SAP ABAP Message Class RSDD_LTIP_APD (AnalyticIndexes as APD Target)
Basic Data
SAP_BW (Software Component) SAP Business Warehouse
   BW-BEX-OT (Application Component) OLAP Technology
     RSDD_LTIP_APD (Package) Services for the APD to access logical indexes
Message class RSDD_LTIP_APD
Short Description AnalyticIndexes as APD Target  
Changed On 20140121 
Last Changed At 101750 
# Message Message Short Text Documentation status Authorization check
1 000 Error while indexing BW Olap index &1 in task &2 The short text describes the object sufficiently
2 001 &1 The short text describes the object sufficiently
3 002 Indexing of index &1 will be paused The short text describes the object sufficiently
4 003 Error in TREX. Return value: &1 The short text describes the object sufficiently
5 004 Error in TREX. Return text: &1 The short text describes the object sufficiently
6 005 Error while reading from the EXCEL RFC server. Destination = &1 The short text describes the object sufficiently
7 006 Untreatable exception on the RFC server The short text describes the object sufficiently
8 007 &1 &2 &3 &4 The short text describes the object sufficiently
9 010 Write process started for index &1 in target &2 with &3 rows The short text describes the object sufficiently
10 011 Write process for index &1 in target &2 complete The short text describes the object sufficiently
11 012 Signal received to end task. Index = &1, Row = &2 The short text describes the object sufficiently
12 102 Task &1 completed The short text describes the object sufficiently
13 103 Task &1 terminated with a communication error => ST22 The short text describes the object sufficiently
14 104 Task &1 terminated with a system error => ST22 The short text describes the object sufficiently
15 108 Error in TREX: Error code = &1 error text = &2 The short text describes the object sufficiently
16 109 Communication error while waiting for end of tasks The short text describes the object sufficiently
17 110 System error while waiting for end of tasks The short text describes the object sufficiently
18 111 Resources error while waiting for end of tasks The short text describes the object sufficiently
19 301 Error performing rollback to index &1 The short text describes the object sufficiently
20 403 Lock set for analytic index '&1' (destination '&2') The short text describes the object sufficiently
21 404 Could not write data to analytic index &1 destination &2 The short text describes the object sufficiently
22 405 Load process starting for facts The short text describes the object sufficiently
23 406 Load process starting for authorization data The short text describes the object sufficiently
24 407 Load process starting for data for dimension '&1' The short text describes the object sufficiently
25 408 Written data committed The short text describes the object sufficiently
26 409 Data rolled back The short text describes the object sufficiently
27 410 Error while writing data to the analytic index The short text describes the object sufficiently
28 411 Analytic index &1 (destination &2) opened for data deletion The short text describes the object sufficiently
29 412 Data deleted The short text describes the object sufficiently
30 413 Could not delete the data The short text describes the object sufficiently
31 430 Auth. &2 will be loaded for dimension &1 for user &3 (IOBJNM: &4 ) The short text describes the object sufficiently
32 431 &2 authorization data records will be loaded for user &1 The short text describes the object sufficiently
33 500 Fact writing process created for analytic index &2 with batch ID &1 The short text describes the object sufficiently
34 501 Authorization: Writing process created for analytic index &2 batch ID &1 The short text describes the object sufficiently
35 502 Attr. wrtng process created for analyt. index &2 batch ID &1 for attr. &3 The short text describes the object sufficiently
36 504 Start of put in batch ID &1 The short text describes the object sufficiently
37 505 Collecting characteristic values... The short text describes the object sufficiently
38 506 Write call for index &1 The short text describes the object sufficiently
39 507 Data compressed The short text describes the object sufficiently
40 508 Data from index &1 sent to Batch Manager. Batch CNT = &2 The short text describes the object sufficiently
41 509 End of mass call for characteristic values The short text describes the object sufficiently
42 510 End of put in batch ID &1 The short text describes the object sufficiently
43 511 End of close with batch ID &1 The short text describes the object sufficiently
44 512 End of the close call in batch ID &1 The short text describes the object sufficiently
45 513 Wait for the end of the batches with ID &1 The short text describes the object sufficiently
46 514 Data exported for index &1 The short text describes the object sufficiently
47 515 All split-off batches under ID &1 are complete The short text describes the object sufficiently
48 516 Start index optimization The short text describes the object sufficiently
49 517 Index &1 prepared for optimization The short text describes the object sufficiently
50 518 Index &1 optimized The short text describes the object sufficiently
51 519 All indexes optimized The short text describes the object sufficiently
52 520 Metadata (ABAP) exported The short text describes the object sufficiently
53 524 All split-off dialog processes are complete The short text describes the object sufficiently
54 525 Start writing asynchronous facts to analytic index &1 The short text describes the object sufficiently
55 527 Error while splitting off a batch job The short text describes the object sufficiently
56 555 Error in separated batch job "&1" The short text describes the object sufficiently
57 557 Task &1 called back The short text describes the object sufficiently
58 558 Receive in callback returns subrc = &1 The short text describes the object sufficiently
59 567 Exception in &1 &2 row &3 The short text describes the object sufficiently
60 601 Task &1 completed The short text describes the object sufficiently
61 605 InfoObject &1 is not used in the analytic index The short text describes the object sufficiently
62 606 Dimension &1 does not exist The short text describes the object sufficiently
63 607 Attributes and InfoObject Name are empty The short text describes the object sufficiently
64 608 Dimension &1 is not relevant for authorizations The short text describes the object sufficiently
65 609 Key figure authorization for &1 is invalid The short text describes the object sufficiently
66 610 Authorizations for dimension &1 not allowed Space: object requires documentation
67 611 Data record &1 is ignored for the following reason: The short text describes the object sufficiently
68 617 Batch manager called The short text describes the object sufficiently
69 658 Error in a batch job The short text describes the object sufficiently
70 667 Compress &1 rows The short text describes the object sufficiently
Last changed on/by 20140121  SAP 
SAP Release Created in   720