
Last change 20030616   SAP 
Shared Memory-enabled    
Fixed point arithmetic    
Unicode checks active    
Forward declarations
Class IF_UPS_MIDDLEWARE_RUNTIME has no forward declaration.
Class IF_UPS_MIDDLEWARE_RUNTIME has no interface implemented.
Class IF_UPS_MIDDLEWARE_RUNTIME has no friend class.
Class IF_UPS_MIDDLEWARE_RUNTIME has no attribute.
# Method Level Visibility Method type Description Created on
1 DEQUEUE Instance method Public Method Unlock Messages 20030616
2 DISPLAY Instance method Public Method Display Messages 20030616
3 GET_DOCNUM_OF_ITEM Instance method Public Method Determine Message ID for Object in UPS 20030616
4 PROCESS Instance method Public Method Process Messages 20030616
5 READ_DISTRIBUTION_MODEL Instance method Public Method Check Distributability 20030616
6 RUNTIME_REPORTS Instance method Public Method Program for Runtime 20030620
7 SELECT_RECEIPTS Instance method Public Method Select Unposted Receipts in Inbox 20030616
8 SEND_DELIVERY_NOTE Instance method Public Method Send UPS Delivery Note 20030616
9 SEND_MESSAGES Instance method Public Method Send Object Messages 20030618
10 SEND_RECEIPT Instance method Public Method Send Receipt 20030616
11 STATUS_READ Instance method Public Method Read Status of Messages 20030616
12 STATUS_ROLE Instance method Public Method Role of Status in UPS 20030616
Class IF_UPS_MIDDLEWARE_RUNTIME has no local type.
Method Signatures

Method DEQUEUE Signature

# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Importing IMT_DOCSTA Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) TUPSITM_DOCSTA Informationen zu einer Nachricht 20030616
# Exception Resumable Description Created on
1 ERROR 20030616

Method DISPLAY Signature

# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Importing IMT_DOCKEY Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) TUPSITM_DOCKEY Tabelle von Idoc-Nummer & -Status 20030616

Method DISPLAY on class IF_UPS_MIDDLEWARE_RUNTIME has no exception.

Method GET_DOCNUM_OF_ITEM Signature

# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Changing CHT_APIITM Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) API_TUPSITM ALE-Verteilungseinheit : Objektliste (Eingabestruktur) 20030616
2 Importing IM_APIHDR Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) API_UPSHDR ALE-Verteilungspaket : Kopfdaten (Eingabestruktur) 20030616

Method GET_DOCNUM_OF_ITEM on class IF_UPS_MIDDLEWARE_RUNTIME has no exception.

Method PROCESS Signature

# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Changing CHT_DOCKEY Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) TUPSITM_DOCKEY Tabelle von Idoc-Nummer & -Status 20030616
2 Importing IM_BLOCKSIZE Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) INT2 Blockgröße 20030616
3 Importing IM_DIRECT Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) UPS_DIRECT ALE-Verteilungspaket : Verteilungsrichtung 20030616

Method PROCESS on class IF_UPS_MIDDLEWARE_RUNTIME has no exception.


# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Exporting EXT_RECEIVER Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) UPS_TLOGSYS gefundene Empfänger zu Sendern 20030616
2 Exporting EXT_SENDER Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) UPS_TLOGSYS gefundene Sender zu Empfängern 20030616
3 Importing FLG_FOR_DELIVERY_NOTE Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) XFELD SPACE Für UPS-Lieferschein prüfen 20030616
4 Importing IMT_RECEIVER Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) UPS_TLOGSYS vorgegebene Sender 20030616
5 Importing IMT_SENDER Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) UPS_TLOGSYS vorgegebene Empfänger 20030616
# Exception Resumable Description Created on
1 NO_MODEL_FOUND ein Eintrag im Verteilungsmodell gefunden 20030616

Method RUNTIME_REPORTS Signature

# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Exporting EV_RUPSMAS Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) SYREPID Einbuchen von Lieferscheinen 20030620

Method RUNTIME_REPORTS on class IF_UPS_MIDDLEWARE_RUNTIME has no exception.

Method SELECT_RECEIPTS Signature

# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Exporting EXT_DOCKEY Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) TUPSITM_DOCKEY Tabelle von Idoc-Nummer & -Status 20030616

Method SELECT_RECEIPTS on class IF_UPS_MIDDLEWARE_RUNTIME has no exception.


# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Exporting EX_DOCNUM Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) UPS_DOCNUM Nachrichten-Nummer 20030616
2 Exporting EX_DOCS_CRE Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) I 20030616
3 Exporting EX_STATUS Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) UPS_DOCSTA Nachrichten-Status 20030616
4 Importing IMT_OUTITM Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) OUT_TUPSITM ALE-Verteilungseinheit : Objektliste (Ausgabestruktur) 20030616
5 Importing IMT_OUTPRE Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) OUT_TUPSPRE ALE-Verteilungseinheit : Vorgänger (Ausgabestruktur) 20030616
6 Importing IMT_OUTSRC Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) OUT_TUPSSRC ALE-Verteilungseinheit : Quellobjektliste (Ausgabestruktur) 20030616
7 Importing IM_OUTHDR Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) OUT_UPSHDR ALE-Verteilungspaket : Kopfdate (Ausgabestruktur) 20030616
# Exception Resumable Description Created on
1 MIDDLEWARE_ERROR Fehler im ALE-Layer 20030616
2 NO_MODEL_FOUND Kein Eintrag im Verteilungsmodell gefunden 20030616

Method SEND_MESSAGES Signature

# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Exporting EX_DOCS_CRE Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) I Anzahl erzeugter IDOCs 20030618
2 Exporting EX_OUTITM Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) OUT_UPSITM ALE-Verteilungspaket : Objektdaten (Ausgabestruktur) 20030618
3 Importing IM_DLOCK Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) UPS_DLOCK 20030618
4 Importing IM_OUTHDR Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) OUT_UPSHDR ALE-Verteilungspaket : Kopfdate (Ausgabestruktur) 20030618
5 Importing IM_OUTITM Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) OUT_UPSITM ALE-Verteilungspaket : Objektdaten (Eingabestruktur) 20030618
# Exception Resumable Description Created on
1 MIDDLEWARE_ERROR Fehler beim Senden 20030618
2 OBJTYP_ERROR Objekttyp wird nicht unterstützt 20030618

Method SEND_RECEIPT Signature

# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Importing IM_DOCNUM Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) UPS_DOCNUM Nachrichten-Nummer 20030616
2 Importing IM_UNITY_INSTID Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) UPS_INSTID ALE-Verteilungspaket : ID zur Instanziierung 20030616
3 Importing IM_UPSNAM Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) UPS_NAME ALE-Verteilungspaket : Name 20030616
4 Importing IM_UPSSTAT Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) UPS_UPSSTAT ALE-Verteilungspaket: Status 20030616
# Exception Resumable Description Created on
1 DATA_INCOMPLETE Schnittstelle wurde nicht korrekt bedient 20030616
2 MIDDLEWARE_ERROR Fehler in der Middleware 20030616
3 NOT_FOUND IDOC wurde nicht gefunden 20030616
4 NO_MODEL_FOUND Kein Eintrag im Verteilungsmodell gefunden 20030616

Method STATUS_READ Signature

# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Changing CHT_DOCSTA Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) TUPSITM_DOCSTA Informationen zu einer Nachricht 20030616
2 Importing FLG_INCL_MESSAGES Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) XFELD SPACE Feld zum Ankreuzen 20030616
# Exception Resumable Description Created on
1 NOT_FOUND Datensatz nicht gefunden 20030616
2 NO_DOCNUM Keine IDOC-Nummer übergeben 20030616

Method STATUS_ROLE Signature

# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Exporting EX_ROLE Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) UPS_STAROL Rolle eines Nachrichtenstatus 20030616
2 Exporting EX_STATUS Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) UPS_DOCSTA Nachrichten-Status 20030616
3 Importing IM_ROLE Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) UPS_STAROL SPACE Rolle eines Nachrichtenstatus 20030616
4 Importing IM_STATUS Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) UPS_DOCSTA SPACE Nachrichten-Status 20030616

Method STATUS_ROLE on class IF_UPS_MIDDLEWARE_RUNTIME has no exception.
Last changed by/on SAP  20030616 
SAP Release Created in