SAP ABAP Table OSVERI_WP (Arbeits-Paket: Beispieltabelle für die Verw. von ABAP OS)
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Basic Data
Table Category TRANSP    Transparent table 
Transparent table OSVERI_WP   Table Relationship Diagram
Short Description Arbeits-Paket: Beispieltabelle für die Verw. von ABAP OS    
Delivery and Maintenance
Delivery Class A   Application Table (Master- and Transaction Data) 
Data Browser/Table View Maintenance X   Display/Maintenance Allowed 
Field Key Data Element Domain Data
Length Decimal
Short Description Check
1 MANDT S_MANDT MANDT CLNT 3   0   Client *
2 OS_GUID OS_GUID SYSUUID RAW 16   0   Globally Unique Identifier  
3 TASK_GUID OS_GUID SYSUUID RAW 16   0   Globally Unique Identifier  
4 TASK_CLASS OS_GUID SYSUUID RAW 16   0   Globally Unique Identifier  
5 W_TITLE S_PTITLE   CHAR 40   0   Basis Projekt-Titel  
6 W_EFFORT S_EFFORT   QUAN 10   3   Basis: Aufwand  
7 W_UNIT S_UNIT1   UNIT 3   0   Basis: Einheit  
Last changed by/on SAP  20110908 
SAP Release Created in