SAP ABAP Class AC_RSDRCRM_SEG_CORR_TEST (Test Data for Correctness Tests of the Segment Expression)
SAP_BW (Software Component) SAP Business Warehouse
   BW-BEX-OT (Application Component) OLAP Technology
     RSDRCRM_SEG_TEST (Package) RFC Wrapper for Methods Calls with Package RSDRCRM
Meta Relationship - Using
# Relationship type Using Short Description Created on
1 Interface implementation (CLASS c. INTERFACES i_ref)  IF_RSDRCRM_SEG_CORR_TEST Interface for Correctness Test Classes 20100329
Meta Relationship - Used By
# Relationship type Used by Short Description Created on
1 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CL_RSDRCRM_SEG_CORR_TEST_61 req attributes are from Op2 20100507
2 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CL_RSDRCRM_SEG_CORR_TEST_47 Correctness Test 048 (MKT Attributes) 20100507
3 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CL_RSDRCRM_SEG_CORR_TEST_48 Correctness Test 045 (MKT Attributes) 20100507
4 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CL_RSDRCRM_SEG_CORR_TEST_5 step with exclude 20100331
5 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CL_RSDRCRM_SEG_CORR_TEST_51 ( count only 4 but 5 members (two Iobjects for one bp!!!!) 20100430
6 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CL_RSDRCRM_SEG_CORR_TEST_52 steps with IObjects 20100430
7 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CL_RSDRCRM_SEG_CORR_TEST_53 steps with diff types 20100430
8 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CL_RSDRCRM_SEG_CORR_TEST_54 uion different segments with different types 20100501
9 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CL_RSDRCRM_SEG_CORR_TEST_55 Korrektheitstest 001 20100501
10 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CL_RSDRCRM_SEG_CORR_TEST_56 test intersect between different segments 20100501
... Click here to see Used By full list (57 items)
Short Description Test Data for Correctness Tests of the Segment Expression    
Super Class    
Instantiability of a Class 2  Public 
General Data
Message Class    
Program status     
Category 0   
Package RSDRCRM_SEG_TEST   RFC Wrapper for Methods Calls with Package RSDRCRM 
Created 20100329   SAP 
Last change 20130531   SAP 
Shared Memory-enabled    
Fixed point arithmetic    
Unicode checks active    
Forward declarations
Class AC_RSDRCRM_SEG_CORR_TEST has no forward declaration.
# Interface Abstract Final Description Created on
1 IF_RSDRCRM_SEG_CORR_TEST Interface for Correctness Test Classes 20100329
# Friend Modeled only Created on Description
1 CL_RSDRCRM_SEG_TEST_HANDLER 20100330 Test Data Handler for Correctness Tests
# Attribute Level Visibility Read only Typing Associated Type Initial Value Description Created on
1 O_C_QSI_PREFIX Constant Protected Type reference (TYPE) STRING 'Q' 20100415
2 O_SEGMENT_ID Instance attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) RSDRCRM_SEG_SEGMENT_ID ID (CHAR10) of a CRM Segment Builder Segment 20100329
# Method Level Visibility Method type Description Created on
1 CHECK_COUNT Instance method Protected Method 20100507
2 CHECK_MEMBERS Instance method Protected Method 20100401
3 GET_QSI_ALIAS_NAME Instance method Protected Method Finds the QSI name of a key figure 20101108
4 GET_SEGMENT_ID Instance method Protected Method 20100330
5 GET_SEG_EXPRESSION Instance method Protected Method 20100330
6 MAP_SEG_EXPRESSION Instance method Protected Method Transforms a segmentation expression 20100415
7 NORMALIZE Instance method Protected Method 20100507
Class AC_RSDRCRM_SEG_CORR_TEST has no event.
Class AC_RSDRCRM_SEG_CORR_TEST has no local type.
Method Signatures

Method CHECK_COUNT Signature

Method CHECK_COUNT on class AC_RSDRCRM_SEG_CORR_TEST has no parameter.
Method CHECK_COUNT on class AC_RSDRCRM_SEG_CORR_TEST has no exception.

Method CHECK_MEMBERS Signature

Method CHECK_MEMBERS on class AC_RSDRCRM_SEG_CORR_TEST has no parameter.
Method CHECK_MEMBERS on class AC_RSDRCRM_SEG_CORR_TEST has no exception.

Method GET_QSI_ALIAS_NAME Signature

# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Exporting E_ERROR Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) BOOLE_D Datenelement zur Domäne BOOLE: TRUE (='X') und FALSE (=' ') 20101108
2 Exporting E_KYFNAME_QSI Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) RSIOBJNM Name der key Figur innerhalb QSI 20101108
3 Importing I_INFOPROV Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) RSINFOPROV InfoProvider 20101108
4 Importing I_KYFNAME_NO_QSI Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) RSIOBJNM Name der Key Figure ausserhalb QSI 20101108

Method GET_QSI_ALIAS_NAME on class AC_RSDRCRM_SEG_CORR_TEST has no exception.

Method GET_SEGMENT_ID Signature

Method GET_SEGMENT_ID on class AC_RSDRCRM_SEG_CORR_TEST has no parameter.
Method GET_SEGMENT_ID on class AC_RSDRCRM_SEG_CORR_TEST has no exception.


Method GET_SEG_EXPRESSION on class AC_RSDRCRM_SEG_CORR_TEST has no parameter.
Method GET_SEG_EXPRESSION on class AC_RSDRCRM_SEG_CORR_TEST has no exception.


# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Changing C_TX_SEGMENT_EXPRESSION Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) RSDRCRM_SEG_T_SEG_EXPRESSION Übergabetabelle CRM -> BWA für die BWA Segmentierung 20100415
2 Exporting E_ERROR Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) BOOLE_D 'X' = Fehler aufgetreten, ' ' = kein Fehler aufgetreten 20100416
3 Importing I_SEGMENT_ID_PREFIX Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) STRING Präfix für Segment-IDs 20100416
4 Importing I_T_INFO_OBJECT_MAPPINGS Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) RSDRCRM_SEG_T_STRING_PAIRS Info Object Abbildung 20100415
5 Importing I_T_INFO_PROVIDER_MAPPINGS Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) RSDRCRM_SEG_T_STRING_PAIRS Info Provider Abbildung 20100415

Method MAP_SEG_EXPRESSION on class AC_RSDRCRM_SEG_CORR_TEST has no exception.

Method NORMALIZE Signature

Method NORMALIZE on class AC_RSDRCRM_SEG_CORR_TEST has no parameter.
Method NORMALIZE on class AC_RSDRCRM_SEG_CORR_TEST has no exception.
Meta Relationship - Used By (full list)
# Relationship type Used by Short Description Created on
1 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CL_RSDRCRM_SEG_CORR_TEST_61 req attributes are from Op2 20100507
2 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CL_RSDRCRM_SEG_CORR_TEST_47 Correctness Test 048 (MKT Attributes) 20100507
3 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CL_RSDRCRM_SEG_CORR_TEST_48 Correctness Test 045 (MKT Attributes) 20100507
4 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CL_RSDRCRM_SEG_CORR_TEST_5 step with exclude 20100331
5 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CL_RSDRCRM_SEG_CORR_TEST_51 ( count only 4 but 5 members (two Iobjects for one bp!!!!) 20100430
6 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CL_RSDRCRM_SEG_CORR_TEST_52 steps with IObjects 20100430
7 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CL_RSDRCRM_SEG_CORR_TEST_53 steps with diff types 20100430
8 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CL_RSDRCRM_SEG_CORR_TEST_54 uion different segments with different types 20100501
9 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CL_RSDRCRM_SEG_CORR_TEST_55 Korrektheitstest 001 20100501
10 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CL_RSDRCRM_SEG_CORR_TEST_56 test intersect between different segments 20100501
11 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CL_RSDRCRM_SEG_CORR_TEST_57 difference between segments with diff types 20100501
12 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CL_RSDRCRM_SEG_CORR_TEST_58 step with group_by attributes 20100501
13 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CL_RSDRCRM_SEG_CORR_TEST_59 Korrektheitstest 059 20100504
14 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CL_RSDRCRM_SEG_CORR_TEST_6 step on different cubes 20100407
15 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CL_RSDRCRM_SEG_CORR_TEST_60 remove with steps 20100504
16 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CL_RSDRCRM_SEG_CORR_TEST_46 Correctness Test 047 (MKT Attributes) 20100507
17 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CL_RSDRCRM_SEG_CORR_TEST_63 difference ==>> Iobjects 20100511
18 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CL_RSDRCRM_SEG_CORR_TEST_64 Korrektheitstest 001 20100508
19 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CL_RSDRCRM_SEG_CORR_TEST_65 differences 20100508
20 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CL_RSDRCRM_SEG_CORR_TEST_66 Intersect between different segments of dif types 20100508
21 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CL_RSDRCRM_SEG_CORR_TEST_67 relationship - relationship ==> relshp 20100508
22 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CL_RSDRCRM_SEG_CORR_TEST_7 Correctness Test 007 20100409
23 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CL_RSDRCRM_SEG_CORR_TEST_70 Intersect between different segments of dif types 20100927
24 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CL_RSDRCRM_SEG_CORR_TEST_71 Correctness Test 10 20101005
25 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CL_RSDRCRM_SEG_CORR_TEST_72 Correctness Test 72 20101108
26 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CL_RSDRCRM_SEG_CORR_TEST_73 Correctness Test 10 20101018
27 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CL_RSDRCRM_SEG_CORR_TEST_74 Correctness Test 10 20101018
28 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CL_RSDRCRM_SEG_CORR_TEST_8 union with 2 steps 20100418
29 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CL_RSDRCRM_SEG_CORR_TEST_9 step with relationships 20100420
30 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CL_RSDRCRM_SEG_CORR_TEST_21 Correctness Test 021 (= QSI Equivalent to 001) 20100414
31 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CL_RSDRCRM_SEG_CORR_TEST_1 single step 20100330
32 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CL_RSDRCRM_SEG_CORR_TEST_10 step with different filter for relationships 20100421
33 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CL_RSDRCRM_SEG_CORR_TEST_11 intersect segments ==> rel shp 20100421
34 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CL_RSDRCRM_SEG_CORR_TEST_12 union segments rel, bp ==> bp 20100421
35 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CL_RSDRCRM_SEG_CORR_TEST_13 difference : (bp - relationship ==> bp) 20100426
36 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CL_RSDRCRM_SEG_CORR_TEST_14 difference between 2 segments 20100426
37 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CL_RSDRCRM_SEG_CORR_TEST_15 step with orgs 20100426
38 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CL_RSDRCRM_SEG_CORR_TEST_16 get relationship for org segment 20100426
39 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CL_RSDRCRM_SEG_CORR_TEST_17 get orgs without relationship 20100427
40 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CL_RSDRCRM_SEG_CORR_TEST_18 step for IObjects 20100428
41 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CL_RSDRCRM_SEG_CORR_TEST_19 Correctness Test 19 20100430
42 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CL_RSDRCRM_SEG_CORR_TEST_2 step with different filters 20100331
43 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CL_RSDRCRM_SEG_CORR_TEST_20 hierarchies 20100430
44 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  AC_RSDRCRM_SEG_TEST_FROM_XML Create Test Data for Test from XML 20101105
45 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CL_RSDRCRM_SEG_CORR_TEST_22 Correctness Test 022 (= QSI Equivalent to 002) 20100414
46 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CL_RSDRCRM_SEG_CORR_TEST_23 Correctness Test 023 (= QSI Equivalent to 003) 20100414
47 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CL_RSDRCRM_SEG_CORR_TEST_24 Correctness Test 024 (= QSI Equivalent to 004) 20100415
48 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CL_RSDRCRM_SEG_CORR_TEST_25 Correctness Test 025 (= QSI Equivalent to 005) 20100416
49 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CL_RSDRCRM_SEG_CORR_TEST_26 Correctness Test 026 (= QSI Equivalent to 006) 20100416
50 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CL_RSDRCRM_SEG_CORR_TEST_27 Correctness Test 027 (= QSI Equivalent to 007) 20100426
51 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CL_RSDRCRM_SEG_CORR_TEST_3 step with different filter 20100331
52 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CL_RSDRCRM_SEG_CORR_TEST_4 step with group by attribute 20100403
53 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CL_RSDRCRM_SEG_CORR_TEST_41 Correctness Test 041 (MKT Attributes) 20100429
54 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CL_RSDRCRM_SEG_CORR_TEST_42 Correctness Test 046 (MKT Attributes) 20100507
55 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CL_RSDRCRM_SEG_CORR_TEST_43 Correctness Test 043 (MKT Attributes) 20100430
56 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CL_RSDRCRM_SEG_CORR_TEST_44 Correctness Test 042 (MKT Attributes) 20100507
57 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CL_RSDRCRM_SEG_CORR_TEST_45 Correctness Test 044 (MKT Attributes) 20100507
Last changed by/on SAP  20130531 
SAP Release Created in 730