SAP ABAP Table Field HRT1855-TABSEQNR (Sequence Number in Table Part of Table Infotype)
GRCFND_A (Software Component) GRC Foundation ABAP
   GRC-RM (Application Component) GRC Risk Management
     GRRM_ORGUNIT_ATTRIBUTES (Package) Risk Management Specific Orgunit Attributes Model Package
Basic Data
Table HRT1855     Table Part Infotype 1855
Field TABSEQNR     Sequence Number in Table Part of Table Infotype
Position 3    
Field Attributes
Data Element HRTABSEQNR     Sequence Number in Table Part of Table Infotype
Check Table      
Nesting depth for includes 0    
Internal ABAP Type N     Character String with Digits Only
Internal Length in Bytes 12    
Reference table      
Name of Include      
Reference Field (CURR or QTY)      
Check module    
NOT NULL forced X     NOT NULL forced
Data Type in ABAP Dictionary NUMC     Character string with only digits
Length (No. of Characters) 6    
Number of Decimal Places 0    
Domain name NUM06     Numerical Field (6 Digits)
Origin of an input help (F4)       No input help exists
DD: Flag if it is a table       No / FALSE
DD: Depth for structured types 0    
DD: Component Type E     Data element
Type of Object Referenced       No Information
DD: Indicator for a Language Field       Not selected as language field
Position of the field in the table 0    
Last changed by/on SAP  20141106 
SAP Release Created in 300