SAP ABAP Class /RPM/CL_UI_DOC_LOGIC (Help Class for Document UI)
CPRXRPM (Software Component) SAP Portfolio and Project Management 6.0
   PPM-PFM (Application Component) Portfolio Management
     /RPM/UI_LOGIC (Package) RPM UI Logic for ABAP WD
Short Description Help Class for Document UI    
Super Class    
Instantiability of a Class 2  Public 
General Data
Message Class    
Program status     
Category 0   
Package /RPM/UI_LOGIC   RPM UI Logic for ABAP WD 
Created 20080730   SAP 
Last change 20141109    
Shared Memory-enabled    
Fixed point arithmetic    
Unicode checks active    
Forward declarations
# Type group / Object type Type Type Description
1 /RPM/CL_CO Forward declaration class (CLASS c DEFINITION DEFERRED)  Forward declaration class (CLASS c DEFINITION DEFERRED)
2 /RPM/CL_DOCUMENT_API Forward declaration class (CLASS c DEFINITION DEFERRED)  Forward declaration class (CLASS c DEFINITION DEFERRED)
3 ABAP Type group use (TYPE-POOLS tp)  Type group use (TYPE-POOLS tp)
4 CL_DPR_API_CO Forward declaration class (CLASS c DEFINITION DEFERRED)  Forward declaration class (CLASS c DEFINITION DEFERRED)
5 CL_DPR_CO Forward declaration class (CLASS c DEFINITION DEFERRED)  Forward declaration class (CLASS c DEFINITION DEFERRED)
6 IF_DPR_CORE_SERVICE_INBOUND Forward declaration interface (INTERFACE i DEFINITION DEF...  Forward declaration interface (INTERFACE i DEFINITION DEF...
Class /RPM/CL_UI_DOC_LOGIC has no interface implemented.
Class /RPM/CL_UI_DOC_LOGIC has no friend class.
# Attribute Level Visibility Read only Typing Associated Type Initial Value Description Created on
1 MR_CLP Instance attribute Private Object reference (TYPE REF TO) IF_WD_CONTEXT_ELEMENT Web Dynpro: Interface for a Node Element 20080730
2 MR_CLPT Instance attribute Private Object reference (TYPE REF TO) IF_WD_CONTEXT_ELEMENT Web Dynpro: Interface for a Node Element 20080730
3 MR_SDC Instance attribute Public Object reference (TYPE REF TO) IWCI_IF_INM_SDC WebDynpro Interface INTERFACECONTROLLER 20090120
4 MS_CLP Instance attribute Private Type reference (TYPE) /RPM/TS_API_DOCUMENT API: Structure for Documents 20080730
5 MS_CLPT Instance attribute Private Type reference (TYPE) /RPM/TS_API_DOCUMENT API: Structure for Documents 20080730
6 MS_CONTEXT Instance attribute Public Type reference (TYPE) /RPM/TS_OBJECT_HIER Portfolio Hierarchy 20080924
7 MV_CLPT_ACTION Instance attribute Private Type reference (TYPE) I 0=cut, 1=copy 20080730
8 MV_CLP_ACTION Instance attribute Private Type reference (TYPE) I 0=cut, 1=copy 20080730
9 MV_DOC_ACF_TRANSFER_STATUS Instance attribute Private Type reference (TYPE) BOOLE_D ACF based Doc.Transfer Active or Not 20100421
10 MV_DOC_T_AREA_GUID Instance attribute Private Type reference (TYPE) /RPM/TV_GUID Root Guid of current Document Template Area 20081002
11 SC_ACTION_ON_ENTER Constant Public Type reference (TYPE) STRING 'ON_ENTER' 20080926
12 SC_DETAIL_AUTH Constant Public Type reference (TYPE) INT4 8 Natural Number 20080730
13 SC_DETAIL_DOC Constant Public Type reference (TYPE) INT4 3 Natural Number 20080730
14 SC_DETAIL_FOLDER Constant Public Type reference (TYPE) INT4 2 Natural Number 20080730
15 SC_DETAIL_NEWFOLDER Constant Public Type reference (TYPE) INT4 6 Natural Number 20080730
16 SC_DETAIL_NEWVERUPLOAD Constant Public Type reference (TYPE) INT4 5 Natural Number 20080730
17 SC_DETAIL_NONE Constant Public Type reference (TYPE) INT4 1 Natural Number 20080730
18 SC_DETAIL_TEMPLATE Constant Public Type reference (TYPE) INT4 7 Natural Number 20080730
19 SC_DETAIL_UPLOAD Constant Public Type reference (TYPE) INT4 4 Natural Number 20080730
20 SC_INVALID_CHARS Constant Public Type reference (TYPE) STRING 'üäöÜÄÖß?!"§()={}[]/:*?"<>|' Verbotene Zeichen 20090116
21 SC_TYPE_BASE Constant Public Type reference (TYPE) INT4 1 Natural Number 20080730
22 SC_TYPE_DOC Constant Public Type reference (TYPE) INT4 3 Natural Number 20080730
23 SC_TYPE_FOLDER Constant Public Type reference (TYPE) INT4 2 Natural Number 20080730
24 SC_VIEWSET_AUTH Constant Public Type reference (TYPE) INT4 4 Natural Number 20080730
25 SC_VIEWSET_DETAIL Constant Public Type reference (TYPE) INT4 2 Natural Number 20080730
26 SC_VIEWSET_TABLE Constant Public Type reference (TYPE) INT4 1 Natural Number 20080730
27 SC_VIEWSET_TEMPLATE Constant Public Type reference (TYPE) INT4 3 Natural Number 20080730
28 SR_INSTANCE Static Attribute Public Object reference (TYPE REF TO) /RPM/CL_UI_DOC_LOGIC Help Class for Document UI 20080730
29 ST_ACTION_NOTIFIER Static Attribute Private Type reference (TYPE) TT_ACTION_NOTIFIER 20081104
30 ST_BUFFERED_DATA Static Attribute Private Type reference (TYPE) TT_GUID_BUFFER Buffer of Document GUIDs 20080929
# Method Level Visibility Method type Description Created on
1 ACTIVATE_BASE_OBJ Instance method Public Method Bring Project Element into Focus 20080730
2 ACTIVATE_DOC_FOL Instance method Public Method Bring Doc/Folder into Focus 20080730
3 CHANGE_DOC_STATUS Instance method Public Method 20080730
4 CLEAR_ACTION_NOTIFIER Static method Public Method 20081104
5 CLPT_GET_SOURCE Instance method Public Method 20080730
6 CLPT_IS_FILLED Instance method Public Method 20080730
7 CLPT_RESET Instance method Public Method 20080730
8 CLPT_SET_SOURCE Instance method Public Method 20080730
9 CLP_GET_SOURCE Instance method Public Method 20080730
10 CLP_IS_FILLED Instance method Public Method 20080730
11 CLP_RESET Instance method Public Method 20080730
12 CLP_SET_SOURCE Instance method Public Method 20080730
13 COLLAPSE_TREE Instance method Public Method Collapse Tree from Node Onwards 20080730
14 CREATE_DOC_IN_FOL Instance method Public Method Create Document in Folder 20080730
15 CREATE_DOC_T_IN_FOL Instance method Public Method Create Template Document in Folder 20080730
16 CREATE_FOLDER_IN_FOLDER Instance method Public Method Create Folder in a Different Folder 20080730
17 CREATE_FOLDER_T_IN_FOLDER Instance method Public Method Create Template Folder in Different Folder 20080730
18 CREATE_NEW_VERSION Instance method Public Method Create New Version 20080730
19 CREATE_NEW_VERSION_T Instance method Public Method Create New Version 20080730
20 DELETE_DOCFOL Instance method Public Method Delete 20080730
21 DELETE_DOCFOL_T Instance method Public Method Delete 20080730
22 DELETE_DOC_VERSION Instance method Public Method Delete Content Version 20080730
23 DETERMINE_VALID_URL Static method Public Method Converts a given file path into a valid URL 20100421
24 EXPAND_SUB_TREE Instance method Public Method Expand Path Upwards for Selected Document 20080730
25 EXPAND_TREE Instance method Public Method Expand Tree from Node Onwards 20080730
26 FILL_CONTEXT_FOR_OBJ Instance method Public Method Fill WD Context with Document Hierarchy 20080730
27 FOLDER_HAS_ITEMS Instance method Public Method =X if at least one subnode exists 20080730
28 GET_ACTION_NOTIFIER Static method Public Method 20081104
29 GET_BUFFERED_DATA Instance method Public Method Get the buffered document data for GUID 20080929
30 GET_DATA_FOR_NEW Instance method Public Method Name Proposals, Parent Folder 20080730
31 GET_DATE_WITH_TIME Instance method Public Method Date + Time 20080730
32 GET_DISPLAY_FILENAME Instance method Public Method 20080730
33 GET_DOCUMENTS_FOR_BASEOBJ Instance method Public Method Read Documents 20080730
34 GET_DOCUMENTS_FOR_TEMPLATE Static method Public Method Read Documents 20080730
35 GET_DOC_ACF_TRANSFER_STATUS Instance method Public Method Set Status of Document Transfer: 'X'=Active, ' '=Inactive 20100421
36 GET_DOC_ICON Instance method Public Method Document Icon from File Path 20080730
37 GET_DOC_T_VERSIONS Instance method Public Method Versions 20080730
38 GET_DOC_VERSIONS Instance method Public Method Versions 20080730
39 GET_EDIT_MODE Instance method Public Method Flag from Session State 20080730
40 GET_EXTENSION Instance method Public Method Extract File Name Extension 20080730
41 GET_FC Instance method Public Method Field Controls for Document 20080730
42 GET_FCB Instance method Public Method Field Controls for Actions (Buttons) in Document 20081121
43 GET_FCB_BASE Instance method Public Method Field Controls for Actions (Buttons) in Project Element 20080730
44 GET_FCB_LIST Instance method Private Method 20080730
45 GET_FCB_VERSION Instance method Public Method Field Controls for Actions (Buttons) in Document Version 20080730
46 GET_FC_LIST Instance method Private Method 20080730
47 GET_FC_VERSION Instance method Public Method Field Controls for Document 20080730
48 GET_FILENAME_FROM_PATH Instance method Public Method Split Path 20080730
49 GET_FILENAME_WITHOUT_EXT Instance method Public Method Split Path 20080730
50 GET_FILE_CONTENT Instance method Public Method Get Content 20080730
51 GET_FOLDER_ICON_CLOSED Instance method Public Method Folder Icon, Closed 20080730
52 GET_FOLDER_ICON_OPEN Instance method Public Method Folder Icon, Open 20080730
53 GET_FOLDER_LINKED_ICON_CLOSED Instance method Public Method Folder Icon, Closed 20080730
54 GET_FOLDER_LINKED_ICON_OPEN Instance method Public Method Folder Icon, Open 20080730
55 GET_HELP_LINK_FOR_DOCS Instance method Public Method Help Link for Docu 20080730
56 GET_INSTANCE Static method Public Method Access to Singleton 20080730
57 GET_PATH_AS_STRING Instance method Public Method Path as String 20080730
58 GET_SHORTTEXT_FOR_BASEOBJ Instance method Public Method Read Short Text 20080730
59 GET_SINGLE_DOC Instance method Public Method Download Individual Document by URL 20080730
60 GET_SIZE_IN_KB_STR Instance method Public Method File size in KB 20080730
61 GET_STATUS_FOR_DOC Instance method Public Method Status 20080730
62 GET_TEMPL_AREA_GUID Instance method Public Method Retrieve the document template area guid 20080929
63 GET_TREE_DOC_FROM_DATA Instance method Public Method Convert UI Data to BE Data 20080730
64 GET_TREE_FOLDER_FROM_DATA Instance method Public Method Convert UI Data to BE Data 20080730
65 GET_UI_DATA_FROM_FC Instance method Private Method 20080730
66 GET_UI_DATA_FROM_FCB Instance method Private Method 20080730
67 GET_UNIQUE_DOCNAME Instance method Public Method Define Unique Document Names 20080730
68 GET_UNIQUE_DOCNAME_URL Instance method Public Method Define Unique Document Names 20080730
69 MARK_CONTENT_AS_PRELIM Instance method Public Method Sets a delete indicator in KPRO for an unsaved document 20100422
70 MESSAGE_ADD Instance method Public Method 20090120
71 RECURSE_FOLDER Instance method Public Method Structure Hierarchy Recursively 20080730
72 SET_ACTION_NOTIFIER Static method Public Method 20081104
73 SET_CONTEXT Instance method Public Method Set the object context 20080924
74 SET_DOC_ACF_TRANSFER_STATUS Instance method Public Method Set Status of Document Transfer: 'X'=Active, ' '=Inactive 20100421
75 SET_TEMPL_AREA_GUID Instance method Public Method Set the root guid of the document template 20081002
76 SPLIT_PATH Instance method Private Method Split Path 20080730
77 TARGET_IS_VALID_4_INSERT Instance method Public Method Is Target Folder Permitted for the Copy (Document/Folder)? 20080730
78 TEMPLATE_COPY Instance method Public Method 20080730
79 TEMPLATE_LINK Instance method Public Method 20080730
80 TOGGLE_OPEN_ICON Instance method Public Method Adjust Folder Icons 20080730
81 UPDATE_DOC_FIELDS Instance method Public Method 20080730
82 UPDATE_VER_FIELDS Instance method Public Method 20080730
83 VALIDATE_FOLDER_NAME Instance method Public Method Validate folder name for special characters 20090116
84 WEBDAV_GET_URL Instance method Public Method 20080730
85 WEBDAV_IS_ACTIVE Instance method Public Method 20080730
86 WFE_IS_ACTIVE Instance method Public Method 20080730
Class /RPM/CL_UI_DOC_LOGIC has no event.
# Type Visibility Typing Associated Type Description Created on Type Source
1 TT_ACTION_NOTIFIER Public See coding 20081104 tt_action_notifier TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_action_notifier
2 TT_GUID_BUFFER Public See coding 20080929 tt_guid_buffer TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_guid_buffer
3 TT_SHORTTEXT Public See coding 20080730 tt_shorttext TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF dpr_ts_api_shorttext
4 TT_VERSION Public See coding 20080730 tt_version TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF /rpm/ts_api_doc_version
5 TY_ACTION_NOTIFIER Public See coding 20081104 BEGIN OF ty_action_notifier, old_guid TYPE rpm_tv_object_guid_char, new_guid TYPE rpm_tv_object_guid_char, END OF ty_action_notifier
6 TY_GUID_BUFFER Public See coding 20080929 BEGIN OF ty_guid_buffer, document_guid TYPE rpm_tv_object_guid_char, docid TYPE edms_docid, object_type TYPE string, doc_type TYPE edms_doc_type, is_folder TYPE xfeld, END OF ty_guid_buffer
7 TY_PROPERTIES Private See coding 20080924 BEGIN OF ty_properties, bo_name TYPE string, bo_node_name TYPE string, bo_node_key TYPE string, sub_elem_type TYPE i, " attribute, action, association sub_elem_name TYPE string, "attribute properties TYPE dpr_ts_fc_property_ext, * property_name TYPE string, * final TYPE scol_boolean, * property_value TYPE string, END OF ty_properties
Method Signatures

Method ACTIVATE_BASE_OBJ Signature

# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Importing IS_BASEOBJ Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) DPR_TS_OBJ_EVENT Identification of Object 20080730
2 Returning RV_FAILED Value transfer Type reference (TYPE) BOOLEAN Boolean Variable (X=true, -=false, space=unknown) 20080730

Method ACTIVATE_BASE_OBJ on class /RPM/CL_UI_DOC_LOGIC has no exception.

Method ACTIVATE_DOC_FOL Signature

# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Exporting ES_DATA Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) /RPM/TS_API_DOCUMENT API: Structure for Documents 20080730
2 Importing IV_BO_NODE_TYPE Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) STRING CL_DPR_API_CO=>SC_OT_DOCUMENT Business Node Object Type 20080730
3 Importing IV_GUID Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) DPR_TV_OBJECT_GUID_CHAR Unique Object Key 20080730

Method ACTIVATE_DOC_FOL on class /RPM/CL_UI_DOC_LOGIC has no exception.

Method CHANGE_DOC_STATUS Signature

# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Exporting ES_NEW_DOC_DATA Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) /RPM/TS_API_DOCUMENT API: Structure for Documents 20080730
2 Importing IS_CONTEXT Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) /RPM/TS_OBJECT_HIER Portfolio Hierarchy 20081029
3 Importing IS_DOC Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) /RPM/TS_API_DOCUMENT API: Structure for Documents 20080730
4 Importing IV_BO_NODE_TYPE Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) STRING CL_DPR_API_CO=>SC_OT_DOCUMENT Business Node Object Type 20080730
5 Importing IV_DOC_KIND Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) CGPL_OBJECT_TYPE Object Category in Project Planning 20080730
6 Importing IV_NEW_STATUS Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) CFS_STATUS_NAME Status name 20080730

Method CHANGE_DOC_STATUS on class /RPM/CL_UI_DOC_LOGIC has no exception.


Method CLEAR_ACTION_NOTIFIER on class /RPM/CL_UI_DOC_LOGIC has no parameter.
Method CLEAR_ACTION_NOTIFIER on class /RPM/CL_UI_DOC_LOGIC has no exception.

Method CLPT_GET_SOURCE Signature

# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Exporting ER_SOURCE Call by reference Object reference (TYPE REF TO) IF_WD_CONTEXT_ELEMENT Web Dynpro: Interface for a Node Element 20080730
2 Exporting ES_SOURCE Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) /RPM/TS_API_DOCUMENT API: Structure for Documents 20080730
3 Exporting EV_ACTION Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) I 0=cut, 1=copy 20080730

Method CLPT_GET_SOURCE on class /RPM/CL_UI_DOC_LOGIC has no exception.

Method CLPT_IS_FILLED Signature

# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Returning RV_IS_FILLED Value transfer Type reference (TYPE) ABAP_BOOL 20080730

Method CLPT_IS_FILLED on class /RPM/CL_UI_DOC_LOGIC has no exception.

Method CLPT_RESET Signature

Method CLPT_RESET on class /RPM/CL_UI_DOC_LOGIC has no parameter.
Method CLPT_RESET on class /RPM/CL_UI_DOC_LOGIC has no exception.

Method CLPT_SET_SOURCE Signature

# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Importing IR_SOURCE Call by reference Object reference (TYPE REF TO) IF_WD_CONTEXT_ELEMENT Web Dynpro: Interface for a Node Element 20080730
2 Importing IS_SOURCE Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) /RPM/TS_API_DOCUMENT API: Structure for Documents 20080730
3 Importing IV_ACTION Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) I 0=cut, 1=copy 20080730

Method CLPT_SET_SOURCE on class /RPM/CL_UI_DOC_LOGIC has no exception.

Method CLP_GET_SOURCE Signature

# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Exporting ER_SOURCE Call by reference Object reference (TYPE REF TO) IF_WD_CONTEXT_ELEMENT Web Dynpro: Interface for a Node Element 20080730
2 Exporting ES_SOURCE Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) /RPM/TS_API_DOCUMENT API: Structure for Documents 20080730
3 Exporting EV_ACTION Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) I 0=cut, 1=copy 20080730

Method CLP_GET_SOURCE on class /RPM/CL_UI_DOC_LOGIC has no exception.

Method CLP_IS_FILLED Signature

# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Returning RV_IS_FILLED Value transfer Type reference (TYPE) ABAP_BOOL 20080730

Method CLP_IS_FILLED on class /RPM/CL_UI_DOC_LOGIC has no exception.

Method CLP_RESET Signature

Method CLP_RESET on class /RPM/CL_UI_DOC_LOGIC has no parameter.
Method CLP_RESET on class /RPM/CL_UI_DOC_LOGIC has no exception.

Method CLP_SET_SOURCE Signature

# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Importing IR_SOURCE Call by reference Object reference (TYPE REF TO) IF_WD_CONTEXT_ELEMENT Web Dynpro: Interface for a Node Element 20080730
2 Importing IS_SOURCE Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) /RPM/TS_API_DOCUMENT API: Structure for Documents 20080730
3 Importing IV_ACTION Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) I 0=cut, 1=copy 20080730

Method CLP_SET_SOURCE on class /RPM/CL_UI_DOC_LOGIC has no exception.

Method COLLAPSE_TREE Signature

# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Importing IR_START_ELEM Call by reference Object reference (TYPE REF TO) IF_WD_CONTEXT_ELEMENT Web Dynpro: Interface for a Node Element 20080730
2 Importing IV_EXPANDATTRIBNAME Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) STRING 20080730
3 Importing IV_ISLEAFATTRIBNAME Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) STRING 20080730
4 Importing IV_SUBFOLDERNAME Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) STRING 20080730

Method COLLAPSE_TREE on class /RPM/CL_UI_DOC_LOGIC has no exception.

Method CREATE_DOC_IN_FOL Signature

# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Changing CV_CONTENT Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) XSTRING 20080730
2 Exporting ES_NEW_DOC Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) /RPM/TS_API_DOCUMENT API: Structure for Documents 20080730
3 Importing IS_BASE_OBJECT Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) DPR_TS_OBJ_EVENT Identification of Object 20080730
4 Importing IS_CONTEXT Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) /RPM/TS_OBJECT_HIER Portfolio Hierarchy 20081013
5 Importing IS_PARENT_FOLDER Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) /RPM/TS_API_DOCUMENT API: Structure for Documents 20080730
6 Importing IT_ALL_DOCS Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) /RPM/TT_API_DOCUMENT API: Attributes of Authorization Object 20080730
7 Importing IV_AS_URL Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) ABAP_BOOL 20080730
8 Importing IV_DESCRIPTION Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) EDMS_DESCRIPTION EDMS: Document Description 20080730
9 Importing IV_DOCMIME Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) STRING 20080730
10 Importing IV_DOCPATH Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) STRING 20080730

Method CREATE_DOC_IN_FOL on class /RPM/CL_UI_DOC_LOGIC has no exception.

Method CREATE_DOC_T_IN_FOL Signature

# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Changing CV_CONTENT Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) XSTRING 20080730
2 Exporting ES_NEW_DOC Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) /RPM/TS_API_DOCUMENT API: Structure for Documents 20080730
3 Importing IS_PARENT_FOLDER Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) /RPM/TS_API_DOCUMENT API: Structure for Documents 20080730
4 Importing IT_ALL_DOCS Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) /RPM/TT_API_DOCUMENT API: Attributes of Authorization Object 20080730
5 Importing IV_AS_URL Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) ABAP_BOOL 20080730
6 Importing IV_DESCRIPTION Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) EDMS_DESCRIPTION EDMS: Document Description 20080730
7 Importing IV_DOCMIME Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) STRING 20080730
8 Importing IV_DOCPATH Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) STRING 20080730

Method CREATE_DOC_T_IN_FOL on class /RPM/CL_UI_DOC_LOGIC has no exception.


# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Exporting ES_NEW_FOLDER Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) /RPM/TS_API_DOCUMENT API: Structure for Documents 20080730
2 Importing IS_BASE_OBJECT Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) DPR_TS_OBJ_EVENT Identification of Object 20080730
3 Importing IS_CONTEXT Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) /RPM/TS_OBJECT_HIER Portfolio Hierarchy 20080923
4 Importing IS_PARENT_FOLDER Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) /RPM/TS_API_DOCUMENT API: Structure for Documents 20080730
5 Importing IV_FOLDERNAME Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) EDMS_DOC_NAME EDMS: Document Name 20080730

Method CREATE_FOLDER_IN_FOLDER on class /RPM/CL_UI_DOC_LOGIC has no exception.


# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Exporting ES_NEW_FOLDER Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) /RPM/TS_API_DOCUMENT API: Structure for Documents 20080730
2 Importing IS_PARENT_FOLDER Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) /RPM/TS_API_DOCUMENT API: Structure for Documents 20080730
3 Importing IV_FOLDERNAME Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) EDMS_DOC_NAME EDMS: Document Name 20080730

Method CREATE_FOLDER_T_IN_FOLDER on class /RPM/CL_UI_DOC_LOGIC has no exception.


# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Changing CV_CONTENT Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) XSTRING 20080730
2 Exporting ES_CHANGED_DOC Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) /RPM/TS_API_DOCUMENT API: Structure for Documents 20080730
3 Exporting EV_REJECTED Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) ABAP_BOOL 20080730
4 Importing IS_CONTEXT Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) /RPM/TS_OBJECT_HIER Portfolio Hierarchy 20081016
5 Importing IS_DOCUMENT Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) /RPM/TS_API_DOCUMENT API: Structure for Documents 20080730
6 Importing IV_AS_URL Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) ABAP_BOOL 20080730
7 Importing IV_BASE_OBJ_KEY Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) DPR_TV_OBJECT_GUID_CHAR Unique Object Key 20080730
8 Importing IV_DOCMIME Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) STRING 20080730
9 Importing IV_DOCPATH Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) STRING 20080730
10 Importing IV_NEW_VERSION Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) ABAP_BOOL 20080730

Method CREATE_NEW_VERSION on class /RPM/CL_UI_DOC_LOGIC has no exception.


# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Changing CV_CONTENT Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) XSTRING 20080730
2 Exporting ES_CHANGED_DOC Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) /RPM/TS_API_DOCUMENT API: Structure for Documents 20080730
3 Exporting EV_REJECTED Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) ABAP_BOOL 20080730
4 Importing IS_DOCUMENT Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) /RPM/TS_API_DOCUMENT API: Structure for Documents 20080730
5 Importing IV_AS_URL Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) ABAP_BOOL 20080730
6 Importing IV_DOCMIME Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) STRING 20080730
7 Importing IV_DOCPATH Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) STRING 20080730
8 Importing IV_NEW_VERSION Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) ABAP_BOOL 20080730

Method CREATE_NEW_VERSION_T on class /RPM/CL_UI_DOC_LOGIC has no exception.

Method DELETE_DOCFOL Signature

# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Exporting EV_RC Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) I 20101111
2 Importing IS_CONTEXT Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) /RPM/TS_OBJECT_HIER Portfolio Hierarchy 20080924
3 Importing IS_DOCFOL Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) /RPM/TS_API_DOCUMENT API: Structure for Documents 20080730

Method DELETE_DOCFOL on class /RPM/CL_UI_DOC_LOGIC has no exception.

Method DELETE_DOCFOL_T Signature

# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Importing IS_DOCFOL Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) /RPM/TS_API_DOCUMENT API: Structure for Documents 20080730

Method DELETE_DOCFOL_T on class /RPM/CL_UI_DOC_LOGIC has no exception.


# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Importing IS_CONTEXT Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) /RPM/TS_OBJECT_HIER Portfolio Hierarchy 20081020
2 Importing IS_DOC Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) /RPM/TS_API_DOCUMENT API: Structure for Documents 20080730
3 Importing IS_DOC_VERSION Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) /RPM/TS_API_DOC_VERSION API: Structure for Document Version 20080730

Method DELETE_DOC_VERSION on class /RPM/CL_UI_DOC_LOGIC has no exception.


# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Importing IV_FILEPATH Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) STRING 20100421
2 Returning RV_URL Value transfer Type reference (TYPE) STRING 20100421

Method DETERMINE_VALID_URL on class /RPM/CL_UI_DOC_LOGIC has no exception.

Method EXPAND_SUB_TREE Signature

# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Returning ER_SEL_ELEMENT Value transfer Object reference (TYPE REF TO) IF_WD_CONTEXT_ELEMENT Web Dynpro: Interface for a Node Element 20080730
2 Importing IR_SEL_ELEMENT Call by reference Object reference (TYPE REF TO) IF_WD_CONTEXT_ELEMENT Web Dynpro: Interface for a Node Element 20080730

Method EXPAND_SUB_TREE on class /RPM/CL_UI_DOC_LOGIC has no exception.

Method EXPAND_TREE Signature

# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Importing IR_START_ELEM Call by reference Object reference (TYPE REF TO) IF_WD_CONTEXT_ELEMENT Web Dynpro: Interface for a Node Element 20080730
2 Importing IV_EXPANDATTRIBNAME Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) STRING 20080730
3 Importing IV_ISLEAFATTRIBNAME Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) STRING 20080730
4 Importing IV_SUBFOLDERNAME Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) STRING 20080730

Method EXPAND_TREE on class /RPM/CL_UI_DOC_LOGIC has no exception.


# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Changing CT_DOCS_FOLDERS Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) /RPM/TT_API_DOCUMENT API: Attributes of Authorization Object 20080730
2 Exporting ER_BASE_OBJ_ELEM Call by reference Object reference (TYPE REF TO) IF_WD_CONTEXT_ELEMENT Web Dynpro: Interface for a Node Element 20080730
3 Exporting ER_LAST_SEL_ELEM_OLD Call by reference Object reference (TYPE REF TO) IF_WD_CONTEXT_ELEMENT Web Dynpro: Interface for Node Element 20081204
4 Exporting EV_BASEOBJ_SHORTTEXT Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) STRING 20090403
5 Importing IR_NODE_TREE Call by reference Object reference (TYPE REF TO) IF_WD_CONTEXT_NODE Web Dynpro: Interface for Context Nodes 20080730
6 Importing IS_BASE_OBJ Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) DPR_TS_OBJ_EVENT Identification of Object 20080730
7 Importing IV_OBJGUID Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) DPR_TS_DOC_NODE-OBJGUID 20081204
8 Importing IV_SUBNODE_NAME Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) STRING 20080730

Method FILL_CONTEXT_FOR_OBJ on class /RPM/CL_UI_DOC_LOGIC has no exception.

Method FOLDER_HAS_ITEMS Signature

# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Changing CT_DOCS_FOLDERS Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) /RPM/TT_API_DOCUMENT API: Attributes of Authorization Object 20080730
2 Exporting EV_HAS_ITEMS Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) WDY_BOOLEAN Replacement f. Genuine Boolean Type: 'X' == True '' == False 20080730
3 Importing IV_FOLDER_ID Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) GUID_32 GUID in 'CHAR' Format in Upper Case 20080730
4 Importing IV_OBJID Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) GUID_32 GUID in 'CHAR' Format in Upper Case 20080730

Method FOLDER_HAS_ITEMS on class /RPM/CL_UI_DOC_LOGIC has no exception.


# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Exporting EV_NEW_GUID Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) RPM_TV_OBJECT_GUID_CHAR Unique Object Key(CHAR32) 20081104
2 Importing IV_OLD_GUID Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) RPM_TV_OBJECT_GUID_CHAR Unique Object Key(CHAR32) 20081104

Method GET_ACTION_NOTIFIER on class /RPM/CL_UI_DOC_LOGIC has no exception.

Method GET_BUFFERED_DATA Signature

# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Exporting ES_DATA Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) TY_GUID_BUFFER 20080929
2 Importing IV_GUID Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) /RPM/TV_GUID Guid for application objects 20080929

Method GET_BUFFERED_DATA on class /RPM/CL_UI_DOC_LOGIC has no exception.

Method GET_DATA_FOR_NEW Signature

# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Exporting ER_PARENT_FOLDER_ELEM Call by reference Object reference (TYPE REF TO) IF_WD_CONTEXT_ELEMENT 20080730
2 Exporting EV_NEW_FOLDER_NAME Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) STRING 20080730
3 Exporting EV_PARENT_TYPE Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) I SC_TYPE_* 20080730
4 Importing IR_CURRENT_OBJ Call by reference Object reference (TYPE REF TO) IF_WD_CONTEXT_ELEMENT Web Dynpro: Interface for a Node Element 20080730

Method GET_DATA_FOR_NEW on class /RPM/CL_UI_DOC_LOGIC has no exception.

Method GET_DATE_WITH_TIME Signature

# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Importing IV_DATE Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) D 20080730
2 Importing IV_TIME Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) T 20080730
3 Returning RV_DATE_TIME_STR Value transfer Type reference (TYPE) STRING 20080730

Method GET_DATE_WITH_TIME on class /RPM/CL_UI_DOC_LOGIC has no exception.


# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Importing IV_FILENAME Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) STRING 20080730
2 Returning RV_UI_NAME Value transfer Type reference (TYPE) STRING 20080730

Method GET_DISPLAY_FILENAME on class /RPM/CL_UI_DOC_LOGIC has no exception.


# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Exporting ET_DOCUMENTS Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) /RPM/TT_API_DOCUMENT API: Attributes of Authorization Object 20080730
2 Importing IS_BASEOBJ Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) DPR_TS_OBJ_EVENT Identification of Object 20080730
3 Importing IS_CONTEXT Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) /RPM/TS_OBJECT_HIER Portfolio Hierarchy 20080924
4 Importing IV_EDIT_MODE Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) I 0 20080730

Method GET_DOCUMENTS_FOR_BASEOBJ on class /RPM/CL_UI_DOC_LOGIC has no exception.


# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Exporting ET_DOCUMENTS Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) /RPM/TT_API_DOCUMENT API: Attributes of Authorization Object 20080730
2 Importing IV_EDIT_MODE Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) I 0 20080730
3 Importing IV_RELEASED_ONLY Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) BOOLE_D ABAP_FALSE 'X' = Only Read Released Documents 20080730

Method GET_DOCUMENTS_FOR_TEMPLATE on class /RPM/CL_UI_DOC_LOGIC has no exception.


# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Returning RV_DOC_ACF_TRANSFER_STATUS Value transfer Type reference (TYPE) BOOLE_D 'X': Doc.Transfer Must Prevent User Action 20100421

Method GET_DOC_ACF_TRANSFER_STATUS on class /RPM/CL_UI_DOC_LOGIC has no exception.

Method GET_DOC_ICON Signature

# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Importing IV_FILEPATH Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) STRING 20080730
2 Importing IV_MIMETYPE Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) STRING 20080730
3 Returning RV_ICON Value transfer Type reference (TYPE) STRING 20080730

Method GET_DOC_ICON on class /RPM/CL_UI_DOC_LOGIC has no exception.

Method GET_DOC_T_VERSIONS Signature

# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Exporting ET_VERSIONS Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) TT_VERSION 20080730
2 Importing IV_DOC_GUID Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) GUID_32 GUID in 'CHAR' Format in Upper Case 20080730

Method GET_DOC_T_VERSIONS on class /RPM/CL_UI_DOC_LOGIC has no exception.

Method GET_DOC_VERSIONS Signature

# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Exporting ET_VERSIONS Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) TT_VERSION 20080730
2 Exporting EV_RC Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) I 20101229
3 Importing IS_BASEOBJ Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) DPR_TS_OBJ_EVENT Identification of Object 20080730
4 Importing IS_CONTEXT Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) /RPM/TS_OBJECT_HIER Portfolio Hierarchy 20081014
5 Importing IV_DOC_GUID Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) DPR_TV_OBJECT_GUID_CHAR GUID in 'CHAR' Format in Upper Case 20080730

Method GET_DOC_VERSIONS on class /RPM/CL_UI_DOC_LOGIC has no exception.

Method GET_EDIT_MODE Signature

# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Importing IV_BASEOBJ_GUID Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) DPR_TV_OBJECT_GUID_CHAR Unique Object Key 20080730
2 Returning RV_EDIT_MODE Value transfer Type reference (TYPE) I 20080730

Method GET_EDIT_MODE on class /RPM/CL_UI_DOC_LOGIC has no exception.

Method GET_EXTENSION Signature

# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Importing IV_FILEPATH Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) STRING 20080730
2 Returning RV_EXTENSION Value transfer Type reference (TYPE) STRING 20080730

Method GET_EXTENSION on class /RPM/CL_UI_DOC_LOGIC has no exception.

Method GET_FC Signature

# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Exporting ET_FC Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) DPR_TT_UI_ATTR_PROPERTY Attribute Property 20080730
2 Importing IV_BO_NODE_TYPE Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) STRING CL_DPR_API_CO=>SC_OT_DOCUMENT Object Category 20080730
3 Importing IV_DOC_GUID Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) DPR_TV_OBJECT_GUID_CHAR Unique Object Key 20080730
4 Importing IV_DOC_TYPE Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) STRING 20081030

Method GET_FC on class /RPM/CL_UI_DOC_LOGIC has no exception.

Method GET_FCB Signature

# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Exporting ET_FCB Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) DPR_TT_FC_UI General UI Description (Attributes) 20081121
2 Importing IV_BO_NODE_TYPE Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) STRING CL_DPR_API_CO=>SC_OT_DOCUMENT Object Category 20081121
3 Importing IV_DOC_GUID Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) DPR_TV_OBJECT_GUID_CHAR Unique Object Key 20081121
4 Importing IV_DOC_TYPE Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) STRING 20081121

Method GET_FCB on class /RPM/CL_UI_DOC_LOGIC has no exception.

Method GET_FCB_BASE Signature

# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Exporting ET_FCB Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) DPR_TT_FC_UI General UI Description (Attributes) 20080730
2 Importing IS_BASEOBJ Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) DPR_TS_OBJ_EVENT Identification of Object 20080730

Method GET_FCB_BASE on class /RPM/CL_UI_DOC_LOGIC has no exception.

Method GET_FCB_LIST Signature

# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Changing CT_FCB Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) DPR_TT_FC_UI General UI Description (Attributes) 20080730
2 Importing IV_DOC_GUID Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) DPR_TV_OBJECT_GUID_CHAR Unique Object Key 20080730
3 Importing IV_DOC_TYPE Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) STRING 20081030

Method GET_FCB_LIST on class /RPM/CL_UI_DOC_LOGIC has no exception.

Method GET_FCB_VERSION Signature

# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Exporting ET_FCB Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) DPR_TT_FC_UI Properties of Actions 20080730
2 Importing IV_BO_NODE_NAME Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) STRING CL_DPR_API_CO=>SC_OT_DOCUMENT_VERSION 20080730
3 Importing IV_DOC_TYPE Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) STRING 20081016
4 Importing IV_FILE_GUID Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) DPR_TV_BO_NODE_KEY Unique Object Key 20080730

Method GET_FCB_VERSION on class /RPM/CL_UI_DOC_LOGIC has no exception.

Method GET_FC_LIST Signature

# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Changing CT_FC Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) DPR_TT_UI_ATTR_PROPERTY Attribute Property 20080730
2 Importing IV_DOC_GUID Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) DPR_TV_OBJECT_GUID_CHAR Unique Object Key 20080730
3 Importing IV_DOC_TYPE Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) STRING 20081030

Method GET_FC_LIST on class /RPM/CL_UI_DOC_LOGIC has no exception.

Method GET_FC_VERSION Signature

# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Exporting ET_FC Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) DPR_TT_UI_ATTR_PROPERTY Attribute Property 20080730
2 Importing IV_DOC_TYPE Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) STRING 20081016
3 Importing IV_FILE_GUID Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) DPR_TV_BO_NODE_KEY Unique Object Key 20080730

Method GET_FC_VERSION on class /RPM/CL_UI_DOC_LOGIC has no exception.


# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Importing IV_FILEPATH Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) STRING 20080730
2 Returning RV_FILENAME Value transfer Type reference (TYPE) STRING 20080730

Method GET_FILENAME_FROM_PATH on class /RPM/CL_UI_DOC_LOGIC has no exception.


# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Importing IV_FILEPATH Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) STRING 20080730
2 Returning RV_NAME Value transfer Type reference (TYPE) STRING 20080730

Method GET_FILENAME_WITHOUT_EXT on class /RPM/CL_UI_DOC_LOGIC has no exception.

Method GET_FILE_CONTENT Signature

# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Changing CV_CONTENT Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) XSTRING 20080730
2 Importing IS_CONTEXT Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) /RPM/TS_OBJECT_HIER Portfolio Hierarchy 20081029
3 Importing IV_VERSION_ID Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) DPR_TV_BO_NODE_KEY GUID in 'CHAR' Format in Upper Case 20080730

Method GET_FILE_CONTENT on class /RPM/CL_UI_DOC_LOGIC has no exception.


# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Returning RV_ICON Value transfer Type reference (TYPE) STRING 20080730

Method GET_FOLDER_ICON_CLOSED on class /RPM/CL_UI_DOC_LOGIC has no exception.


# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Returning RV_ICON Value transfer Type reference (TYPE) STRING 20080730

Method GET_FOLDER_ICON_OPEN on class /RPM/CL_UI_DOC_LOGIC has no exception.


# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Returning RV_ICON Value transfer Type reference (TYPE) STRING 20080730

Method GET_FOLDER_LINKED_ICON_CLOSED on class /RPM/CL_UI_DOC_LOGIC has no exception.


# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Returning RV_ICON Value transfer Type reference (TYPE) STRING 20080730

Method GET_FOLDER_LINKED_ICON_OPEN on class /RPM/CL_UI_DOC_LOGIC has no exception.


# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Returning RV_URL Value transfer Type reference (TYPE) STRING 20080730

Method GET_HELP_LINK_FOR_DOCS on class /RPM/CL_UI_DOC_LOGIC has no exception.

Method GET_INSTANCE Signature

# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Importing IR_SDC Call by reference Object reference (TYPE REF TO) IWCI_IF_INM_SDC WebDynpro Interface INTERFACECONTROLLER 20090121
2 Returning RR_INSTANCE Value transfer Object reference (TYPE REF TO) /RPM/CL_UI_DOC_LOGIC Help Class for Document UI 20080730

Method GET_INSTANCE on class /RPM/CL_UI_DOC_LOGIC has no exception.

Method GET_PATH_AS_STRING Signature

# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Importing IR_CUR_ELEMENT Call by reference Object reference (TYPE REF TO) IF_WD_CONTEXT_ELEMENT Web Dynpro: Interface for a Node Element 20080730
2 Importing IR_TOP_NODE Call by reference Object reference (TYPE REF TO) IF_WD_CONTEXT_NODE Web Dynpro: Interface for Context Nodes 20080730
3 Returning RV_PATH Value transfer Type reference (TYPE) STRING 20080730

Method GET_PATH_AS_STRING on class /RPM/CL_UI_DOC_LOGIC has no exception.


# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Exporting EV_SHORTTEXT Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) STRING 20080730
2 Importing IS_BASEOBJ Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) DPR_TS_OBJ_EVENT Identification of Object 20080730

Method GET_SHORTTEXT_FOR_BASEOBJ on class /RPM/CL_UI_DOC_LOGIC has no exception.

Method GET_SINGLE_DOC Signature

# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Exporting ES_DOC Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) /RPM/TS_API_DOCUMENT API: Structure for Documents 20080730
2 Exporting ES_VER Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) /RPM/TS_API_DOC_VERSION API: Attributes of Linked Object 20080730
3 Importing IS_BASEOBJ Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) DPR_TS_OBJ_EVENT Identification of Object 20080730
4 Importing IV_DOC_GUID Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) DPR_TV_OBJECT_GUID_CHAR Unique Object Key 20080730
5 Importing IV_VER_GUID Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) DPR_TV_OBJECT_GUID_CHAR Unique Object Key 20080730

Method GET_SINGLE_DOC on class /RPM/CL_UI_DOC_LOGIC has no exception.

Method GET_SIZE_IN_KB_STR Signature

# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Importing IV_FILESIZE Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) INT4 Natural Number 20080730
2 Returning RV_SIZEINFO Value transfer Type reference (TYPE) STRING 20080730

Method GET_SIZE_IN_KB_STR on class /RPM/CL_UI_DOC_LOGIC has no exception.

Method GET_STATUS_FOR_DOC Signature

# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Exporting ET_STATUS Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) DPR_TT_API_NAME_VALUE_PAIR cProjects API: String Table 20080730
2 Importing IS_CONTEXT Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) /RPM/TS_OBJECT_HIER Portfolio Hierarchy 20081029
3 Importing IS_DOC Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) /RPM/TS_API_DOCUMENT API: Structure for Documents 20080730
4 Importing IV_BO_NODE_TYPE Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) STRING CL_DPR_API_CO=>SC_OT_DOCUMENT Business Object Node Type 20080730

Method GET_STATUS_FOR_DOC on class /RPM/CL_UI_DOC_LOGIC has no exception.

Method GET_TEMPL_AREA_GUID Signature

# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Importing IV_OBJECT_TYPE Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) CGPL_OBJECT_TYPE Object Type in Project Planning 20080929
2 Importing IV_PORTFOLIO_GUID Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) /RPM/TV_GUID Guid for application objects 20080929
3 Returning RV_DOC_T_AREA_GUID Value transfer Type reference (TYPE) /RPM/TV_GUID Guid for application objects 20080929

Method GET_TEMPL_AREA_GUID on class /RPM/CL_UI_DOC_LOGIC has no exception.


# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Exporting ES_NODE Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) DPR_TS_DOC_NODE Data for a Node in the Document Structure Tree 20080730
2 Importing IS_DOC_DATA Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) /RPM/TS_API_DOCUMENT API: Structure for Documents 20080730

Method GET_TREE_DOC_FROM_DATA on class /RPM/CL_UI_DOC_LOGIC has no exception.


# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Changing CT_DOCS_FOLDERS Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) /RPM/TT_API_DOCUMENT API: Attributes of Authorization Object 20080730
2 Exporting ES_NODE Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) DPR_TS_DOC_NODE Data for a Node in the Document Structure Tree 20080730
3 Exporting EV_HAS_ITEMS Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) WDY_BOOLEAN Replacement f. Genuine Boolean Type: 'X' == True '' == False 20080730
4 Importing IS_FOLDER_DATA Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) /RPM/TS_API_DOCUMENT API: Structure for Documents 20080730

Method GET_TREE_FOLDER_FROM_DATA on class /RPM/CL_UI_DOC_LOGIC has no exception.

Method GET_UI_DATA_FROM_FC Signature

# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Importing IS_BE_FC Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) IF_DPR_CORE_SERVICE_INBOUND=>TY_PROPERTIES 20080730
2 Returning RS_UI Value transfer Type reference (TYPE) DPR_TS_UI_ATTR_PROPERTY Attribute Properties 20080730

Method GET_UI_DATA_FROM_FC on class /RPM/CL_UI_DOC_LOGIC has no exception.

Method GET_UI_DATA_FROM_FCB Signature

# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Importing IS_BE_FC Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) IF_DPR_CORE_SERVICE_INBOUND=>TY_PROPERTIES 20080730
2 Returning RS_UI Value transfer Type reference (TYPE) DPR_TS_FC_UI General UI Description (Attributes) 20080730

Method GET_UI_DATA_FROM_FCB on class /RPM/CL_UI_DOC_LOGIC has no exception.


# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Importing IS_PARENT Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) /RPM/TS_API_DOCUMENT API: Structure for Documents 20080730
2 Importing IT_ALL_DOCS Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) /RPM/TT_API_DOCUMENT API: Attributes of Authorization Object 20080730
3 Importing IV_DOC_PATH Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) STRING 20080730
4 Importing IV_KEEP_EXT Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) ABAP_BOOL 20080730
5 Returning RV_NAME Value transfer Type reference (TYPE) STRING 20080730

Method GET_UNIQUE_DOCNAME on class /RPM/CL_UI_DOC_LOGIC has no exception.


# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Importing IS_PARENT Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) /RPM/TS_API_DOCUMENT API: Structure for Documents 20080730
2 Importing IT_ALL_DOCS Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) /RPM/TT_API_DOCUMENT API: Attributes of Authorization Object 20080730
3 Importing IV_DOC_PATH Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) STRING 20080730
4 Returning RV_NAME Value transfer Type reference (TYPE) STRING 20080730

Method GET_UNIQUE_DOCNAME_URL on class /RPM/CL_UI_DOC_LOGIC has no exception.


# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Importing IS_CONTEXT Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) /RPM/TS_OBJECT_HIER Portfolio Hierarchy 20100422
2 Importing IS_DOC Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) /RPM/TS_API_DOCUMENT API: Structure for Documents 20100422
3 Importing IV_BO_NODE_TYPE Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) STRING CL_DPR_API_CO=>SC_OT_DOCUMENT Business Node Object Type 20100422
4 Importing IV_DOC_KIND Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) CGPL_OBJECT_TYPE Object Category in Project Planning 20100422

Method MARK_CONTENT_AS_PRELIM on class /RPM/CL_UI_DOC_LOGIC has no exception.

Method MESSAGE_ADD Signature

# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Importing IM_MSGTY Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) SY-MSGTY Message Type 20090120
2 Importing IM_MSG_TXT Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) STRING 20090120

Method MESSAGE_ADD on class /RPM/CL_UI_DOC_LOGIC has no exception.

Method RECURSE_FOLDER Signature

# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Changing CR_BASE_OBJ_ELEM Call by reference Object reference (TYPE REF TO) IF_WD_CONTEXT_ELEMENT Web Dynpro: Interface for a Node Element 20080730
2 Changing CT_DOCS_FOLDERS Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) /RPM/TT_API_DOCUMENT API: Attributes of Authorization Object 20080730
3 Exporting ER_LAST_SEL_ELEM_OLD Call by reference Object reference (TYPE REF TO) IF_WD_CONTEXT_ELEMENT Web Dynpro: Interface for Node Element 20081204
4 Importing IR_FOLDER_CNODE Call by reference Object reference (TYPE REF TO) IF_WD_CONTEXT_NODE Web Dynpro: Interface for Context Nodes 20080730
5 Importing IS_BASE_OBJ Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) DPR_TS_OBJ_EVENT Identification of Object 20080730
6 Importing IV_OBJGUID Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) DPR_TS_DOC_NODE-OBJGUID 20081204
7 Importing IV_PARENT_ID Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) GUID_32 GUID in 'CHAR' Format in Upper Case 20080730
8 Importing IV_SUBNODE_NAME Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) STRING 20080730

Method RECURSE_FOLDER on class /RPM/CL_UI_DOC_LOGIC has no exception.


# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Importing IV_NEW_GUID Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) RPM_TV_OBJECT_GUID_CHAR Unique Object Key(CHAR32) 20081104
2 Importing IV_OLD_GUID Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) RPM_TV_OBJECT_GUID_CHAR Unique Object Key(CHAR32) 20081104

Method SET_ACTION_NOTIFIER on class /RPM/CL_UI_DOC_LOGIC has no exception.

Method SET_CONTEXT Signature

# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Importing IS_CONTEXT Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) /RPM/TS_OBJECT_HIER Portfolio Hierarchy 20080924

Method SET_CONTEXT on class /RPM/CL_UI_DOC_LOGIC has no exception.


# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Importing IV_DOC_ACF_TRANSFER_STATUS Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) BOOLE_D Data Element for Domain BOOLE: TRUE (='X') and FALSE (=' ') 20100421

Method SET_DOC_ACF_TRANSFER_STATUS on class /RPM/CL_UI_DOC_LOGIC has no exception.

Method SET_TEMPL_AREA_GUID Signature

# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Importing IV_DOC_T_AREA_GUID Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) /RPM/TV_GUID Guid for application objects 20081002

Method SET_TEMPL_AREA_GUID on class /RPM/CL_UI_DOC_LOGIC has no exception.

Method SPLIT_PATH Signature

# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Exporting EV_EXT Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) STRING 20080730
2 Exporting EV_FILENAME Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) STRING 20080730
3 Exporting EV_FILENAME_WITHOUT_EXT Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) STRING 20080730
4 Exporting EV_PATH Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) STRING 20080730
5 Importing IV_FILEPATH Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) STRING 20080730

Method SPLIT_PATH on class /RPM/CL_UI_DOC_LOGIC has no exception.


# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Importing IR_TARGET Call by reference Object reference (TYPE REF TO) IF_WD_CONTEXT_ELEMENT Web Dynpro: Interface for a Node Element 20080730
2 Importing IS_SOURCE Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) /RPM/TS_API_DOCUMENT API: Structure for Documents 20080730
3 Importing IV_OBJECT_TYPE Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) CGPL_OBJECT_TYPE CL_DPR_CO=>SC_OT_DOCUMENT Object Category in Project Planning 20080730
4 Returning RV_VALID Value transfer Type reference (TYPE) BOOLE_D 'X' = Valid 20080730

Method TARGET_IS_VALID_4_INSERT on class /RPM/CL_UI_DOC_LOGIC has no exception.

Method TEMPLATE_COPY Signature

# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Exporting ES_NEW_DOC_DATA Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) /RPM/TS_API_DOCUMENT API: Structure for Documents 20080730
2 Importing IR_SELECTED_ELEMENT Call by reference Object reference (TYPE REF TO) IF_WD_CONTEXT_ELEMENT Web Dynpro: Interface for a Node Element 20080730
3 Importing IS_CONTEXT Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) /RPM/TS_OBJECT_HIER Portfolio Hierarchy 20081106
4 Importing IS_TARGET Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) /RPM/TS_API_DOCUMENT Data for a Node in the Document Structure Tree 20080730
5 Importing IS_TEMPLATE Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) /RPM/TS_API_DOCUMENT Data for a Node in the Document Structure Tree 20080730

Method TEMPLATE_COPY on class /RPM/CL_UI_DOC_LOGIC has no exception.

Method TEMPLATE_LINK Signature

# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Exporting ES_NEW_DOC_DATA Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) /RPM/TS_API_DOCUMENT API: Structure for Documents 20080730
2 Importing IR_SELECTED_ELEMENT Call by reference Object reference (TYPE REF TO) IF_WD_CONTEXT_ELEMENT Web Dynpro: Interface for a Node Element 20080730
3 Importing IS_CONTEXT Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) /RPM/TS_OBJECT_HIER Portfolio Hierarchy 20081106
4 Importing IS_TARGET Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) /RPM/TS_API_DOCUMENT Data for a Node in the Document Structure Tree 20080730
5 Importing IS_TEMPLATE Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) /RPM/TS_API_DOCUMENT Data for a Node in the Document Structure Tree 20080730

Method TEMPLATE_LINK on class /RPM/CL_UI_DOC_LOGIC has no exception.

Method TOGGLE_OPEN_ICON Signature

# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Importing IR_STARTNODE Call by reference Object reference (TYPE REF TO) IF_WD_CONTEXT_NODE Web Dynpro: Interface for Context Nodes 20080730
2 Importing IV_ICON_ATTRIB Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) STRING 20080730
3 Importing IV_SUBFOLDERNODE_NAME Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) STRING 20080730

Method TOGGLE_OPEN_ICON on class /RPM/CL_UI_DOC_LOGIC has no exception.

Method UPDATE_DOC_FIELDS Signature

# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Exporting ES_CHANGED_DOC Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) /RPM/TS_API_DOCUMENT API: Structure for Documents 20080730
2 Exporting EV_REJECTED Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) ABAP_BOOL 20080730
3 Importing IS_CONTEXT Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) /RPM/TS_OBJECT_HIER Portfolio Hierarchy 20080926
4 Importing IS_NEW_VALUES Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) /RPM/TS_API_DOCUMENT API: Structure for Documents 20080730
5 Importing IS_OLD_VALUES Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) /RPM/TS_API_DOCUMENT API: Structure for Documents 20080730
6 Importing IV_BO_NODE_TYPE Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) STRING CL_DPR_API_CO=>SC_OT_DOCUMENT Business Object Node Type 20080730

Method UPDATE_DOC_FIELDS on class /RPM/CL_UI_DOC_LOGIC has no exception.

Method UPDATE_VER_FIELDS Signature

# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Exporting EV_REJECTED Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) ABAP_BOOL 20080730
2 Importing IS_DOC_DATA Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) /RPM/TS_API_DOCUMENT API: Structure for Documents 20081125
3 Importing IS_NEW_VALUES Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) /RPM/TS_API_DOC_VERSION API: Structure for Documents 20080730
4 Importing IS_OLD_VALUES Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) /RPM/TS_API_DOC_VERSION API: Structure for Documents 20080730
5 Importing IV_BO_NAME Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) STRING CL_DPR_API_CO=>SC_BO_CPRO_DOCUMENT BO Name: Document / Document Template 20080730

Method UPDATE_VER_FIELDS on class /RPM/CL_UI_DOC_LOGIC has no exception.


# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Importing IR_SDC Call by reference Object reference (TYPE REF TO) IWCI_IF_INM_SDC WebDynpro Interface INTERFACECONTROLLER 20090116
2 Importing IV_FOLDER_NAME Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) EDMS_DOC_NAME Folder Name 20090116
3 Returning RV_NAME_ACCEPTED Value transfer Type reference (TYPE) BOOLEAN Boolean Variable (X=True, -=False, Space=Unknown) 20090116

Method VALIDATE_FOLDER_NAME on class /RPM/CL_UI_DOC_LOGIC has no exception.

Method WEBDAV_GET_URL Signature

# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Importing IS_OBJ_INFO Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) DPR_TS_OBJ_EVENT Identification of Object 20080730
2 Importing IV_NAME Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) STRING 20080730
3 Returning RV_URL Value transfer Type reference (TYPE) STRING 20080730

Method WEBDAV_GET_URL on class /RPM/CL_UI_DOC_LOGIC has no exception.

Method WEBDAV_IS_ACTIVE Signature

# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Returning RV_ACTIVE Value transfer Type reference (TYPE) ABAP_BOOL 20080730

Method WEBDAV_IS_ACTIVE on class /RPM/CL_UI_DOC_LOGIC has no exception.

Method WFE_IS_ACTIVE Signature

# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Returning RV_ACTIVE Value transfer Type reference (TYPE) ABAP_BOOL 20080730

Method WFE_IS_ACTIVE on class /RPM/CL_UI_DOC_LOGIC has no exception.
Last changed by/on SAP  20141109 
SAP Release Created in 500_702