SAP ABAP Application Component EP-PIN-PCD (PCD, Generic Layer Services)
Basic Data
Application Component B200001950  
Application Component ID EP-PIN-PCD  
Short Description   PCD, Generic Layer Services  
First Release Date 20040915 
First Release   700 
Contained Application Component
Application Component ID Short Description Application Component
EP-PIN-PCD Portal Content Directory  B200003168 
EP-PIN-PCD-EXP Page/Role/iView Export  B200003544 
EP-PIN-PCD-IMP Page/Role/iView Import  B200003545 
EP-PIN-PCD-ROL Roles and Worksets  B200003169 
EP-PIN-PCD-ROL-DWN Role Download from Portal to ERP  B200003079 
EP-PIN-PCD-ROL-RE Role Editing  B200003549 
EP-PIN-PCD-ROL-SRV Services  B200003550 
EP-PIN-PCD-ROL-UPL Role Upload from ERP to Portal  B200003080 
EP-PIN-PCD-TRA Translation Tool  B200002428 
Software Component SAP_BASIS  SAP Basis Component 
SAP Release Created in   700