SAP ABAP Message Class CRM_IC_WZ_CUST_ENH Message Number 033 (Line &1 contains errors: &2 may not have the same name as &3)
WEBCUIF (Software Component) SAP Web UI Framework
   CA-WUI-WKB (Application Component) Development Workbench
     CRM_BSP_WD_WB_WIZARD_UIS (Package) Wizard UIs
Message class CRM_IC_WZ_CUST_ENH  
Short Description Wizards for Customer Enhancements in IC WebClient    
Message Number 033  
Documentation status       Space: object requires documentation
Authorization check Error Message      
Changed On 20100303   
Message Text
Line &1 contains errors: &2 may not have the same name as &3
Last changed on/by 20100303  SAP 
SAP Release Created in   400