SAP ABAP Class CL_HRPADNO_ACF_DD_FORM_TASK_S (ACF data definition - FormTaskShipment)
SAP_HRCNO (Software Component) Sub component SAP_HRCNO of SAP_HR
   PY-NO (Application Component) Norway
     PC20_ACF (Package) Altinn Communication Framework: Norway
Meta Relationship - Using
# Relationship type Using Short Description Created on
1 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CL_HRPADNO_ACF_DD_XML ACF data definition - XML I/O 20130104
Short Description ACF data definition - FormTaskShipment    
Super Class CL_HRPADNO_ACF_DD_XML ACF data definition - XML I/O 
Instantiability of a Class 2  Public 
General Data
Message Class    
Program status     
Category 0   
Package PC20_ACF   Altinn Communication Framework: Norway 
Created 20121031   SAP 
Last change 20131127   SAP 
Shared Memory-enabled    
Fixed point arithmetic    
Unicode checks active    
Forward declarations
# Type group / Object type Type Type Description
1 ABAP Type group use (TYPE-POOLS tp)  Type group use (TYPE-POOLS tp)
2 CL_HRPADNO_ACF Forward declaration class (CLASS c DEFINITION DEFERRED)  Forward declaration class (CLASS c DEFINITION DEFERRED)
4 CL_HRPADNO_ACF_DD_DELEG_USR Forward declaration class (CLASS c DEFINITION DEFERRED)  Forward declaration class (CLASS c DEFINITION DEFERRED)
Class CL_HRPADNO_ACF_DD_FORM_TASK_S has no interface implemented.
Class CL_HRPADNO_ACF_DD_FORM_TASK_S has no friend class.
# Attribute Level Visibility Read only Typing Associated Type Initial Value Description Created on
1 GV_DD_XML_NAME Static Attribute Public Type reference (TYPE) STRING 'formTaskShipment' 20130104
2 MO_ENCRYPTED_KEY Instance attribute Public Object reference (TYPE REF TO) CL_HRPADNO_ACF_DD_ENCRYPTEDKEY ACF data definition - EncryptedKeyBE 20130104
3 MO_FORM_TASKS Instance attribute Public Object reference (TYPE REF TO) CL_HRPADNO_ACF_DD_FORM_TASK ACF data definition - FormTask 20130104
4 MO_SIGNATURES Instance attribute Public Object reference (TYPE REF TO) CL_HRPADNO_ACF_DD_SIGNATURE ACF data definition - Signature 20130104
5 MT_ATTACHMENTS Instance attribute Public Type reference (TYPE) CL_HRPADNO_ACF_DD_ATTACHMENT=>TY_T_TABLE ACF data definition - Attachment (tabletype) 20130104
6 MT_USERS Instance attribute Public Type reference (TYPE) CL_HRPADNO_ACF_DD_DELEG_USR=>TY_T_TABLE ACF data definition - DelegatedUserBE (table type) 20130104
7 MV_CASE_ID Instance attribute Public Type reference (TYPE) INT4 Natural number 20130104
8 MV_EXTERNAL_SHIPMENT_REFERENCE Instance attribute Public Type reference (TYPE) STRING 20130104
9 MV_IS_USER_DELEGATION_LOCKED Instance attribute Public Type reference (TYPE) ABAP_BOOL 20130104
10 MV_REPORTEE Instance attribute Public Type reference (TYPE) STRING 20130104
11 MV_USER_DEFINED_NUMBER_OF_SIGN Instance attribute Public Type reference (TYPE) INT4 Natural number 20130104
# Method Level Visibility Method type Description Created on
1 CONSTRUCTOR Instance method Public Constructor 20130104
2 CREATE_ATTACHMENT Instance method Public Method 20130104
3 GET_GUID Instance method Public Method 20130104
4 GET_REPORTEE Instance method Public Method 20130509
5 SET_GUID Instance method Public Method 20130104
Class CL_HRPADNO_ACF_DD_FORM_TASK_S has no event.
# Type Visibility Typing Associated Type Description Created on Type Source
1 TY_T_TABLE Public See coding ACF data definition - FormTaskShipment (tabletype) 20130104 TY_T_TABLE type standard table of REF TO CL_HRPADNO_ACF_DD_FORM_TASK_S with non-unique default key
Method Signatures

Method CONSTRUCTOR Signature

Method CONSTRUCTOR on class CL_HRPADNO_ACF_DD_FORM_TASK_S has no parameter.
Method CONSTRUCTOR on class CL_HRPADNO_ACF_DD_FORM_TASK_S has no exception.


# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Returning RO_RETURN Value transfer Object reference (TYPE REF TO) CL_HRPADNO_ACF_DD_ATTACHMENT ACF data definition - Attachment 20130104

Method CREATE_ATTACHMENT on class CL_HRPADNO_ACF_DD_FORM_TASK_S has no exception.

Method GET_GUID Signature

# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Returning RV_RETURN Value transfer Type reference (TYPE) PNO_ACF_GUID ACF - GUID 20130104

Method GET_GUID on class CL_HRPADNO_ACF_DD_FORM_TASK_S has no exception.

Method GET_REPORTEE Signature

# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Returning RV_RETURN Value transfer Type reference (TYPE) PNO_ACF_REPORTEE ACF Reportee Number 20130509

Method GET_REPORTEE on class CL_HRPADNO_ACF_DD_FORM_TASK_S has no exception.

Method SET_GUID Signature

# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Importing IV_GUID Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) PNO_ACF_GUID ACF - GUID 20130104

Method SET_GUID on class CL_HRPADNO_ACF_DD_FORM_TASK_S has no exception.
Last changed by/on SAP  20131127 
SAP Release Created in