SAP ABAP Message Class USC (SEM-SRM Contact Management)
Basic Data
SEM-BW (Software Component) SEM-BW: Strategic Enterprise Management
   FIN-SEM-SRM (Application Component) Stakeholder Relationship Management
     USC (Package) SEM-SRM: Contact Management
Message class USC
Short Description SEM-SRM Contact Management  
Changed On 20041006 
Last Changed At 145637 
# Message Message Short Text Documentation status Authorization check
1 001 Contact was created on &2 at &3 by user &4 Space: object requires documentation
2 002 Error when processing detail in log file Space: object requires documentation
3 003 Internal error when generating a program object Space: object requires documentation
4 004 Contact does not exist Space: object requires documentation
5 005 Contact was changed on &1 at &2 by user &3 Space: object requires documentation
6 006 You can no longer change the contact '&2' but only display it Space: object requires documentation
7 007 The processor was changed to '&2' by the user '&1' Space: object requires documentation
8 008 Contact was saved Space: object requires documentation
9 010 The stakeholder '&1' does not exist Space: object requires documentation
10 011 The stakeholder '&1' can no longer be changed Space: object requires documentation
11 020 Contact '&1' is related to other contacts. It cannot be deleted Space: object requires documentation
12 030 Value &1 is invalid for &2 Space: object requires documentation
13 031 Field &1 does not have a value Space: object requires documentation
14 040 You are not authorized to create contacts Space: object requires documentation
15 041 You are not authorized to change contacts Space: object requires documentation
16 042 You are not authorized to display contacts Space: object requires documentation
17 043 You are not authorized to delete contacts Space: object requires documentation
18 044 You are not authorized to copy contacts Space: object requires documentation
19 045 You are not authorized to change contacts Space: object requires documentation
20 100 Action canceled Space: object requires documentation
21 101 Contact '&2' is locked by user '&1' Space: object requires documentation
22 500 Send process started on &1 at &2 by user &3 Space: object requires documentation
23 501 The communication type & is not (yet) supported Space: object requires documentation
24 502 The communication type was set incorrectly (only stakeholder-dependent) Space: object requires documentation
25 503 The old application log &1 was replaced Space: object requires documentation
26 504 Send process &3 completed on &1 at &2 Space: object requires documentation
27 505 Send process in &1 language completed Space: object requires documentation
28 506 Error / data inconsistency in program &1 Space: object requires documentation
29 507 Send type &1 has priority &2 Space: object requires documentation
30 508 You cannot send to recipient &2 (address incomplete) Space: object requires documentation
31 509 No usable recipient Space: object requires documentation
32 510 Internal error when creating a send request Space: object requires documentation
33 511 Communication type is missing or not suitable Space: object requires documentation
34 512 The recipient &1 does not exist Space: object requires documentation
35 513 The sender &2 cannot be used Space: object requires documentation
36 514 The sender &1 is missing or no longer available Space: object requires documentation
37 515 Error when saving the application log &1 Space: object requires documentation
38 516 For the send type &1, the short text is missing in &2 language Space: object requires documentation
39 517 Send process completed on &1 at &2 Space: object requires documentation
40 518 Process was canceled by user Space: object requires documentation
41 519 Internal error when creating a BCS send request Space: object requires documentation
42 520 Error when adding the recipient &2 Space: object requires documentation
43 521 Internal error when creating the recipient list for the send request Space: object requires documentation
44 522 Internal error when adding document to the send request Space: object requires documentation
45 523 Internal error when releasing the BCS send request & Space: object requires documentation
46 524 Send status "OK" confirmed by the communication service Space: object requires documentation
47 525 The communication service reports send status "Error" Space: object requires documentation
48 526 Mail inbox: Sender for send request not found Space: object requires documentation
49 527 Mail inbox: The address type of the sender is not supported Space: object requires documentation
50 528 Stakeholder identified: &2 (&1) Space: object requires documentation
51 529 Stakeholder identified (not unique): &2 (&1) Space: object requires documentation
52 530 Stakeholder assigned: &2 (&1) Space: object requires documentation
53 531 Unknown sender address &1 Space: object requires documentation
54 532 Stakeholder could not be created Space: object requires documentation
55 533 New business parter &1 created. Complete the data Space: object requires documentation
56 534 Inbound processing started on &1 at &2 by user &3 Space: object requires documentation
57 535 'Stakeholder' role added: &2 (&1) Space: object requires documentation
58 536 Internal error when creating an object link Space: object requires documentation
59 537 Error when accessing a BCS send request Space: object requires documentation
60 538 Internal error: Document could not be saved Space: object requires documentation
61 539 Document saved: &1 Space: object requires documentation
62 540 Inbound processing canceled due to errors Space: object requires documentation
63 541 Language attribute of the e-mail was set to '&2' Space: object requires documentation
64 542 An error occurred in form/method/function: &1 Space: object requires documentation
65 543 Contact for the inbound mail was successfully created Space: object requires documentation
66 544 Error when creating a new contact for the inbound mail Space: object requires documentation
67 545 Application log linked to contact Space: object requires documentation
68 546 Error when linking the new contact with its log Space: object requires documentation
69 547 No logs found Space: object requires documentation
70 548 Internal error when displaying the log Space: object requires documentation
71 549 Error when collecting the information on the contact Space: object requires documentation
72 550 Unknown error when loading the document & Space: object requires documentation
73 551 Control error, container does not exist Space: object requires documentation
74 552 Internal error, invalid document format Space: object requires documentation
75 553 Unsupported MIME type: & Space: object requires documentation
76 554 The main document is not suitable for form printing Space: object requires documentation
77 555 The document could not be loaded (unknown error) Space: object requires documentation
78 556 Unknown error when setting write protection Space: object requires documentation
79 557 Incorrect call: &1 Space: object requires documentation
80 558 Internal error, inadmissible value i_mode Space: object requires documentation
81 559 The document cannot be loaded Space: object requires documentation
82 560 Screen does not exist: &1 Space: object requires documentation
83 561 Container on screen not found: & Space: object requires documentation
84 562 Internal error when creating an object / interface instance Space: object requires documentation
85 563 Internal error: Document not found Space: object requires documentation
86 564 Internal error when reading the document content from the front end Space: object requires documentation
87 565 Incorrect function call: & Space: object requires documentation
88 566 Mail merge using MS Word is not possible with this document Space: object requires documentation
89 567 Internal error (form &) Space: object requires documentation
90 568 Mail merge completed Space: object requires documentation
91 569 Incorrect function call, inadmissible index Space: object requires documentation
92 570 Internal error: Application log not initialized Space: object requires documentation
93 571 Mail merge using MS Word started in &1 language Space: object requires documentation
94 572 Mailing address not maintained: &1 (&2) Space: object requires documentation
95 573 Personnel number of the recipient &1 (&2) not found Space: object requires documentation
96 574 Recipient &1 (&2) is of an unknown stakeholder type Space: object requires documentation
97 575 Printing completed Space: object requires documentation
98 576 The print operation was canceled Space: object requires documentation
99 577 Form cannot be used: &1 Space: object requires documentation
100 578 Mailing address incomplete: &1 (&2) Space: object requires documentation
101 579 There is no data for mail merge Space: object requires documentation
102 580 Field catalog for mail merge deleted or inactive Space: object requires documentation
103 581 Unknown placeholder in document template: &1 Space: object requires documentation
104 582 There is no template for the communication type &1 Space: object requires documentation
105 583 Errors occurred when sending. Examine the log Space: object requires documentation
106 584 Send process completed successfully (read long text message) Space: object requires documentation
107 585 Send was not complete (see log) Space: object requires documentation
108 586 New spool request &1 created with &2 forms Space: object requires documentation
109 587 Nothing was sent in the &1 language Space: object requires documentation
110 588 Contact locked by another process; Sending is currently not possible Space: object requires documentation
111 589 Internal error when updating the contact status Space: object requires documentation
112 590 Inadmissible L0I0 class: &1 Space: object requires documentation
113 591 No PHIO found for LOIO &1 Space: object requires documentation
114 592 The contact &2 was not sent completely, or not sent at all Space: object requires documentation
115 593 Contact was sent successfully Space: object requires documentation
116 594 User &1 is not authorized for sending Space: object requires documentation
117 595 Send preparation: collecting contact details and reading of Customizing Space: object requires documentation
118 596 User &1 is authorized for sending Space: object requires documentation
119 597 Starting to send in &1 language Space: object requires documentation
120 598 Mail merge with MS Word was started Space: object requires documentation
121 599 Finished reading communication types for contact category Space: object requires documentation
122 600 Program has entered an undefined state Space: object requires documentation
123 601 Report started on &1 at &2 by user &3 Space: object requires documentation
124 602 Document is of the wrong type, and will be ignored Space: object requires documentation
125 603 No new documents found: &1 Space: object requires documentation
126 604 New contact created: &2 Space: object requires documentation
127 605 Edit contact template: &2 Space: object requires documentation
128 606 New document found for sending: &2 Space: object requires documentation
129 607 No usable contact templates found Space: object requires documentation
130 608 Finished processing on &1 at &2 Space: object requires documentation
131 609 Recipient status and contact status updated and saved Space: object requires documentation
132 610 The send process is completed Space: object requires documentation
133 611 The send process was canceled on &1 at &2 Space: object requires documentation
134 612 No usable recipients found Space: object requires documentation
135 613 Contact information is incomplete or inconsistent Space: object requires documentation
136 614 External service provider not entered or cannot be used Space: object requires documentation
137 615 Error when creating a new contact Space: object requires documentation
138 616 Contact category &1 does not exist Space: object requires documentation
139 617 Contact cannot be sent Space: object requires documentation
140 618 Customizing of communication was corrected. Check again Space: object requires documentation
141 619 Customizing for forms was corrected. Check again Space: object requires documentation
142 620 Contact person is unknown; the contact was not assigned Space: object requires documentation
143 621 Data for the contact person are missing; contact is not assigned Space: object requires documentation
144 622 Contact was assigned to the user &1 / &2 Space: object requires documentation
145 623 Mail merge printout using MS Word is not possible as a background job Space: object requires documentation
146 624 Form printout is currently locked by another process Space: object requires documentation
147 625 Form output using Smartforms started Space: object requires documentation
148 626 Send processing using BCS started Space: object requires documentation
149 627 Mail merge with MS Word is completed Space: object requires documentation
150 628 Form output using Smartform is completed Space: object requires documentation
151 629 Send processing using BCS is completed Space: object requires documentation
152 630 Mail merge using MS Word was not successfull according to user entry Space: object requires documentation
153 631 Read address data of service provider for external sending Space: object requires documentation
154 632 Service provider &1 cannot be used Space: object requires documentation
155 633 Create recipient list for service provider Space: object requires documentation
156 634 Error when creating the recipient list Space: object requires documentation
157 635 Error when loading the document / text block Space: object requires documentation
158 636 The document / text block was not loaded (incorrect type) Space: object requires documentation
159 637 The document / text block was not found Space: object requires documentation
Last changed on/by 20041006  SAP 
SAP Release Created in   3.1A