SAP ABAP Application Component BC-TWB-ORG (Test Organizer)
Basic Data
Application Component HLB0006338  
Application Component ID BC-TWB-ORG  
Short Description   Test Organizer  
First Release Date 19950407 
First Release   30A 
Contained Application Component
Application Component ID Short Description Application Component
BC-TWB-ORG-CTL Test Catalog (use component BC-TWB-ORG)  B200001364 
BC-TWB-ORG-INF Status Info System (use component BC-TWB-ORG)  B200001363 
BC-TWB-ORG-MTC Manual Test Case (use component BC-TWB-ORG)  B200001362 
BC-TWB-ORG-PLN Test Plan and Test Packages (use component BC-TWB-ORG)  B200001361 

Contained Package
Package Short Description
STPT R/3 test plan tool 
STWB Test Workbench 
S_ISSUE Issue Management 
S_TWB Test Workbench 
S_TWBM Test Workbench Manager 
S_TWB_GUI Test Workbench: Interface Design 
S_TWB_TZ Integration of TestZone in Test Organizer 
Software Component SAP_BASIS  SAP Basis Component 
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